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Opportunities with FAST


讲座论坛 期数 天文系学术报告
主题 演讲者 李菂 研究员
时间 2022年5月19日 (周四) 14:30 机构 中国科学院国家天文台
地点 物理楼552

题 目:Opportunities with FAST

报告人:李菂 研究员/杰青

单 位:中国科学院国家天文台

时 间: 5.19 周四14:30-16:30

地 点:物理楼 552 报告厅


摘 要:The history of modern astronomy is littered with game-changing discoveries and unsolved mysteries. At the forefront of discoveries and mysteries are capable engineers in its purest sense. Their drive, audacity, and general cognizance of frontiers in human knowledge help shape many subfields of astronomy including radio astronomy, high energy astronomy, time-domain astronomy, astrobiology, interstellar medium, pulsar, fast radio bursts, etc. FAST, with its key innovations such as the high cadence CAL, presents abundant opportunities for discoveries and trailblazing analysis. I will introduce recent progresses facilitated by FAST data, in the context of radio astronomy in the next decade. A few examples 1)current status of the Commensal Radio Astronomy FasT Survey (CRAFTS) , the world's first commensal survey of HI imaging, pulsar, galaxies, and FRBs, 2)the discovery of a characteristic energy of FRB 3) a unified description of FRB polarization, leading to an evolutionary picture of repeating FRBs 4)the first detection of Zeeman effect with Hi-Narrow-Self-Absorption (HINSA), etc.

个人简介:李菂,观测天文学家,FAST首席科学家。提出了利用傅立叶变换求解尘埃温度分布的新算法,发现星际氧气分子及多种空间新分子,命名了氢气窄线自吸收(HINSA)的观测分析方法,首次测量HINSA的塞曼效应,以《自然》封面文章形式发表。领导发现FAST首个新脉冲星、首个新快速射电暴 、获取最大快速射电暴事件集合入选中国科学十大进展。领导或参与多项国际大型射电新设备的研发,(曾)任澳大利亚国家望远镜指导委员会国际委员,平方公里阵(SKA)生命摇篮科学工作组组长,突破基金会聆听计划(Breakthrough Listen)咨询委员等等。