题目: Computation with Tensor Networks
主讲人: 张潘研究员,中科院理论物理研究所
时间地点: 2022年4月26日(周二)上午10:00,物理楼307(线上)
Abstract:In statistical mechanics, the partition function at a finite temperature can be estimated by contracting a tensor network that is mapped from the physics problem. When equipped with the “Tropical” algebra, the tensor network contraction can compute the energy and entropy directly at zero temperature. When the interactions in the model are complex rather than real, computing the partition function acts as estimating the amplitudes of the final state of a quantum circuit.
In this talk, Pan Zhang will present methods and algorithms for solving statistical mechanics problems, combinatorial optimization problems, and quantum circuit simulations, in an integrated framework of tensor networks, focusing on a particular application in simulating Google’s Sycamore quantum circuits.