Basic Information

YEO, Sok Yee

 Distinguished Research Fellow

  Ph.D. (Architecture) 

M.A. (Conservation studies)

B.S. with merits (Biology)

(ORCID: 0000-0003-1923-1602)


Research interests

  • Structural mechanism of traditional timber structures

  • Ecological-based cultural heritage conservation

  • Heritage conservation science

  • Traditional and vernacular architecture




Mailing address:

Department of Architecture 

Xi’an Jiaotong University
Institute of Human Settlement & Civil Engineering
China Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbour campus
Xi’an city, Shaanxi province, 712000, China

Education background & Working experiences

Education background

Sep 2009 - May 2016      PhD in Architecture, Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China

Nov 2012 - Mar 2013      Overseas research student, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere

& Jun 2012                      (RISH), Kyoto University, Japan

Oct 2005 - Sep 2006        MA in Conservation Studies (Historic Buildings), University of York, UK

Jul 1998 - Jun 2002          BSc (Biology) with Merits, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Working experiences 


Sep 2023 – to-date         Visiting/Adjunct Professor (in teaching & research; Part-time), Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Jan 2019 – to-date          Distinguished Research Fellow (Full-time), Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Jun 2016 – Dec 2018      Post-doctoral Research Fellow (Full-time), Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China

Sep 2009 – May 2016      Research Assistant (Part-time), Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, China

Nov 2007 – Aug 2009      Historic Building Researcher (Full-time), Hsin-Yi Chung Architecture Company,

Nov 2007 – Aug 2009      Taiwan, China

Sep 2007 – Oct 2007        Archival Consultant (Project-based), Shuang Lin Monastery, Singapore

Jan 2007 – Aug 2007       Intern (Temp.), Preservation of Monuments Board, Singapore

May 2002 – Aug 2005      Project Officer (Full-time), Shuang Lin Monastery, Singapore

Nov 2000 – Apr 2002       Assistant Project Coordinator (Temp.), Shuang Lin Monastery, Singapore

Academic positions, awards, Invited speaker etc.

Academic related positions


Reviewer for International & Domestic Journals:

Journal of Wood Science (SCIE), International Journal of Architectural Heritage (SCIE), Indoor and Built Environment (SCIE), Structures (SCIE), Advances in Structural Engineering (SCIE), Advances in Civil Engineering (SCIE), Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (SCIE), Earthquake and Structures, An International Journal (SCIE), Engineering Structures (SCIE), Built Heritage (CSCD)


Reviewer / Judge for Heritage Nominations & Related Competitions etc


Awards/Grants etc.

  • 2024: Recipient for National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) "Research Fund for International Excellent Young Scientists", China
  • 2024: Recipient for "Outstanding Paper Award" for "The 1st International Conference of Resilient Conservation and Sustainable Development of Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape", China
  • 2023: Recipient for "Outstanding Supervisor Award" for "The 3rd University Student Historic Building Investigation and Research Competition", China
  • 2022: Recipient for Ministry of Science and Technology Expert Grant Support, China
  • 2019: Recipient for Shaanxi Province Foreign Talent Support Plan, China
  • 2019: Recipient for Xi'an Jiaotong University Young Talent Support Plan, China
  • 2017: Recipient for "Excellent Paper Award for Young Scholars" at EAAC2017, China
  • 2013-2014: Recipient for ‘NCKU Department of Architecture Graduate Student Scholarship’, Taiwan, China
  • 2012: Recipient for ‘Tan Ean Kiam Postgraduate Scholarship in Humanities’, Singapore
  • 2012-2013: Recipient for ‘NCKU Transnational Study and Research Scholarship Grant’, Taiwan, China
  • 2012: Recipient for ‘RISH-Kyoto University Short Term Study Grant’, Japan
  • 2011: Recipient for ‘NCKU Department of Architecture PhD Student Scholarship’, Taiwan, China
  • 2009-2012: Recipient for ‘NCKU Distinguished International Student Scholarship’, Taiwan, China


Invited Speaker / Discussant etc.

