


1. 抗肿瘤纳米药物复合载体
2. 超声药物控释系统及其设备

3. 造影剂及其成像设备

4. 棉酚及其衍生物






     在天然产物棉酚及其衍生物的分离、提纯和衍生物抗肿瘤研究方面开展了大量研究,首次发现了棉酚衍生物具有肿瘤细胞自噬的作用机理,发现了棉酚衍生物衍生物和阿霉素对肿瘤的协同作用,将它们组装在桑葚状双药靶向自组装纳米药载体系中,其药物仅仅用1/5的量即可达到原来1.5倍的治疗效果,毒副作用大幅度降低。还发现了棉酚衍生物与其它药物的协同作用。在Advance  Funct Mater,BiomaterialsACS Nano,Cancer biological and therapy CancerJ  Mater Chem BJ Control Release 等国际著名期刊发表论文20余篇。



  设计、制备了明胶离子化修饰的具有可逆超声触发智能释药性能纳米凝胶,使其超声触发释药的响应时间达到1-2 min,恢复时间3~4 min,纳米凝胶可逆超声触发后平均粒径提高到2-3 μm,大大提高该系统的药物负载量。设计了聚多巴胺、近红外染料IR-780的高光热转化效率的体系,用于对全氟碳纳米液滴的修饰,使其具有灵敏的光热相变能力。在近红外激光的作用下,该体系温度从室温大幅提高至60 ℃以上,该温度足以实现对肿瘤细胞及组织的热疗。此外,全氟碳纳米液滴发生明显的相变(从液态转变为气态),相变之后的全氟碳气体能够增强超声波造影效果,能可视化光热治疗的肿瘤部位,并且超声信号的强弱还指示了热疗的温度变化过程以及进行程度。该研究利用全氟碳纳米液滴实现了对动物体内的治疗,以及治疗状态的实时监控ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Current Medicinal Chemistry, Nanoscale, J  Mater Chem B,C 等国际著名期刊发表论文10余篇。获得发明专利多项。


3 生物医学纳米温度计

    研究了一种新方法将水溶性罗丹明F-127荧光染料和罗丹明B(参比)同时包裹于三聚氰胺纳米粒中形成荧光纳米温度计,其温度灵敏度高(7.6 %°C−1),能实现-20°C150°C宽温度范围内温度测量,成功应用于微波加热细胞的温度测量利用单链DNA分子无规卷曲大小Rg变化产生的荧光共振能量转移(FRET)变化来测定微环境温度。制成了基于单链DNA的比色荧光纳米温度计,其灵敏度高(7.04% °C-1)、测温范围宽(0-100 °C),具有稳定的温敏特性,已成功应用于凝胶和细胞内部温度的定量测量,还初步测定了荷瘤裸鼠肿瘤微波加热前后的温度变化。Small methods,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces J  Mater Chem B,C 等国际著名期刊发表论文10余篇。


4. 无载体(carry-free)纳米药物系统


     利用药物自身分子堆砌、与金属离子的配合作用等直接形成纳米药物系统。具有较高载药量、多药协同治疗效果好、体内副作用低、稳定性好;3.可以不同种药物组合、功能可拓展强等优点。我们将姜黄素(Cur),阿霉素(Dox),班诺蒽醌二盐酸盐(AQ4N), 表没食子儿茶素没食子酸 (EGCG)和2,2'-偶氮双[2-(2-咪唑啉-2-基)丙烷]二盐酸盐(AIPH)等系列化合物与金属离子配合形成无限配位聚合物用于肿瘤协同治疗,取得了优异的肿瘤效果。在Coordination Chemistry Review, Advance Funct MaterBiomaterials, J nanobiotechnology, J Mater Chem B发表论文10余篇。



项目编号 项目名称 项目来源 起讫时间 承担角色 项目类别
81871476 肿瘤靶向负载IR780的棉酚-Fe(Ⅲ)-绿茶多酚(EGCG) 无限配位聚合物纳米粒及其肿瘤光热/协同化疗 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
81471771 多功能桑葚状AQ4N/噻替哌纳米载体及其乏氧选择、双药协同抗肿瘤作用 国家自然科学基金项目 2015-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
81271686 肿瘤细胞与线粒体双靶向Bcl-2 蛋白抑制剂载体系统 国家自然科学基金项目 2013-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
81228011 双靶向棉酚/MicroDNAs 抗肿瘤体系 国家自然科学基金项目 2013-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
2011B090400515 DNA防伪染料与标志涂料的研制 广东省教育部产学研结合项目 2011-12~ 负责人 纵向项目
2011KTCL03-07 工业残渣皂脚中提取、分离棉酚与左旋棉酚的工艺研究 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划项目 2011-12~ 负责人 纵向项目
飞秒时间分辨荧光共振能量转移研究CD44及抗体的相互作用 精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室重点基金 2010-9~ 负责人 纵向项目
30970712 用于干细胞研究的核-壳多功能免疫磁珠 国家自然科学基金项目 2010-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
30772658 (-)棉酚肿瘤靶向超声控释微系统的制备与抗肿瘤作用 国家自然科学基金项目 2008-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
30710403089 具有肿瘤靶向和超声触发释药特性的Bcl-2/Mcl-1抑制剂 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目 2008-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
30570494 兼有超声触发释药与超声示踪特性的载药微系统 国家自然科学基金项目 2006-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
200502 手性微乳液及其凝胶中脂肪酶催化性能研究 胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室基金 2005-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
2001BA310A7 -7 纳米药物新剂型的研究及产业化 国家“十五”科技攻关项目 2003-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
2001AA- 218031 纳米微粒靶向诊断和治疗 “863”高科技项目 2002-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
30170271 智能化释药纳米凝胶的制备与性质 国家自然科学基金项目 2001-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
97003 阿霉素脂质体临床前综合研究 贵州省重大课题 1999-1~ 负责人 纵向项目


