Abstract: The emergence of quantum technology hinges on the ability to control and precisely measure quantum systems. Entanglement, a fundamental quantum resource, plays a central role in quantum information science and technology. In this talk, I will present our recent experiment advancements in distributed quantum and room temperature quantum optomechanics. I will first describe entangled sensor network for radio-frequency (RF) sensing and force sensing beyond the standard quantum limit and its application for data classification. I will then introduce room temperature quantum optomechanics and our recent observation of sideband asymmetry.
Biography: Yi Xia is a postdoctoral research scientist in Tobias Kippenberg’s group at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. He obtained Ph.D. in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona and B.S. in Applied Physics from Xi’an Jiaotong University. His research work focuses on quantum optics, quantum measurement and control, quantum metrology and quantum optomechanics. His works have been published in Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters and Physical Review X (Featured in Physics). Physical Review A (editor suggestions), Communication Physics. He is a member of APS and Optica.