  • 2024.12.05: “The Potential of Soft Capping for the Conservation of Grotto Sites in Southwest China”, 2024 International Symposium on Dazu Studies; Chongqing, China.【Invited lecture】
  • 2024.11.29: “Preliminary Study on the Microclimate Monitoring and Conservation of Ancient Buildings in China  and Italy”, The Fourth Technical Symposium on Environmental Monitoring and Regulation for Heritage Conservation; Beijing, China.【Invited lecture】
  • 2024.08.18: “Introductory lecture on Qinling Mountains and its cultural and natural heritage”, Qinling Summer Nature Education Camp Series; Foping, Shaanxi, China. 【Public Outreach Education - Elementary and High School students】
  • 2024.08.09: “Modern Planning in Singapore”, Xi'an Jiao Tong International Summer Session (XJTISS) Series - Sustainable Urban Development Technology and Strategy; Xi'an, China.【Invited lecture】
  • 2024.08.07: “Urban Planning in Ancient China”, XJTISS Series - Sustainable Urban Development Technology and Strategy; Xi'an, China.【Invited lecture】
  • 2023.12.13: “Double Degree Mutliple Opportunities - A Smart Investment to Boost Your International Career”, AUIC School Archilectures TED@polimi Seminar Series; POLIMI, Milan, Italy. 【Invited talk】
  • 2023.08.25: “Qinling Mountains and its cultural natural heritage”, Qinling Summer Nature Education Camp Series; Foping, Shaanxi, China. 【Public Outreach Education - Adults】
  • 2023.05.18: “International Symposium on Rural Revitalization and Cultural Heritage Conservation and Adaptive Reuse”; Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. 【Discussant】
  • 2022.09.23: “A preliminary study on the structural form and force characteristics of the Tang Dynasty Tai-Liang timber frame system”, 2022 Forum on Architecture and Cultural Heritage for Chinese Scholars and Memorial Forum for Professor Hsu Min-Fu of the Taiwan Architectural History Society; Lianjiang, Taiwan, China. 【Academic lecture】
  • 2022.08.17: “The damage mechanisms and conservation strategies of southern Han Chinese traditional timber buildings”, The Third Technical Symposium on Environmental Monitoring and Regulation for Heritage Conservation; Taiyuan, China. 【Academic lecture】
  • 2016.10.17: “Structural behaviour of Taiwan traditional Dieh-Dou timber frame”, Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, China. 【Academic lecture】

Scientific Research

Academic theses

  1. Yeo Sok Yee, 2016.  "Structural Performance of Taiwan Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Frame". Ph.D. thesis. China, Taiwan, Tainan: Cheng Kung University. [In English].

  2. Yeo Sok Yee, 2006. "Cross cultural assessment of ecological value on historic buildings and monuments: UK & Singapore". Master's thesis. United Kingdom, York: University of York.

Book chapters

  1. Sok Yee Yeo, Yijie Gao, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu (2020). Preliminary structural analysis study on the Chinese complex bracket systems. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment -Volume 198, ed. Syngellakis, S. & Schleyer, G. 111-121. Southampton: WIT Press. Print ISBN: 978-1-78466-399-5. DOI:
  2. Yeo Sok Yee, Tan Kar Lin, Wong Chung Wan, Yeo Kang Shua, Ho Weng Hin (2019). Timber structures. In: Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) eds. URA-ICOMOS Conservation Technical Handbook series: Volume 4 – Structure [online]. 1st ed. Singapore: URA. pp. 39-53. [Viewed 1 September 2019]. Available from:
  3. S. Y. Yeo, M. F. Hsu, K. Komatsu, W. S. Chang (2013). Dynamic characteristics of Taiwan traditional Dieh-Dou timber structures. Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XIII, ed. Brebbia, C.A., 481-490. Southampton: WIT Press. Print ISBN: 978-1-84564-730-8. DOI:

Edited/Translated works

  1. UNSECO WHITRAP-Suzhou Readers Technology for Conservation of Cultural Heritage - Volume 1: Lime for Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 2021.07, Tongji University Press, ISBN: 9787560885728 (Edit & Translate; Bilingual)

  2.  New Building of Yuanlin Christian Hospital, 2017.04, TCT Architects & Associates, ISBN: 9789579978828 (Joint Translate; Bilingual)

Journal articles 

  1. Yupeng Li, Sokyee Yeo, Weihan Zou, Shibing Dai (2024) Assessing the Fire Properties of Various Surface Treatments on Timber Components in Ancient Chinese Buildings: A Case Study from the Xianqing Temple in Changzhi, Shanxi, China, Coatings, 14(10), 1326. DOI: 10.3390/coatings14101326. (SCIE; JCR IF: 2.9