        已出版 刘有初、吴道澄、赵小宁编著《医用高分子化学概论》陕西科技出版社1995 等 著作3部, 获得国家发明专利11项:
       1.吴道澄 超声浓差酸碱法生产盐酸阿霉素脂质体注射剂 ZL99105727.9   
       2. 吴开春;师瑞;吴道澄 胃癌特异性纳米疫苗的制备方法  
ZL 200410073124.9
隋延仿;叶菁;吴道澄恶性肿瘤广谱基因工程纳米疫苗的制备方法 ZL03134626.X
       4.吴道澄;贾光锋;徐 梁 一种从棉油皂脚中提取醋酸棉酚的方法  ZL 200710017398.X
       5.吴宥伸,张楠,吴道澄 一种制备核壳式高磁含量超顺磁微球的方法  ZL  200910022242.X

       6.吴道澄,刘永春,贺佑康,黄凯兵,钟铁山,李伟  一种DNA明胶纳米微凝胶防伪涂料的制备方法 zl 201310191588.9
       7.吴道澄,李科,刘佳俊,刘浩,曾鋆  自组装法制备棉酚及其衍生物普朗尼克纳米粒子的方法 ZL 201410668713.5

      8. 吴道澄,马静文,吴宥伸,曾鋆,申世红。聚合法制备棉酚及其衍生物聚多巴胺纳米载体的方法  ZL201510777717.1

      9.吴道澄, 刘佳俊吴宥伸  一种棉酚及其衍生物棕榈蜡固体脂药物载体的制备方法  ZL 201510874306.4

     10 吴道澄,申世红,杨翰、崔晓利,康磊刘泽英,雒思远  一种双药配位聚合物抗结核纳米药物的制备方法 ZL201811519280.1

     11.吴道澄,唐鹏,  肖鹏,朱红瑞,甘震海,付涛  一种高效产热的石墨烯涂层电热针 ZL201811091413.X

      12. 吴道澄; 肖鹏; 唐鹏; 甘震海; 刘怡茗 ; 一种发热位置可调的空心回路式电热针,  ZL202010490961.0 

      13.李炎,吴道澄,段君博,唐鹏,朱红瑞  一种光/声/磁三重防伪特性复合膜及其制备方法  ZL 202110532252.9 



103.Amrah Inam, Shuo Zhang, Shuai Zhang and Daocheng Wu*. AQ4N nanocomposites for hypoxia-associated tumor combination therapy.Biomaterials Science 2024, DOI: 10.1039/d4bm00883a.

102.Yujie Zhang, Ya Wang,* Xiaojiang Zhang, Pengqian Wang, Feiyu Shi, Zhe Zhang, Ruochen Wang, Daocheng Wu,* and Junjun she*.Gastrointestinal Self-Adaptive and Nutrient Self-Sufficient Akkermansia muciniphila−Gelatin Porous Microgels for Synergistic Therapy of Ulcerative Colitis.ACS nano 2024,39,26807-26827  (https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.4c07658)

101.Jingran Di, Chenqi Huang, Chenyu Zhao, Siyuan Luo, Rong Wang, Shuai Zhang,Hongrui Zhu and Daocheng Wu *.Intravenous injectable

metformin-Cu(II)-EGCG coordination polymer nanoparticles for electrothermally enhanced dual-drug synergistic tumor therapy.Journal of

Materials Chemistry B.2024,12, 7934–7945.
100. Shuo Zhang, Yishu Wang, Mingting Zhu, Bingyang Liu, Wenpu Zhao, Shuai Zhang, Ji Xia, Lei Shi, Peng Tang, Feiqian Wang, Siyuan Zhang, Mingxi Wan, Daocheng Wu* and Wei Gao*. Ultrasound Combined Blood-Brain Barrier Targeting Brain Delivery of Four -in -one Molecular Aggregates for the Enhancement of Anesthetic Efficacy and Toxicity Reduction via Propofol-etomidate Synergistically Inhibition GABA Receptor. Aggregate.2024, e573. https://doi.org/10.1002/agt2.573.

