Jie Han
Jie Han
I am the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Environmental and Public Health Group and a Professor with a 'Young Talent Tier A' appointment at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), member of the 'C9 league' universities in China, which is ranked among the top 10 in science and engineering in the country.
The overall theme of my research is on environment and public health, and much of my previous work was on emerging contaminants, particularly the migration of trace organic compounds into and out of polymers including membranes, common plastics, and elastomers. I have strong interests in advancing public health including exposure identification, risk assessment, mitigation, and science communication to the general public.
Prior to joining XJTU, I received research training and experience from the University of Auckland (UoA), National University of Singapore (NUS), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC), and University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst), and worked with the PIs of several world-renowned laboratories in my fields. Since my Auckland times, I have supervised over 50 students, including undergraduates and Master's students who later developed strong interests in scientific research and pursued their PhDs. In the past six years, I have delivered over a dozen research projects as the PI or co-PI, and received over eight million RMB in research funding.
I have a strong passion in scientific writing, editing, and communication. I hold appointments as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Chemistry Letters (Springer Nature, JCR Q1, IF 15.0) and I am a member of the Editorial Board of Chemical Engineering Journal (JCR Q1, IF 13.3), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (JCR Q1, IF 6.8), and Animal Diseases (a new journal launched in spring 2021, indexed by ESCI). I serve as a member of the Council of Science Editors (U.S.) and the China Editology Society of Science Periodicals. I am a Senior Member of the Chinese Society for Enviornmental Sciences and hold long-term memberships of the International Water Association (IWA) and the American Chemical Society (ACS).
韩杰,西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院教授、博士生导师、国家级高层次留学人才(人社部)、西安交通大学青年拔尖人才(A类)、西安市引进海外高层次人才。获西安交通大学化学工程学士与环境工程硕士、奥克兰大学(QS世界大学排名第68)化学与材料工程博士学位。在Water Research、Environmental Science & Technology、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Chemical Engineering Journal、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Pollution、Environmental Chemistry Letters等权威学术期刊发表论文70余篇,总引用2000余次,H因子30。近5年主持国家级、省部级、市级等科研项目10余项,获直接经费资助逾800万元。获陕西省环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(第一完成人)。担任陕西省科技厅、西安市科技局评审类专家,陕西省秦创原“科学家+工程师”队伍项目首席科学家。入选陕西省生态环境领域智库(首批成员)、秦创原总窗口科技专家库,受聘西咸新区应急管理专家(公共卫生方向)。
韩杰教授担任Environmental Chemistry Letters共同主编(Co-Editor-in-Chief,Springer Nature出版社,中科院1区、JCR Q1,IF 15.7)、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety编委(Editorial Board Member,Elsevier出版社,中科院2区、JCR Q1,IF 6.8)、PLoS ONE学术编辑(Academic Editor,JCR Q2,IF 3.7)、人畜共患病领域专业期刊Animal Diseases科学编委(BMC Springer Nature出版社)。担任美国科学编辑理事会成员(Council of Science Editors)、中国科学技术期刊编辑学会会员(CESSP)、中国环境科学学会高级会员、美国化学会(ACS)与国际水协会(IWA)长期会员。入职前曾在本领域多个全球顶尖实验室工作,包括麻省大学阿默斯特分校(UMass Amherst)全球高被引学者、教育部海外长江学者Baoshan Xing教授课题组、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)土木与环境工程系主任、美国国家科学基金会(NSF)WaterCAMPWS研究中心主任Benito Marinas教授课题组、新加坡国立大学(NUS)水研究中心主任Jiangyong Hu教授课题组进行长期研究合作,合作成果已联合发表多篇高水平研究论文。