  2. Yupeng Li, Sokyee Yeo, Shibing Dai (2024A Comparative Study of the Fire Properties of Chinese Traditional TImber Structural Components under Different Surface Treatments, Buildings, 14(8), 2439. DOI: 10.3390/buildings14082439 (SCIE; JCR IF: 3.1)

  3. Xinyu Jiang, Sok Yee Yeo (2024; In press) Natural Capping Enhancing the Resilience of Earthen Heritage Under Rainfall Impacts, International Journal of Architectural Heritage. DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2024.2375032 (SCIE; JCR IF: 2.3)

  4. Shen Jiasheng, Yeo Sok Yee, Liu Panpan (2024; In press) A Study on the Development and Evolutionary change of Cha-Shou joint of Northern China Timber Buildings before the Northern Song Dynasty, Urbanism and Architecture. (in Chinese)

  5. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2024) Non-Destructive Prediction of the Mixed Mineral Pigment Content of Ancient Chinese Wall Paintings Based on Multiple Spectroscopic Techniques, Applied Spectroscopy, 78(7):702-713. DOI: 10.1177/00037028241248199 (SCIE; JCR IF: 2.2)

  6. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2024) New methods for the identification of malachite pigments with varying particle sizes used in ancient Chinese murals by spectroscopic techniques, Dyes and Pigments, 226(2024): 112111. DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2024.112111 (SCIE; JCR IF: 4.1)

  7. FANG Xuan, ZHANG Jingpeng, LI Jiaxin, XIONG Yixin, YANG Shuyan, MA Xingxia (2024.03), The Decay resistance and preservative treatability of three hardwoods commonly used in ancient buildings, Chinese Journal of Wood Science and Technology, 38(2): 29-35. DOI: 10.12326/j.2096-9694.2023145 (CSSCI; In Chinese)

  8. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2024Unveiling the microstructure, materials, and painting period of ancient wall paintings at Shanxi Xianqing Temple, China, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 16: article number 22. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-023-01924-z (SCIE; JCR IF: 2.1)

  9. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2024Characterization of the Influence of the Particle Size of Pigments on Proteinaceous Binders Used in Ancient Wall Paintings Following Photo and Thermal Ageing, Analytical Letters, 57(7): 1078-1091. DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2023.2240454 (SCIE; JCR IF: 1.6)

  10. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2024Characterization of Freeze-Thaw Treatments Upon Binders in Ancient Chinese Wall Paintings by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Attenuated Total Reflection – Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopy, Analytical Letters, 57(2): 190-201. DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2023.2201707 (SCIE; JCR IF: 1.6)

  11. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2023.02Multi-Analytical Characterization of Stone Relics from Meili Section of the Ancient Tea Horse Road in Yunnan, China, Analytical Letters, 56(16): 2692-2707. DOI: 10.1080/00032719.2023.2181969 (SCIE; JCR IF: 1.6)

  12. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2022.10Characterization of Animal Protein-Based Binders in Ancient Chinese Wall Paintings Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy, 76(10):1191-1205. DOI: (SCIE; JCR IF: 2.2)

  13. Yeo Sok Yee, Tsai Yu-Hua, Hsu Min-Fu (2022.02) Overcoming rigidity by flexibility: The mechanical relationship and traditional construction ideology of the Die-Dou style timber frame in Southern Fujian, Special issue on "Structural thinking that integrates arts and technologies", Architectural Journal, (04):44-50. DOI: 10.19819/j.cnki.ISSN0529-1399.202204007 (CSSCI; in Chinese)

  14. Weihan Zou, Sokyee Yeo (2022.02) Investigation on the painting materials and profile structures used in ancient Chinese folk architectural paintings by multiple analytical methods, Special issue on “Coatings for Cultural Heritage: Cleaning, Protection and Restoration”, Coatings, 12(3), 320. DOI: (SCIE; JCR IF: 2.9)

  15. Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Chih Huang, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu (2021.02) Seismic behaviour of Taiwanese complex brackets subject to out-of plane loading, Proceedings of the Instituition of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage, 174(1): 15-31. DOI: (ESCI; EI)      

  16. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2021.04Thermal evaluation of sloping roofs on indoor environment of traditional rural houses in cold areas, IOP Conf. series: Earth and Environmental Science, 768(2021): 012080. DOI: (EI)