99.Shuai Zhang,Shuo Zhang,Siyuan Luo, Rong Wang,Jingran Di,Ya Wang,Daocheng Wu*. Four-component of double-layer infinite coordination polymer nanocomposites for large tumor trimodal therapy via multi high-efficiency synergies.  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.2024,666:259-275( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2024.04.039)

98.Ya Wang#, Yujie Zhang#, Pengqian Wang, Jing Han, Xiaojiang Zhang, Feiyu Shi, Zhe Zhang, Gang Guo, Ruochen Wang, Dan Shao, Daocheng Wu*, Junjun She*. Intestinal Colonized Silkworm Chrysalis-Like Probiotic Composites for Multi-crossed Comprehensive Synergistic Therapy of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Small 2024.DOI: 10.1002/smll.202310851(https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202310851)


97.Xiaoyun Wu, Zhijie Ma, Yuxiao Yang, Yongxu Mu and Daocheng Wu*.Umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells in serum-free defined medium display an improved safety profile. Stem Cell Research & Therapy .2023,14:360

96.Youshen Wu, Yilin Wang, Xin Guan, Hui Zhang, Rui Guo, Chenhui Cui, Daocheng Wu, Yilong Cheng,Zhishen Ge, Yuansuo Zheng and Yanfeng Zhang*.Molecular Clogging Organogels with Excellent Solvent Maintenance, Adjustable Modulus and Advanced Mechanics for Impact Protection. Advanced Materials 2023 doi.org/10.1002/adma.202306882

95.Zhezhu Nan, Hengyu Liu, Linrong Shi, Hongrui Zhu, Junjie Chen, Tali Ilovitsh, Daocheng Wu,Mingxi Wan, and Yi Feng*.Ratiometric Fluorescent Detection of Ultrasound-Regulated ATP Release: An Ultrasound-Resistant Cu,N-Doped Carbon Nanosphere.: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 32732−32743 
94.Shuo Zhang, Yishu Wang, Shuai Zhang, Chengqi Huang, Qiyang Ding, Ji Xia, Daocheng Wu,* Wei Gao*. Emerging Anesthetic Nanomedicines: Current State
and Challenges.International Journal of Nanomedicine 2023:18 3913–3935

93.Hongrui Zhu,Chenqi Huang,Jingran Di,Zepu Chang,Ke Li,Shuo Zhang。Xueping Li and Daocheng Wu*. Doxorubicin-Fe(III)-Gossypol Infinite Coordination Polymer@PDA:CuO2 Composite Nanoparticles for Cost-Effective Programmed Photothermal-Chemodynamic-Coordinated Dual Drug Chemotherapy Trimodal Synergistic Tumor Therapy.ACS nano 2023 ,17:12544-12562

92.Zeying Liu, Zhen Zhang, Chenqi Huang, Jingran Di, Ziwei Lu, Zhenhai Gan, Yali Cui, Daocheng Wu *.IR780-doped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles@poly(ethylene glycol) microgels as dual-enzyme immobilized micro-systems: Preparations, photothermal-responsive dual-enzyme release, and highly efficient recycling. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science  2023,644;81-94


91.Yan Li, Hongrui Zhu, Junbo Duan, Youshen Wua and Daocheng Wu *Laser-induced photoexcited audible sound effect based on reticular 2-bromo-2-methylpropionic acid modified Fe3O4 nanoparticle aggregates.  Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 16787-16796
90.Ya Wang , Yujie Zhang , Xiaojiang Zhang , Zhe Zhang , Junjun She *, Daocheng Wu * and Wei Gao *.High Drug-Loading Nanomedicines for Tumor Chemo–Photo Combination Therapy: Advances and Perspectives. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 1735. 

89. Shuo Zhang, Shuai Zhang, Siyuan Luo, Peng Tang, Mingxi Wan, Daocheng Wu* and Wei Gao* .Ultrasound-assisted brain delivery of nanomedicines for brain tumor therapy: advance and prospect .Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2022,20;287

88. Yiming Liu, Peng Tang, Peng Xiao, Siyuan Luo, Shuangxi Zhang, Hui Zhang,Yuexuan Yang, and Daocheng Wu*.Molecular Stacking Composite Nanoparticles of Gossypolone and Thermodynamic Agent for Elimination of Large Tumor in Mice via Electrothermal-Thermodynamic-Chemo Trimodal Combination Therapy. Advanced. Functional. Materials 2022,32(28)202201666  (doi.org/ 10.1002/ adfm.202201666)

87.Xiaoyun Wu, Yongxu Mu, Jingyi Yao, Fuhong Lin, Daocheng Wu* and Zhijie Ma*.Adipose-Derived Stem Cells From Patients With Ulcerative Colitis Exhibit Impaired Immunosuppressive Function. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 2022; 18 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2022.822772

86.Weijun Xu, Taibing Wang , Junmin Qian* , Jinlei Wang, Guanghui Hou, Yaping Wang,Xinke Cui, Aili Suo* , Daocheng Wu ​​​​​​. Fe(II)-hydrazide coordinated all-active metal organic framework for photothermally enhanced tumor penetration and ferroptosis-apoptosis synergistic therapy.Chemical Engineering Journal 2022,437,135311

85.Hui Zhang, Youshen Wu, Peng Tang, Hongrui Zhu, Zhenhai Gan, Hu-Qin Zhang,and Daocheng Wu*  Accurate and Real-Time Detection Method for the Exothermic Behavior of Enzymatic Nano-Microregions Using Temperature-Sensitive Amino-AgInS2 Quantum Dots. Small Methods 2022, 61),2100811


84.Junjie Chen , Zhezhu Nan , Yubo Zhao , Lei Zhang , Hongrui Zhu , Daocheng Wu , Yujin Zong ,Mingzhu Lu , Tali Ilovitsh , Mingxi Wan , Kai Yan, * and Yi Feng, *Enhanced HIFU Theranostics with Dual-Frequency-Ring Focused Ultrasound and Activatable Perfluoropentane-Loaded Polymer Nanoparticles  Micromachines 2021,12, 1324.

