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Observational constraints on the evolution of dwarf galaxies in the local Universe - some recent progress


讲座论坛 期数 天文系学术报告
主题 演讲者 张红欣 教授
时间 2022年5月26日 (周四) 14:30 机构 中国科学技术大学
地点 物理楼552


题 目: Observational constraints on the evolution of dwarf galaxies in the local Universe - some recent progress

报告人: 张红欣 教授 (线上)

单 位: 中国科学技术大学

时 间: 2022. 5. 26 周四 14:30-16:30

地 点: 物理楼 552 报告厅

腾讯会议号: 870-3829-2588


Galaxies at the low-mass end of the hierarchical assembly process hold essential clues to structure formation and evolution in the Lambda CDM framework. Our current understanding of the evolution of dwarf galaxies, either the diffuse ones or compact ones, is far from complete. Among the most outstanding questions are the consequence of mergers on the evolution of dwarf galaxies, the triggering mechanisms of starburst dwarf galaxies, and the nature of compact dwarfs, etc. I will present some recent progress of my group in the observational studies of dwarf galaxies in the local Universe. Particularly, my talk will touch on stellar populations, kinematics and structural evolution of blue compact dwarfs, dwarf mergers and dwarfish compact stellar systems.