  17. Sok Yee Yeo, Min-Fu Hsu, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang (2018.03) Structural behaviour of traditional Dieh-Dou timber main frame. Special issue on “Existing Timber Structures”, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 12 (4):555–577. DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2018.1442518 (SCIE; JCR IF: 2.3

  18. 郭禎涵,鍾育霖,楊淑燕葉玉祥,徐明福 (2018.03) 傳統疊斗式木構造接頭抗彎行為研究,文化遺產保存學刊,43期,19-34頁,文化部文化資產局,台中。Link

  19. Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Lin Chung, Min-Fu Hsu (2017.03). Structural behaviour of Taiwan traditional Dieh-Dou timber beam-column connection. Journal of Cultural Heritage Conservation, 39: 7-21. 【Link

  20. Sok Yee Yeo, Kohei Komatsu, Min-Fu Hsu, Zeli Que (2016.01). Mechanical model for complex brackets system of the Taiwan traditional Dieh-Dou timber structures. Advances in Structural Engineering, 19(1):65-85. DOI: 10.1177/1369433215618269SCIE; JCR IF: 2.6

  21. Sok Yee Yeo, Min-Fu Hsu, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang (2016.06). Shaking table test of the Taiwan Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Frame, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 10(5): 539–557. DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2015.1009574SCIE;; JCR IF: 2.3

  22. S.Y. Yeo, M.F. Hsu, W.S. Chang, J.L. Chen (2011.10). Life Cycle Assessment of Timber Components in Taiwan Traditional Temples. Procedia Engineering, 14: 2683-2691. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.07.337

Conference articles

  1. Xinyu Jiang, Sok Yee Yeo (2024) A preliminary study on the protective role of natural capping on the Ming Great Wall in northern China. The 1st International Conference of Resilient Conservation and Sustainable Development of Historic and Cultural Urban LandscapeOral session: Resilient Conservation and Development of Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape under Climate Change. Zhengzhou, China, 14-16 Jun 2024. (in Chinese)

  2. S. Y. Yeo, S. Dai, Y. Li (2023) The structural mechanism of Southern Chinese Traditional Timber Buildings and its current conservation challenges. ICOMOS 25th IIWC SymposiumOral session: “Wood is a vulnerable material, what does it mean to maintain, change and yet to preserve the authenticity?”. Sydney, Australia, 31 Aug-1 Sep 2023. 

  3. Xinyu Jiang, Sok Yee Yeo (2023) Resilience of ancient Chinese earthen sites using natural-capping approach. ICOMOS 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GA2023)Oral session: Buildings, Sites and Climate Challenges. Sydney, Australia, 31 Aug-8 Sep 2023. 

  4. Weihan Zou, Sok Yee Yeo (2021) Thermal evalaution of sloping roofs on indoor environment of traditional rural houses in cold areas. The 6th International Conference on Mineral Source, Geotechnology and Civil Engineering. Guangzhou, China, 9-11 April 2021.

  5. Sok Yee Yeo, Yijie Gao, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu (2020). Preliminary structural analysis study on the Chinese complex bracket systems. The 16th International Conference on Structures Under Shock and Impact (SUSI 2020). Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 June 2020. (Changed to online presentation).

  6. Sok-Yee Yeo, Hsuan-I Hung, Yu-Lin Chung, Min-Fu Hsu (2019). A preliminary numerical analysis study on the oriental historic timber-frame buildings. The 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics (CompWood 2019). Växjö, Sweden, 17-19 June 2019. 

  7. Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Chih Huang, Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu (2018). Out-of-plane Behaviour of the Taiwanese Traditional Complex Bracket Systems. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Oral session: TRD-02-02, Seoul, Korea, 20-23 August 2018.

  8. Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Chih Huang, Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu (2018). Seismic behaviour of the traditional Dieh-Dou type Timber roof frame when subjected to in-plane shaking. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Oral session: TRD-02-01, Seoul, Korea, 20-23 August 2018.

  9. Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Lin Chung, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Min-Fu Hsu, Akihisa Kitamori, Takuro Mori, Hiroshi Isoda (2017). Shear Resistance Performance of Traditional Timber Beam-Column Connections Reinforced by Self-tapping Screws. International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture (EAAC). Tianjin, China, 13-17 October 2017. 