83.Shuai Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Siyuan Luo, Daocheng Wu*Therapeutic agent-based infinite coordination polymer nanomedicines for tumor therapy.  Coordination Chemistry Reviews  2021,445;214059 DOI 10.1016/j.ccr.2021.214059

82.Dui Qin, Lei Zhang,Hongrui Zhu, Junjie Chen, Daocheng Wu, Minxi Wan*,​​​ Yi Feng* A Highly Efficient One-for-All Nanodroplet for Ultrasound Imaging-Guided and Cavitation-Enhanced Photothermal Therapy.   International Journal of Nanomedicine  2021,16,3105-3119

81.Peng Tang, Yongchun Liu, Yuan Gao, Ya Wang, Hui Zhang, Yiming Liu, Daocheng Wu*.   Study on thermal-responsive unfolding characteristics of acetylated amylose V-type helical complex using molecular dynamic simulation. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021, 9, 3389 - 3400

80. Siyuan Luo, Ya Wang, Shihong Shen, Peng Tang, Zeying Liu, Shuai Zhang, and Daocheng Wu*, IR780-Loaded Hyaluronic Acid@Gossypol–Fe(III)–EGCG Infinite Coordination Polymer Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Tumor Photothermal/Coordinated Dual Drugs Synergistic Therapy. Advanced. Functional. Materials. 2021,31(24); 2100954( https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202100954).


79.Ya Wang, Siyuan Luo, Youshen Wu, Peng Tang, Jiajun Liu, Zeying Liu, Shihong Shen, Haozhe Ren,  and Daocheng Wu*. Highly Penetrable and On-Demand Oxygen  Release with Tumor Activity Composite Nanosystem for Photothermal/Photodynamic Synergetic Therapy. ACS nano 2020 1417046-17062( https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.0c06415)

78. Xiaoyun Wu, Daocheng Wu, Yongxu Mu, Yuxia Zhao and Zhijie Ma* Serum-Free Medium Enhances the Therapeutic Effects of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stromal Cells on a Murine Model for Acute Colitis.Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 26 June 2020 ( https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2020.00586)

77.Weiqiu Jin, Changzi Dong, Dengtian Yang, Ruotong Zhang, Tianshu Jiang and Daocheng Wu*. Nano-Carriers of Combination Tumor Physical Stimuli-Responsive  Therapies .Current Drug Delivery, 2020, 17 11);577-587 (DOI:  10.2174/1567201817666200525004225 )

76 Zeying Liu, Lingze Zhang, Peng Xiaoa, Lingfeng Liu, Peng Tang, Ya Wang, Shihong Shen,Jiajun Liu, Zhenhai Gan, Daocheng Wu*. Magnetothermally responsive composite submicron particles for recyclable catalytic applications.Chemical Engineering Journal 2020,399:125554

75.Xiaoyun Wu,  Zhijie Ma, Wu Daocheng* Derivation of Clinical-Grade Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Umbilical Cord under Chemically Defined Culture Condition – Platform for Future Clinical Application.  Cytotheapy  2020.22;377-387

74.Yang Yuexuan & Wu Daocheng* ,Research shortcomings of fluorescent  nanothermometers in biological and medical fields,  Nanomedicine (Lond.)  2020,15(8);735-738 ( DOI10.2217/nnm-2019-0416)
73.Lingze Zhang, Zeying Liu, Yiming Liu, Ya Wang, Peng Tang, Youshen Wu, Hengbo Huang, Zhenhai Gan, Jiajun Liu, Daocheng Wu  Ultrathin surface coated water-soluble cobalt ferrite nanoparticles with high magnetic heating efficiency and rapid in vivo clearance. Biomaterials 2020230:119655


72.Hongrui Zhu, Zhenhai Gan, Dapeng Li, Jing Qin, Hongmei Zhang, Mingxi Wan, Daocheng Wu *.  Sensitive detection of dopamine with ultrasound cavitation-enhanced fluorescence method. Microchemical Journal  2019, 150; 104199.

71.Yiming Liu, Ke Li, Youshen Wu, Jingwen Ma, Peng Tang, Yongchun Liua and Daocheng Wu*. PVA reinforced gossypolone and doxorubicin π–π stacking nanoparticles towards tumor targeting and ultralow dose synergistic chemotherapy. Biomaterials Science  2019,7. 3662-2674.

​​​​​70 Hao Liu, Rebecca T. Marquez, Xiaoqing Wu, Ke Li, Shweta Vadlamani, Song Li, Ya Wang, Liang Xu * and Daocheng Wu *.A non-intrusive evaluation method for tumortargeting characteristics of nanomedicines based on in vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging.J. Mater. Chem B. 2019,7, 4751- 4757.

