




Xiao LI

Professor and Doctoral Advisor
School of Public Policy & Administration
Xi'an Jiaotong University


E-mail: xiaoli6@xjtu.edu.cn

Address: School of Public Policy and Administration, XJTU
28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710049, China


李霄,西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院教授、博士生导师,资源与环境治理研究中心研究员,系统行为与管理教育部哲学社会科学实验室研究员。入选陕西省“高层次人才计划”和学校“青年拔尖人才支持计划”。山东大学经济学学士,瑞典隆德大学和英国曼彻斯特大学环境科学、政策与管理硕士,清华大学工学博士(环境科学与工程专业),曾在美国加州大学圣迭戈分校访学联培、在耶鲁大学从事博士后研究。现任国际产业生态学会(ISIE)提名委员会委员、国际产业生态学大会科学委员会委员、中国生态学学会产业生态专委会副秘书长、多部SCI/SSCI期刊(《Journal of Industrial Ecology》、《Circular Economy》等)编委或青年编委。科研成果曾获北京市第十七届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖(3/5)、华人产业生态学会青年学者奖和优秀论文奖、留美公共政策学会最佳政策研究论文奖、国际产业生态学大会最佳报告等荣誉;教学曾获西安交大课程思政“百名教师大练兵”二等奖。








[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“一般工业固体废弃物综合利用的减污降碳协同效应与优化调控研究——以汾渭平原地区为例”,2023-2025,主持
[2] 西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”(A
[3] 国家社科基金重大项目,“自然资源高效利用与经济安全和高质量发展机制研究”,2022-2026,主要参与人

[4] 国家高端智库课题,“‘双稳’要求下的绿色转型路径研究”,2022,主要参与人





[1] Liu, D.#, Li, X.*, Shi, H.*, & Chen, Z. (2024). Advancing nuanced pollution control: Local improvements and spatial spillovers of policies on key enterprises. Journal of Environmental Management356, 120533.

[2] Zhu, J., Li, X.*, Fan, Y., Shi, H., & Zhao, L. (2022). Effect of carbon market on air pollution: Firm-level evidence in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling182, 106321. 

[3] Zhu, J.*, Ge, Z., Wang, J., Li, X.*, & Wang, C. (2022). Evaluating regional carbon emissions trading in China: Effects, pathways, co-benefits, spillovers, and prospects. Climate Policy22(7), 918-934.ESI高被引

[4] Li, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., & Shi, L.* (2020). Has China's war on pollution reduced employment? Quasi-experimental evidence from the Clean Air Action. Journal of Environmental Management260, 109851. 

[5] Li, X., Qiao, Y., & Shi, L.* (2019). Has China's war on pollution slowed the growth of its manufacturing and by how much? Evidence from the Clean Air Action. China Economic Review53, 271-289. 

[6] 李霄, 朱俊明. (2021). 基于准实验设计的大气污染规制环境与经济效应评估. 财经智库, 6(3), 118-137. 


[1] Li, X., Chen, X.#, Shi, H., Jiang, Q., Mao, R., Kang, C.#, Chen, W., & Zhu, J.* (2024). Nuanced strategies for material efficiency: Addressing developmental heterogeneities and socio-economic shifts. Resources, Conservation and Recycling210, 107823. 

[2] Li, X.*, Ren, Y., Chen, X.#, Li, Y., & Chertow, M. R. (2023). Exploring the development of municipal solid waste disposal facilities in Chinese cities: Patterns and drivers. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (中国工程院院刊系列期刊), 17(11), 139. 

[3] Chen, J., Li, X., Huang, K., Eckelman, M. J., Chertow, M. R., & Jiang, D.* (2021). Non-hazardous industrial waste in the United States: 100 Million tonnes of recoverable resources. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 167, 105369. 

[4] Li, X.*, Chertow, M., Guo, S.#, Johnson, E.#, & Jiang, D. (2020). Estimating non-hazardous industrial waste generation by sector, location, and year in the United States: A methodological framework and case example of spent foundry sand. Waste Management118, 563-572. 


[1] Li, W., Qiao, Y., Li, X., & Wang, Y.* (2022). Energy consumption, pollution haven hypothesis, and Environmental Kuznets Curve: Examining the environment–economy link in belt and road initiative countries. Energy239, 122559. 

[2] Cong, W., Li, X.*, Qian, Y., & Shi, L.* (2021). Polycentric approach of wastewater governance in textile industrial parks: Case study of local governance innovation in China. Journal of Environmental Management280, 111730.

[3] Wang, Y.*, Li, X., Sun, M., & Yu, H. (2018). Managing urban ecological land as properties: Conceptual model, public perceptions, and willingness to pay. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 133, 21-29. 

[4] 乔元波, 李霄. 走绿色生态的高质量发展道路.中国社会科学报. 2019-06-05 总第1707












Public Policy Evaluation










Dr. Xiao Li is a Professor and Doctoral Advisor at School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University (China), an M.Sc. degree in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management from Lund University (Sweden) and University of Manchester (England), and a B.A. degree in Economics from Shandong University (China). He worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University (USA) before joining XJTU.

His research and teaching focus on environmental and resource economics, policy and management, industrial ecology, and environmental systems analysis. His research advances the multi-disciplinary understandings of the development of a green, low-carbon, and circular economy at multiple scales, across multiple pollutants, and from multiple dimensions. He has carried out many studies and projects at the interface of economics, policy, management, and sustainability in China, the US, and Europe.

Prof. Li is the recipient of the Second Prize of the 17th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Excellent Achievements, the Young Scholar Award and Best Paper Award of the Chinese Society for Industrial Ecology, the Chinese Policy Scholars Group's Best Policy Research Article Award, the Best Poster Award of the International Society for Industrial Ecology's (ISIE's) Biennial Conference, and the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. He also serves as the Nominating Committee Member of the ISIE, the Scientific Committee Member of the ISIE's Biennial Conference, the Vice-secretary of the Industrial Ecology Professional Committee for the Ecological Society of China, Editor for the Journal of Industrial Ecology, and Youth Editorial Board Member for the Circular Economy.


Research Interests:

Environmental and resource economics, policy and management; Environmental and ecological systems engineering; Industrial ecology; Low-carbon and circular economy; Policy evaluation and evidence-based decision making.



MAGT500418  International Comparison on Public Administration (undergraduate level), Fall Semester

MAGT724218  Public Policy Evaluation (graduate level), Spring Semester