  10. Yu-Lin Chung, Sok Yee Yeo, Yu-Hsiang Yeh, Wen-Shao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu (2017). Flexible performance of traditional timber joints with various joint. Timber Structures 2017: the 1st International Conference on Timber Structures and Engineering. New Forest, UK, 13-15 June 2017.

  11. Yeo, S.-Y., Kitamori, A., Aoyama, T., Chung, Y.-L., Mori, T., Hsu, M.-F., Komatsu, K., Isoda, H. (2016) Lateral shear performance of traditional Taiwan timber column with half and full-penetrating beams. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Vienna, Austria, 22-25 August 2016.

  12. Kitamori, A., Yeo, S.-Y., Aoyama, T., Chung, Y.-L., Mori, T., Hsu, M.-F., Komatsu, K., Isoda, H. (2016). Experimental study on restoring force of Japanese traditional column combined with tie beam and bearing block. The 14th World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Vienna, Austria, 22-25 August 2016.

  13. Sok Yee Yeo, Min-Fu Hsu, Kohei Komatsu, Yu-Lin Chung, Wen-Shao Chang (2014). Damage behavior of Taiwan Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Frame. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Quebec city, Canada, 10-14 August 2014.

  14. 小松幸平、北守顕久、中島昌一、藤田和彦、小松賢司、Yeo Sok Yee (2014). 全ネジスクリュー斜め打ちによる集成材のせん断性能向上効果. In: JWRS (Japan Wood Research Society), The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Matsuyama, Japan, 13-15 March 2014. Ehime: JWRS.

  15. S. Y. Yeo, M. F. Hsu, K. Komatsu, W. S. Chang (2013). Dynamic characteristics of Taiwan traditional Dieh-Dou timber structures. In: WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (131): 481-490, The 13th International Conference on Structural Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture (STREMAH 2013); New Forest, UK, 25-27 June 2013. Southampton: WIT. 

  16. Yeo Sok Yee, Kohei Komatsu, Hsu Min-Fu, Chang Wen-Shao, Takehiro Wakita, Yasuo Kataoka (2013). A Preliminary Study on the Structural Stiffness of Taiwan Traditional Dieh-Dou Asymmetric Timber Frame. In: Proceedings of the JWRS (Japan Wood Research Society), The 63th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Morioka, Japan, 27-29 March 2013. Iwate: JWRS.

  17. Yeo Sok Yee, Chang Wen-Shao, Hsu Min-Fu, Kohei Komatsu (2011). The structural behaviour of timber frame under various roof weights - using Taiwan traditional Die-Dou timber frame as case study. In: Proceedings of the East Asian Architectural Culture International Conference (EAAC), 12-14 May 2011. Singapore: NUS.

  18. S. Y. Yeo, M. F. Hsu, W. S. Chang & J. L. Chen (2011). Life Cycle Assessment of Timber Components in Taiwan Traditional Temples. The Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, (EASEC), 26-28 January 2011, Hong Kong SAR, China.

  19. Sok Yee Yeo, Wen-Shao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu (2010). A Preliminary Research on the Life Cycle of Historic Timber Building in Taiwan – using eight traditional temples as a case study. In: Proceedings of the JWRS (Japan Wood Research Society), The 60th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, 17-19 March 2010. Miyazaki: JWRS.

  20. 徐明福、张纹韶、杨淑燕、商博渊,2009,木构造古迹或历史建筑生命周期评估之研究 - 以台南市金华府为例,古迹暨历史建筑保存科技研讨会20091016日,台北,中国台湾。


