

  • Na Wen,  Hongbo Tan*,  Simon Pedersen, et al. Numerical study on the cyclic cold storage performance in a solid-packed bed tank[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2024, 101, 113753.

  • 秦晓巧, 谭宏博*, 温娜,. 储能的低温空气分离系统热力学与经济性分析[J]. 西安交通大学学报,202458(9)1-10.

  • 秦晓巧, 谭宏博*, 温娜. 储能式低温空分系统热力学与经济性分析[J]. 化工学报,202475(7):2409-2421.

  • 许张良, 谭宏博*, 吴昊. -正氢转化对蒸气冷屏组合绝热结构的性能提升研究[J] . 真空与低温,202430(191), 382-391.

  • Na Wen, Hongbo Tan*, Xiaoqiao Qin, et al. Thermodynamic and economic analyses of the integrated cryogenic energy storage and gas power plant system[J] Renewable Energy,2023, 218, 119301.
  • Xiaoqiao Qin, Hongbo Tan*, Na Wen. Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a liquid air energy storage system with carbon capture and storage for gas power plants[J]. Applied sciences, 2023, 13(17), 9559;
  • Zhangliang Xu, Hongbo Tan*, Hao Wu. Performance comparison of multilayer insulation coupled with vapor cooled shield and different para-ortho hydrogen conversion types[J], Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 234, 121250;
  • 邵博识,谭宏博*。锯齿波纹板对挥发性有机物低温脱除过程强化模拟分析[J], 化工进展,202311, 42(S1), 84-93.
  • Zhangliang Xu, Hongbo Tan*, Hao Wu. Determination of hydrogen thermophysical properties by a statistical thermodynamic method[J]. Applied sciences, 2023, 13(13), 7466;
  • Hao Wu, Hongbo Tan*. Inversion of interlayer pressure in high-vacuum multilayer insulation structures for cryogen storage using extreme learning machine[J]. Applied sciences, 2023, 13(9), 5779;
  • Hao Wu, Hongbo Tan*, Zhangliang Xu. Multi-objective optimization of variable density multi-layer insulation for liquid hydrogen containers based on reduced-order surrogate model[J] . Processes, 2023, 11(5), 1383;
  • Xiaoqiao Qin, Hongbo Tan*Wei Shen, et al. Thermodynamic performance of a cryogenic energy storage system based on natural gas liquefaction [J]. Energy Storage and Saving, 2024, 3(1): 23-29.
  • Na Wen, Hongbo Tan*, Xiaoqiao Qin, et al. Simulation and analysis of a peak regulation gas power plant with advanced energy storage and cryogenic CO2 capture [J]. Energy Storage and Saving, 2023, 2479-486.
  • 邵博识,谭宏博,张淇栋。油库废气中挥发性有机物的低温脱除过程模拟分析[J]。化工进展,2023 42(12):  6270-6277.
  • Hongbo Tan, Boshi Shao, Na Wen. Numerical study of the deep removal of R134a from non-condensable gas mixture by cryogenic condensation and de-sublimation[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, 61, 180-191.
  • Hongbo Tan, Na Wen. Comparative study on the optimal performance of cryogenic energy storage systems with different working media[J]. Energy storage and saving, 2023, 2, 421-434.
  • Na Wen, Hongbo Tan, Xiaoqiao Qin. Modelling and optimization of liquid air energy storage systems with different liquefaction cycles [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 116321.
  • Hongbo Tan, Zhi Ding, Na Wen. Numerical study on the thermodynamic performance of a packed-bed cryogenic energy storage system [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 214, 118903.
  • Hongbo Tan, Na Wen, Zhi Ding, et al. Optimization of a cryogenic liquid air energy storage system and its optimal thermodynamic performance[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2022. 46 (11) , 15156-15173.
  • Hongbo Tan, Na Wen, Zhi Ding. CFD simulation of multi-phase flow characteristics in an industrial-scale randomly packed tower[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, e2708.
  • Hongbo Tan, Na Wen, Zhi Ding. Numerical study on heat and mass transfer characteristics in a randomly packed air cooling tower for large-scale air separation systems[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 178121556
  • Hongbo Tan, Yang Zhang, Siyu Shan, et al. Comparative study of boil-off gas re-liquefaction processes for liquid ethylene vessels[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,2019,24(1):209-220.
  • Hongbo Tan, Siyu Shan, Yang Nie, et al. A new boil-off gas re-liquefaction system for LNG carriers based on dual mixed refrigerant cycle[J]. Cryogenics, 2018, 92(6), 84-92.
  • 单思宇,谭宏博. 基于扁管的蒸发式冷凝器外传热质特性研究[J]. 化工学报, 2019, (S1) 69-78
  • Zhu CF, Li Y, Tan H*, et al. Numerical study on natural convection of liquid nitrogen used to cool the high-temperature superconducting cable in a new combined energy transmission system. Cryogenics, 2020, 109, 103101.
  • Jian Yang, Yanzhong Li, Hongbo Tan*. Study on Performance Comparison of Two Hydrogen Liquefaction Processes Based on the Claude Cycle and the Brayton Refrigeration Cycle [J], Processes, 2023, 11(3), 932.
  • Jian Yang, Yanzhong Li, Hongbo Tan*. Integrated hydrogen liquefaction process with a dual-pressure organic Rankine cycle assisted LNG gasification system: Design, comparison, and analysis [J], Applied energy, 2023, 347(1): 121372.