69 Yun Zeng, Jingwen Ma, Liang Xu *, Daocheng Wu *.  Natural Product Gossypol and Its Derivatives in Precision Cancer.  Current Medicinal Chemistry.  2019,26; 1849-1873 ( DOI: 10.2174/ 09298673246661 70523123655 )

68.Hui Zhang,Youshen Wu,Zhenhai Gan,,Yuexuan Yang,Yiming Liu,,Peng Tang and Daocheng Wu*.Accurate intracellular and in vivo temperature sensing based on CuInS2/ZnS QD micelles. J. Mater. Chem B. 2019,7,2835--2844.

 67.Jiajun Liu,Zeying Liu, Daocheng Wu*. Multifunctional hypoxia imaging nanoparticles:  multifunctional tumor imaging and related guided tumor therapy. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2019,14;707-719.

66.Ya Wang,  Youshen Wu, Ke Li , Shihong Shen, Zeying Liu, Daocheng Wu*. Ultralong Circulating Lollipop‐Like Nanoparticles Assembled with Gossypol, Doxorubicin, and Polydopamine via π–π Stacking for Synergistic Tumor Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials  2019,29(1); 1805582  doi.org/10.1002/ adfm.201805582

65.Peng Tang  , Yongchun Liu  , Yiming Liu  , Hongru Meng  , Zeying Liu  , Ke Li , Daocheng Wu* Thermochromism-induced temperature self-regulation and alternating  photothermal nanohelix clusters for synergistic tumor chemo/photothermal  therapy. Biomaterials.  2019, 88;12-23


 64  .Hongrui Zhu, , Dui Qin, Youshen Wu,  Bowen Jing,  Jiajun Liu,  David Hazlewood,  Hongmei Zhang,  Yi Feng,  Xinmai Yang, Mingxi Wan,* and Daocheng Wu*  Laser-Activated Bioprobes with High Photothermal Conversion Efficiency for Sensitive Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Imaging and Photothermal Sensing. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter 2018, 10:29251-29259.

 63 .Ying Wang , Ya Wang , Ji Wang , Wan Lei , Ke Li , Daocheng Wu , Xiaojuan Wang   Pharmacokinetics, biodistribution,    and    bioavailability of gossypol-loaded Pluronic ® F127 nanoparticles  Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 201845388-396

62.  Ailiang Zhang*, Xumei Yang, Quanxiao Li, Yu Wang, Gan Zhao, Bin Wang, Daocheng Wu*. Immunostimulatory activity of  wat er-extractable polysaccharides from Cistanchedeserticola as a plant  adjuvant in vitro and in vivo. PlosOne 2018,13;1:e0191356

 61. Zeying Liu , Yongchun Liu , Shihong Shen and Daocheng Wu*. Progress of recyclable magnetic particles for biomedical applications. J. Mater. Chem. B  2018, 6, 366-380

 60. Shihong Shen , Youshen Wu ,Ke Li, Ya Wang Jimin Wu Yun Zeng, Daocheng Wu*. Versatile hyaluornic  acid modified AQ4N-Cu(II)-gossypol infinite coordination polymer nanoparticles:Mulitiple tumor targeting,highle efficient synergistic chemotherapy and real-time self-montoring.Biomaterials 2018,154:197-212


 59 Yongchun Liu,Wei Gao,Chunghong Zhang,Peng Tang, Yuan Zhao, Daocheng Wu*. Sequenential molecule-triggered-release system based on acetylated amylose helix aggregates. Chem Comm 2017,53,10680-10683.

 58. Lu Lei, Peng Tang, Yongchun Liu, Ke Li, Jiajun Liu, Daocheng Wu*.  Controlled thermo-triggered drug release system based on propionylated amylose helix nanoclusters. Journal of Controlled Release .2017,259 ;e89–e90 

 57. Xiaoying lei,  Ke li, Yan liu,  Zhen Yu Wang,   Ban Jun Ruan, Li Wang,   An Xiang,   Daocheng Wu*,  Zifan lu*.  Co-delivery nanocarriers targeting folate receptor and encapsulating 2-deoxyglucose and a-tocopheryl succinate enhance anti-tumor effect in vivo. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2017,12,5701-5715

55.Jiajun Liu, Youshen Wu, Yao Yu, Ke Li, Yuanyuan Ji, Daocheng Wu *. Quantitative ratiometric phosphorescence hypoxia–sensing nanoprobes based on Quantum Dots/Ir(III) glycerol monoolein cubic-phase nanoparticles.   Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2017 ,98:119-125 .

55. Yongchun Liu , Chunhong Zhang, Xizhe Li, Daocheng Wu*. A self-monitored fluorescence .DNA anti-counterfeiting system based on silica coated SYBR Green I/DNA gelatin nanoparticles. J Mater, Chem C . 2017, 5,5939-3948 (DOI: 10.1039/C7TC01380A ) (This article is part of the themed collection 2017 Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers

54.Yao Yu, Youshen Wu,  Yongchun Liu, Liu Jiajunm, Daocheng Wu*. Highly efficient dual-modal phosphorescence/ computed tomography bioprobes based on iridium complex and AuNPs polyiohexol composite nanoparticles . Nanoscale, 2017, 9,9447-9456 

 53. Shihong Shen,Youshen Wu,  Yongchun LIu, Daocheng Wu*. High drug-loading nanomedicine:progress, current statues, and prospects. Int J Nanomedicine 2017,12;4085-4109 ( invited Review)(连续4年 ESI  高被引论文2019 ESI    根据对应领域和出版年中的高引用阈值,到 十一月/十二月 2019 为止,本高被引论文受到引用的次数已将其归入Pharmacology & Toxicology学术领域同一出版年最优秀的 1% 之列。 2020-2022 ESI 根据对应领域和出版年中的高引用阈值,到 十一月/十二月 2021 为止,本高被引论文受到引用的次数已将其归入Pharmacology & Toxicology学术领域同一出版年最优秀的 1% 之列)

 52. Youshen Wu, Liu Jiajun, Ya Wang, Ke Li , Jianhua Xu , Daocheng Wu*. Novel ratiomatric flourescence nanothermometers based on flouropores-labeled short single-stranded DNA. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, 9(12):11073-11081.