Projects: Scientific

2019 - to-date

  1. 2025-2026, NNSF Research Fund for International Scientists, A Study on the Technological Strategies of Ancient Chinese Tai-Liang Style Timber Buildings Based on the Impacts of Climate Change, Leading.
  2. 2024-2025, Suzhou city Humble Administrator’s Garden Management Division (Suzhou Garden Museum), Suzhou Garden Stone Rockery Cultural Relics Mortar Joint Material Repair Technical Consultation , Leading.
  3. 2024, POLIMI Nest project research fund, Comparison of Technological Strategies for Historical Building Revitalization and Utilization in China and Italy - Considering the Influence of Climate Change, Leading.
  4. 2023-2024, Shanxi Wenshang Architectural Design Company, Study on the painting materials and deterioration mechanism of ancient mural paintings of Shanxi Changzhi Wanxiang temple,Leading.
  5. 2022-2024, Tongji University Key Laboratory Open Fund, Ministry of Education,Research on the fire performance of different surface treatments on ancient timber structural member,Leading.
  6. 2022-2023: Ministry of Science and Technology, Study on the in-plane structural form and force characteristics of the Tang period Tai-Liang timber frame system (20220062); Leading.
  7. 2022: Yunnan Cultural and Conservation Technology Company, Study on the deterioration mechanism of Ziyonglakang duorongqika mural paintings along the Lancang river old hydropower station and Chama ancient track (20221399); Leading.

  8. 2022: Yunnan Cultural and Conservation Technology Company, Study on the deterioration mechanism of stone carvings along the Lancang river old hydropower station and Chama ancient track (20221398); Leading.

  9. 2021-2023: XJTU iHarbour Block 7 Research Project - Study on the Vertical and Rooftop greenery for Northwestern regions in China - Using Xi'an city as case study; Leading.

2009 - 2018 (Doctoral studies & post-Doc term in Taiwan)

  1. 2018: Bureau of Cultural Heritage (BOCH) 4th-year R&D Project - Seismic analysis and structural repair techniques for traditional Dieh-Dou timber frame (RG10711-0296); NTD 888,000; Participating
  2. 2017: BOCH 3rd-year R&D Project - The In-Plane and Out-of-Plane structural behavior of Taiwanese traditional Dieh-Dou timber frame (RG10612-0328); NTD 1,176,000; Participating

  3. 2016: BOCH 2nd -year R&D Project - Structural performance of the Taiwanese traditional beam-column system subjected to bi-axial bending (RG10507-0026); NTD 1,192,000; Participating

  4. 2015: BOCH 1st -year R&D Project: Structural performance of the traditional Nuki-column system (RG10412-0268); NTD 1,357,000; Participating

  5. 2012-2013: Personal overseas study - Investigation on the Structural Performance of Taiwanese Traditional Dieh-Dou Wooden Frame Structures with Bracket Complex (Kumimono); SGD 10,000 & NTD 127,500; Leading

  6. 2012-2013: Taiwan “NSC” Research Project -Static tests on the Effect of Roof Weight on Structural Bahaviour of Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Structures in Taiwan (NSC101-2221-E-006-258); NTD 926,000; Participating

  7. 2011-2012: Taiwan “NSC” Research Project: Dynamic Behaviour of Traditional Dieh-Dou Timber Structures (NSC100-2221-E-006-225); NTD 706,000; Participating

  8. 2010: International collaboration between NCKU and RISH, Kyoto University, Japan - Static tests on Taiwanese Dieh-Dou Wooden Frames; NTD 359,000; Participating

  9. 2010: Taiwan “ABRI” - Monuments and Historical Building Preservation, Restoration and Renovation Science and Technology Project: Sub-project 2 Structural Safety Appraisal Handbook on the Taiwanese Traditional Timber Frames; NTD 950,000; Participating

  10. 2009: Taiwan “ABRI” - Monuments and Historical Building Preservation, Restoration and Renovation Science and Technology Project: Sub-project 1 Study on the Life Cycle Evaluation of the Taiwanese Traditional Timber Structures – using traditional temple buildings as case studies; NTD 915,000; Participating

Projects: Research and Investigation, Conservation etc.

2019 - to-date

  1. 2023:  Research and Investigation archival project for national-level monument: Shanxi Shuozhou county Chong-Fu temple; Leading
  2. 2022 - 2023:  Investigation, Evaluation and Revitalization Study on the Shaanxi Fo-ping Historic Built Heritage Resources in the Context of Rural Revitalization; Leading
  3. 2021 - 2022:  Research-based Conservation project for Shanxi province monument: Changzhi Shang-Chun Xian-Qing temple; Leading
  4. 2020 - 2022:  Investigation works on the traditional timber frames of Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery national monuments (Tian Wang Dian & Da Xiong Bao Dian), Singapore; HXDSH20190480; Leading
  5. 2019 - 2021:  Research-based Conservation project for Shanxi Provincial-level monument: Chang-Chun Yu-Huang temple; Participating.

