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Recent Progress and Implications on the Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering


讲座论坛 期数 天文系学术报告
主题 演讲者 李玉峰 副研究员
时间 2022年4月28日 (周四) 14:30 机构 中科院高能物理研究所
地点 物理楼552

天文系报告: 4.28周四下午2:30 物理楼552 中科院高能物理研究所 李玉峰副研究员

Title: Recent Progress and Implications on the Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering

Speaker: Prof. Yufeng Li (online)

Institute: Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

Time: 14:30-16:30, Thursday, April, 28

Location: Physics Building 552

Tencent ID: 870-3829-2588


Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) has the largest predicted cross-section of all low-energy neutrino interactions. However, the only experimental signature of CEνNS is a low-energy nuclear recoil which made its detection challenging. In this talk, after a brief introduction on the observation of CEνNS at Spallation Neutron Source with CsI and Argon detectors by the COHERENT experiment, and the recent suggestive evidence of CEνNS from reactor neutrinos, I will mainly discuss the implication of the CEνNS detection as a novel tool to study important properties of the nuclear structure, neutrino interactions, and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The prospect of solar neutrino CEνNS detection in future dark matter direct detection experiments will also be presented.


李玉峰,中国科学院高能物理研究所特聘青年研究员,中国科学院粒子物理卓越创新中心青年拔尖人才。2004年毕业于中国科学技术大学近代物理系,2010年获中国科学技术大学与意大利都灵大学联合培养博士学位。主要研究方向为中微子物理的理论和唯象研究。在中微子物理和天文学的唯象研究方面已发表论文50余篇,被引用2000余次,其中引用率超过100次的文章6篇。以共同通讯作者发表江门中微子实验物理黄皮书《Neutrino Physics with JUNO》和特邀综述文章《Light sterile neutrinos》。