  • Jian Yang, Yanzhong Li, Hongbo Tan*. An energy-saving hydrogen liquefaction process with efficient utilization of liquefied natural gas cold energy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 49: 1482-1496.
  • 许张良,谭宏博*,吴昊。变密度多层低温绝热结构的性能比较与分析[J],工程热物理学报,2023445):1357-1365
  • Hongbo TAN*, Na WEN, Xiping KOU, et al. Optimization of a boil-off-gas reliquefaction system for small-scale liquefied natural gas fueling stations[C]. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2021, Chengdu, China, 2021.8.1
  • Boshi SHAO, Xiping KOU, Hongbo TAN*, et al. Removal of R134a from air/R134a mixture based on cryogenic condensation method[C]. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2021, Chengdu, China, 2021.8.1
  • Yuman Liu, Hongbo Tan*. Preliminary study on a new cryogenic energy storage system based on natural gas liquefaction[C]. Proceedings of the 2019 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Xi’an, China, 2019.6.19-6.21.
  • 吴昊,谭宏博*,许张良。高真空多层绝热结构层间压力反演[J],真空与低温,202329(2):121-128
  • 许张良,谭宏博*,吴昊。填充二氧化碳的低温真空管道绝热性能研究[J]。低温工程,20223:13-18.
  • 丁智,谭宏博*,温娜等.空冷塔的气体分布器进气段流场分析及结构优化[J].化工机械,2021,48(6):861-867.
  • Yang Zhang, Hongbo Tan, Yanzhong Li, et al. A modified heat transfer correlation for flow boiling in small channels based on the boundary layer theory[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019132107-117.
  • 孙楠楠,谭宏博,赵庆轩等. 低温乙烯运输船的再液化流程的改进与优化[J].低温工程, 2017, 215: 59-64.
  • Hongbo Tan, Qingxuan Zhao, Jieyu Zheng, et al. Design and optimization of an improved small-scale liquefaction process for the natural gas pressure reducing station in pipelines [J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 2017, 8(4): 04017011.
  • Hongbo Tan, Nannan Sun, Qingxuan zhao, et al. An ejector-enhanced re-liquefaction process (EERP) for liquid ethylene vessels [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2017. 41(5): 658-672.
  • Hongbo Tan, Qingxuan zhao, Nannan Sun, et al. Enhancement of energy performance in a boil-off gas re-liquefaction system of LNG carriers using ejectors [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016,126: 875-888.
  • Hongbo Tan, Qingxuan zhao, Nannan Sun, et al. Proposal and design of a natural gas liquefaction process recovering the energy obtained from the pressure reducing stations of high-pressure pipelines [J]. Cryogenics, 2016, 80:82-90.
  • Hongbo TAN, Nannan SUN, Chen LIN, et al. Experimental study on a self-refrigerated auto air conditioning system based on LNG-fuelled trucks[C]. Proceedings of the 2016 11th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Hefei, China, 2016.6.5-6.7.
  • Hongbo TAN, Wenjian CAI, Qingguo WANG, et al. Optimization and Comparison of Boiling-Off Gas re-liquefaction processes for liquid ethylene vessels[C]. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Hefei, China, 2016.6.5-6.7.
  • Hongbo TAN, Jieyu ZHENG, Nannan SUN, et al. A small-scale natural gas liquefaction process utilizing the pressure energy of the high-pressure pipelines[C]. Proceedings of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan, 2015.
  • 孙楠楠,谭宏博,张杨等. LNG动力渔船的冷能利用技术初探[J]. 化工学报,2015, 66(S2): 50-55.
  • 赵庆轩,谭宏博,孙楠楠等. 一种新型L-CNG加注站的能量综合回收系统[J]. 低温工程,2016212: 25-28.
  • 郑江,厉彦忠,王春燕,谭宏博.面向LNG汽车的发动机排气与低温燃料温差发电器研究[J] .制冷学报,2014356):21-27+34
  • Hongbo Tan, Yanzhong Li, Hanfei Tuo. Theoretical and Experimental Study on a Self-refrigerating System for LNG-fueled Refrigerated Vehicles[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, 20: 192-199.
  • Yang Zhang, Hongbo Tan, Yanzhong Li, et al. Feasibility analysis and application design of a novel long-distance natural gas and electricity combined transmission system[J]. Energy. 2014, 77710-719.
  • Hongbo Tan, Yanzhong Li, Hanfei Tuo, et al. Experimental study on liquid/solid phase change for cold energy storage of LNG refrigerated vehicle [J]. Energy, 2010, 35(5): 1927-1935.
  • Hongbo Tan, Cui Li, Yanzhong Li. Simulation Research on PCM Freezing process to Recover and Store the Cold Energy of Cryogenic Gas [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2011, 50(11): 2220-2227.
  • Tan H B, Li Y Z, Yan N, et tal. Proposal of High-efficient Recovery Schemes of Liquied Natural Gas Cryogenic Energy[C]. Proceedings of ICCR'2008, Beijing: Science Press, 2008, 317~322.
  • 谭宏博,厉彦忠.液化天然气冷能构成及其利用方式探讨[J].化学工程,200634(12)58-61
  • 谭宏博,厉彦忠.液化天然气冷能用于Stirling热机初探[J].化工学报,200758(6)1366-1370
  • 谭宏博,厉彦忠,梁骞等.液化天然气潜液泵关键技术及研发方案[J].现代化工,200727(12)52-54
  • 脱瀚斐,厉彦忠,谭宏博.空气分离与天然气液化组合循环[J].化工学报,200859(10)2498-2504
  • 梁骞,厉彦忠,谭宏博.液化天然气汽车双动力循环系统[J].低温工程,2007447-50
  • 梁骞,厉彦忠,谭宏博.加气站中的LNG提压汽化综合用能系统[J].低温工程,2007547-49.
  • 梁骞,厉彦忠,谭宏博等.潜液式LNG泵的结构特点及其应用优势[J].天然气工业,200828(2)123-125.
  • 梁骞,厉彦忠,谭宏博.利用气体动力循环的LNG双动力汽车[J].制冷学报,200829(4)51-54
  • 周满,厉彦忠,谭宏博.车载LNG储罐蒸发率的理论与试验[J].低温工程,200941-5