 51.Jingwen Ma, Yun Zeng, Yongchun Liu and Daocheng Wu*.Thermostable polymeric nanomicelles of iridium(III) complexes with aggregation-induced  phosphorescence emission    characteristics and  their recyclable double-strand DNA monitoring.  J. Mater. Chem B. 2017,5,123-133

 50.Wei Gao , Yongchun Liu , Guixia Jing , Ke Li , Yuan Zhao , Baoyong Sha  Qiang Wang*, Daocheng Wu *. Rapid and efficient crossing blood-brain barrier: Hydrophobic drugdelivery system based on propionylated amylose helix nanoclusters.Biomaterials 2017;113 :133-144


 49.Haseeb Zubair, Shafquat Azim, Husain Khan, M Ullah, Daocheng Wu, Ajay Singh, S Hadi, Aamir Ahmad. * Mobilization of intracellular copper by gossypol and apogossypolone leads to reactive oxygen species-mediated cell death: putative anticancer mechanism. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17, 973; (doi:10.3390/ijms17060973)

 48.Youshen Wu, Jiajun Liu, Jingwen Ma, Yongchun Liu, Ya Wang, and Daocheng Wu*.Ratiometric  Nanothermometer Based on Rhodamine Dye-Incorporated F127-Melamine-Formaldehyde Polymer Nanoparticle:Preparation, Characterization, Wide-Range Temperature Sensing,and Precise Intracellular Thermometry.ACS Appl. Mater. Inter 2016,8(23):14396-14405.

47.Yongxing Dua, Lingze Zhang, Lulu Sange and Daocheng Wu,* Temperature field simulation and phantom validation of a Two-armed Spiral Antenna for microwave thermotherapy.Technology and Health Care  2016,24 S675–

 46. Yun Zeng, Jingwen Ma, Shaojuan Zhang, and Daocheng Wu,*  Imaging Agents in Targeting Tumor Hypoxia. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 23(17), 1775-1800.

 45. Yao Yu, Youshen Wu, Jiajun Liu, Ke Li, Daocheng Wu*    Metabolizable dopamine-coated gold nanoparticles aggregates: Preparation, characteristics, computed tomography imaging, acute toxicity, and metabolism in vivo      Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016,4,1090-1099 (DOI: 10.1039/ C5TB02497H )

 44. Zhang X, Xi X, Li M , Wu D*. Comparison of Impulse Radar and Spread-Spectrum Radar in Through-Wall Imaging   IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques , 2016 ,64(3):699-706(DOI:10. 1109/ TMTT. 2015.2508791)

43.Yiao Yu, Youshen Wu ,  Jiajun Liu, Yonghua  Zhan , Daocheng Wu*  Ultrasmall dopamine-coated  nanogolds: preparation, characteristics, and CT imaging  Journal of Experimental Nanoscience  2016,11(Sup1):S1-S11 

 42. Hao Liu and Daocheng Wu*. In vivo near-infrared fluorescence tumor imaging using DiR-loaded nanocarriers.Current Drug Delivery. 2016,13(1) :40-48  


401Yan Li,  Youshen Wu, Cheng Luo, Bo Wang and Daocheng Wu*. Rewritable megnetic fluorescence- encoded  microspheres:preparation, characterization, and recycling.  J. Mater. Chem C.  2015,3 :8262-8271.

40.Jinwen Ma, Youshen Wu, Yun Zeng,Yan Li and  Daocheng Wu*. Thermo-stable hollow megnetic microspheres:preparation, characteristics and recycable catalytic applications. J. Mater. Chem A.   2015, 3:16762-16773.

39. Daocheng Wu*,  Mingxi Wan.  A novel ultrasonic-triggered drug release and tracked drug delivery system based on gas-filled BSA microbubbles and gelatin nanogels. Journal of Controlled release 2015,213;e24

38. Gao wei, Sha Baoyong,  Liu Yongchun, Daocheng Wu, Xin Shen,Guixia Jing.    The effect of cationic starch on hemoglobin, and the primary attempt to encapsulate hemoglobinArtificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology 2015,43(3):196-202   

37.Yun Zeng, Yang Liu, Jin Shang, Jingwen Ma, Rong Wang, Lei Deng, Youmin Guo,Fan Zhong, Mingfeng Bai, Shaojuan Zhang, Daocheng Wu*.   Phosphorescence Monitoring of Hypoxic Micro- environment in Solid-Tumors to Evaluate Chemotherapeutic Effects Using the Hypoxia-Sensitive Iridium (III) Coordination Compound. PLoS ONE. 2015,10(3): e0121293. doi:10.1371/ journal. pone. 012129