2009 - 2018 (Doctoral studies & post-Doc term in Taiwan)

  1. 2018 Research and Conservation Proposal for Tainan city historic building: Long-Chi government officer’s residence; Participated
  2. 2017 Research and Conservation Proposal for Kaohsiung city historic building: Kaohsiung port train signal station; Participated
  3. 2016-2017 Research and Conservation Proposal for Kaohsiung city historic building: Kaohsiung train station; Participated
  4. 2016 Research and Conservation Proposal for Kaohsiung city historic building: Song family building complex; Participated
  5. 2015 Research and Conservation Proposal for National Cheng Kung University Principal’s residence; Participated

2007 - 2009 (Employment term in Taiwan)

  1. 2008 Research and Conservation Proposal for Hsinchu county Historic Building: Da-Shan-Bei Le-Shan Temple; Participated
  2. 2008 Research and Conservation Proposal for Kee-Lung city Historic Building: Military Officers’ Japanese Vernacular Houses; Participated
  3. 2008 Hsinchu city Cultural Heritage Management and Disaster Preventive Project – Using Hsinchu city Historic Building Xin Zhi-Ping Principal’s Residential House as case study; Participated
  4. 2008 Preliminary Research and Conservation Proposal for Zhang-Liao Ancestral Hall of Yunlin County; Participated
  5. 2009 Research and Conservation Proposal for Hsinchu county Conservation Buildings: Hukou Military Armoured Section Housing Clusters; Participated
  6. 2009 Research and Conservation Proposal for Kaohsiung city Historic building: Chi-Hou Tian-Hou Temple; Participated
  7. 2009 Research and Conservation Proposal for Kaohsiung city Historic building: Chiang Kai-Shek Temporary Presidential Office; Participated

Teaching experiences

In-campus teachings: XJTU

2019 - to-date

  • Postgrad module (Spring): Historic building conservation - Fundamental concepts and techniques (223034)
  • Postgrad module (Spring): Architecture Preservation Studio (XJTU-POLIMI Double Degree program; 223037)
  • Undergrad module (Autumn): Basics of Historic Building Conservation (ARCH544022)
  • Undergrad module (Autumn): Practice of Urban and Built Environment 1 (JZSJ200122)
  • Undergrad module (Spring): Chinese Historic Architecture and traditional Culture (GNED100522)

In-campus teachings: during doctoral and post-doc period in Taiwan

2016 - 2018

  • Lectures given for the Architecture undergraduates taking the “Chinese ancient architectural history” and “Building construction” modules:

 (1) Traditional building construction;

 (2) Decorations of traditional buildings;

 (3) Vernacular architecture of multi-ethnic groups in China;

 (4) Introduction of traditional timber structures in cultural heritage

2010 - 2011

  • Field visits lectures for the Architecture undergraduates on the “Architectural history” module 

Off-campus teachings


  • Sep - Dec: Politecnico di Milano, Italy; School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering; Undergraduate Course title: "Architectural Design Studio 3"


  • Oct, 28th: National Architecture Institute of China & Decai Decoration; Invited lecture for 3-day seminar "2022 Technical training course for historic building professionals" at Qingdao, China; Topic: "On-site investigation and survey for historic buildings"


  • Dec, 1st: National Architecture Institute of China & Decai Decoration; Invited lecture for 3-day seminar "2021 Technical training course for historic building professionals" at Qingdao, China; Topic: "Standards and techniques for the conservation of external wall facade of modern period historic buildings"
  • Dec, 6th: Tongji University, Dept. of Structural Engineering; Invited lecture for postgraduates on the heritage preservation; Topic: "Traditional Han Chinese timber  structures in the Taiwan region"
  • Dec, 9th: Tongji University, Dept. of Architecture; Invited lecture for postgraduates on the heritage preservation; Topic: "The restoration works of Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery  - Challenges faced in the Singapore context"


  • Shih Chien University, Taiwan; Invited lecture for postgraduates on the “Chinese ancient architectural history” module; Topic: “Traditional building construction”

2012 (Feb 23 - 25)

  • National University of Singapore, Department of Architecture; Co-organized a 3-day workshop entitled “The 2nd NUS-Tan Chin Tuan Annual Workshop - Timber Architecture Conservation and Repair Techniques” at NUS-TTCL Centre for Asian Built Heritage, Melaka, Malaysia.