 6.Ke Li , Hao Liu , Wei Gao , Mu Chen, Yun Zeng , Jiajun Liu, Liang Xu ,Daocheng Wu*,Mulberry-like dual-drug complicated nanocarriers assembled with apogossypolone amphiphilic starch micelles and doxorubicin hyaluronic acid nanoparticles for tumor combination and targeted therapy. Biomaterials 2015,39,131-144

35.Xue-fan Gu , Jing Huo , Rui-tao Wang Dao-cheng Wu & Yong-li Yan. Synergism in Mixed Zwitterionic Surface Activity Ionic Liquid and Anionic Surfactant Solution: Analysis of Interfacial and Micellar Behaviorv. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology  2015,36334-342


34.Xuehui Zhang, Xiaoli Xi, Zhongguo Song, Supin Wang, Mingxi Wan, and Daocheng Wu*. Performance Analysis of Spread Spectrum Through Wall Radar   IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS  2014,50(11):5102004.

33.Hao Liu , Ke Li, Liang Xu, Daocheng Wu*, Bilayered near-infrared fluorescent nanoparticles based on low molecular weight PEI for tumor-targeted in vivo imaging. J Nanopart Res  2014,16:2784

32.Youshen Wu, Yan Li, Jianhua Xu and Daocheng Wu*.Incorporating Fluorescent Dyes into Monodisperse Melamine-Formaldehyde Resin Microspheres via Organic Sol-Gel Process: Pre-polymer Doping Strategy.J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014, 235),5837-5846

31.Hao Liu, Ke Li, Lan Lan, Jingwen Ma, Yun Zeng, Liang Xu*and Daocheng Wu*.Double-layered hyaluronic acid/stearic acidmodified polyethyleneimine nanoparticles encapsulating (-)-gossypol: a nanocarrier for chiral anticancer drugs.J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014 2,5238-5248

30.Xuefan Gu, Youshen Wu, Lingze ZhangYongchun Liu, Yan Li, Yongli Yan and Daocheng Wu*  Hybrid magnetic nanoparticle/nanogold cluster and its distance-dependent metal-enhanced fluorescence effect via DNA hybridization, Nanoscale, 201468681-8693


29.Yun Zeng, Shaojuan Zhang,Menghui Jia, Yang Liu, Jin Shang,Youmin Guo,Jianghua Xu and Daocheng Wu*Hypoxia-sensitive Bis(2-(2-Benzothienyl)-pyridinato-N,C3') Iridium[poly(n-butylcyanoa- crylate]/Chitosan nanoparticles and Their Phosphoresence Tumor Imageing In vitro and in vivo.  Nanoscale  2013,512633-12644

28.Yan Li,Youshen Wu, Cheng Luo, Feilong Yang, Lei Qin, Tao Fu, Guangquan Wei, Xiaowei Kang, Daocheng Wu*  Preparation and characterization of narrow-dispersed magnetic colloidal nanoparticle cluster/silica microspheres with controlled sizes, high saturation magnetization and MRI enhancement effect. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013,1:4644-4654.

 27. P Cheng, Z Ni, X Dai, B Wang, W Ding, A Rae Smith, L Xu, D Wu, F He and J Lian. The novel BH-3 mimetic apogossypolone induces Beclin-1- and ROS-mediated autophagy in human hepatocellular cells.Cell Death and Disease, 2013;4, e489;doi:10.1038/cddis.

26 Chen Zhao, Daocheng Wu*  Rapid detection assay for the molecular imprinting of gossypol using a two-layer PMAA/SiO2 bulk structure with a piezoelectric imprinting sensorSensors & Actuators:B.Chemical, 2013,181104-113

25.Youshen Wu, Yan Li, Lei Qin, Feilong Yang and Daocheng Wu*. Monodispersed or narrow-dispersed melamine–formaldehyde resin polymer colloidal spheres: Preparation, size-control, modification, bioconjugation, and particle formation mechanism. J Mater.Chem B. 2013,1:204-212  


 24 W Tang, Y Qu, L Lan, D Wu, L Xu*.  Novel molecular therapy targeting Mcl-1 and modulating  autophagy in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer Res  2012, 72(8 Supplement) :doi:1538-7445.AM2012-2260

23. Gan Z, Zhang T, Liu Y, Wu D*. Temperature-Triggered Enzyme Immobilization and Release Based on Cross-Linked Gelatin Nanoparticles. PLoSONE. 2012, 7(10): e47154. doi:10. 1371/ journal. pone. 0047154

 22. Liu T, Wu D* High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of triclosan and triclocarban in cosmetic products. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2012 ,34:489-494 

21.Haseeb Zubair, Husain Y Khan, M.F. Ullah, Aamir Ahmad, Daocheng Wu, S.M.Hadi. Apogossypolone, derivative of gossypol, mobilizes endogenous copper in human peripheral lymphocytes leading to oxidative DNA breakage. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2012 ,47:280-286.

20.Wu Daocheng*, Wan Mingxi.Methylene diphosphonate-conjugated adriamycin    liposomes: Preparation, characteristics, and targeted therapy for osteosarcomas in vitro and in vivo. Biomedical Microdevices 2012,14:497-510.

19.Ruifen Xu, Xuyang Feng, Xin Xie, Jin Zhang, Daocheng Wu*, Lixian Xu*.  HIV-1 Tat protein increase the permeability of brain endothelial cells by both inhibiting Occludin expression and cleaving occludin via matrix metalloproteinase-9. Brain Research. 2012,1436:13-19. (Most Cited Brain Research Articles, The most cited articles published since 2012, extracted from Scopus

 18.Lu XY, Wu DC, Li ZJ, Chen GQ. Polymer nanoparticles Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2011; 104: 299-323.

17.Chen L, Kong XLiang ZYe FYu KDai W,  Wu D*,Luo C*, Jiang H. Theoretical Study of the Mechanism of Proton Transfer in the Esterase Estb from Burkholderia Gladioli. J Phys Chem B 2011, 115 (44):13019–13025.

16.Wei Gao, Baoyong Sha, Wei Zou, Xuan Liang, Xiangzhong Meng, Hao Xu, Jun Tang, Daocheng  Wu,*   Lixian Xu, Hui Zhang. Cationic Amylose-Encapsulated Bovine Hemoglobin as a Nanosized Oxygen Carrier. Biomaterials. 2011,32:9425-9433.

15.Zhenhai Gan, Jianhui Ju, Ting Zhang, and Daocheng Wu*. Preparation of Rhodamine B Fluorescent Poly(methacrylic acid) Coated Gelatin Nanoparticles. J Nanomaterials 2011, Article ID 753705, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2011/753705.

14.Liu T, Wu D. Simultaneous determination of some ultraviolet-absorbing chemicals in sunscreen cosmetics using a high-performance liquid chromatography method. Int J Cosmet Sci 2011, 33, 408–415.

13.Xinghua Pan, Jianhui Ju, Jianjun Li and Daocheng Wu*. Poly(styrene-acrylamide-acrylic acid) copolymer fluorescent microspheres with improved hydrophilicity: preparation and influence on protein immobilization. High Performance Polymers 2011223);255-262

12.Xinghua Pan , Rachel Thompson , Xiaojie Meng , Daocheng Wu , Liang Xu. Tumor-targeted RNA-interference: functional non-viral nanovectors. Am J Cancer Res 2011;1(1):32-49(invited Review).


11. Xinghua Pan, Jianhui Ju, Yonghua Zhan, and Daocheng Wu*.  Preparation and Fluorescence Characteristics of Amido- functionalized Dual-fluorescent Microspheres with Core-shell Structure.  Micromolecular Chemistry & Physics . 2010, 221 (21): 2347-2355 

10.Xian-Qing Zhang,  Xiao-Feng Huang, Xing-Bin Hu, Yong-Hua Zhan, Qun-Xing An, Shi-Ming Yang, Ai-Jun Xia,Jing Yi, Rui Chen, Shi-Jie Mu, Dao-Cheng Wu*. Apogossypolone, a novel inhibitor of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, induces autophagy of PC-3 and LNCaP prostate cancer cells in vitro. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2010:12;697-708.

9.Wu D*, Wan M.Preparation of the core-shell structure adriamycin lipiodol microemulsions and their synergistic anti-tumor effects with diethyldithiocarbamate in vivo. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy   2010, 64(9):615-23.

 8.Sun  F, Wu D., Qiu, Z., Li, J. Development of real-time PCR systems based on SYBR Green for the specific detection and quantification of Klebsiella pneumoniae in infant formula, Food Control , 2010,21 (5):487-491.

7.Xian-Qing Zhang, Xiao-Feng Huang, Shi-Jie Mu, Qun-Xing An, Ai-Jun Xia, Rui Chen, Dao-Cheng Wu*  Inhibition of proliferation of prostate cancer cell line, PC-3,in vitro and in vivo using (–)-gossypol.  Asian Journal of Andrology 2010,12: 390-399.

6. Na Guo, Daocheng Wu*, Xinghua Pan, Maolin Lu. Magnetic Polymer Microspheres with AzidocarbonylGroups: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Protein Immobilization.  Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2009,112(4);2383-2390.

5.Xinghua Pan, Maolin Lu, Daocheng Wu*, Lili Gai.Synthesis and Characterization of Double-layer Quantum Dots-Tagged Microspheres.  IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2009 ,8(1);13-19

4. Maolin Lu, Daocheng Wu*Na Guo.  Novel functionalized ternary copolymer fluorescent nanopart- icles: synthesis, fluorescent characteristics and protein immobilization. J Mater Sci: Mater Med.  2009, 20(2); 563.-572

3. Lili Gai Daocheng Wu*. A Novel Reversible pH-Triggered Release Immobilized Enzyme System.  Appl Biochem Biotechnol  2009,158(3):747-760

2. Guangfeng Jia, Daocheng Wu*, Yang Meng and Liang Xu. An Improved Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Process of Gossypol Acetic Acid from Cottonseed Soapstock. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 2009,55(3) :797-897.

1.Yonghua Zhan ,GuangfengJia ,  Daocheng Wu*, YiqingXu and Liang Xu. Design and Synthesis of a Gossypol Derivative with Improved Antitumor Activities. Arch.Pharm.Chem.Life Sci. 2009,342,223–229.

 (*correspondence author)