  1. 谭宏博,厉彦忠,鱼剑琳等。一种基于液化天然气汽车的能量综合回收利用系统。ZL201210521342.9.授权日期2014-09-23.
  2. 谭宏博,孙楠楠,厉彦忠。一种液化天然气冷量的增益回收利用系统。ZL201410842276.4.授权日期2016-06-29.
  3. 谭宏博,刘宇曼,厉彦忠。利用低温冷能储能的天然气与电力互联调峰系统.ZL201811353788.9,授权日期2020-06-26。
  4. 谭宏博,温娜,祝乘风等。一种低温冷能循环利用的电力高温超导输送系统,ZL202011332573.6,授权日期2022-04-05。
  5. 谭宏博,吴昊,许张良。一种基于梯度信息的多层绝热材料仿真设计方法,ZL202110932574.2,授权日期2022-12-09。
  6. 谭宏博,吴昊,许张良。一种基于自动编码器反演的多层绝热材料优化方法,ZL202110932572.3,授权日期2022-12-09。
  7. 谭宏博,吴昊。一种基于代理模型的变密度高真空多层绝热结构优化方法, ZL202210349693.X, 授权日期2024-02-20。
  8. 谭宏博,吴昊。一种变密度高真空多层绝热结构的优化方法及系统,ZL202210329153.5, 授权日期2024-08-20。
  9. 谭宏博,吴昊。一种变密度多层绝热材料的最优组合方法及系统, ZL202210329154.X, 授权日期2024-09-10。
  10. 谭宏博,邵博识。一种基于板翅式换热器的资源气体回收与脱除系统, ZL202210349695.9, 授权日期2023-03-21。
  11. 谭宏博,邵博识。一种资源气体回收与脱除系统, ZL202210349692.5, 授权日期2023-03-28。
  12. 谭宏博,邵博识,寇西平等。一种低温冷凝回收挥发性气体的系统,ZL202111157908.X,授权日期2024-05-28。
  13. 谭宏博,邵博识,寇西平等。一种低温冷凝回收挥发性气体的结构,ZL202122388336.8,授权日期2022-04-05(实用新型)。
  14. 谭宏博,温娜,秦晓巧。利用低温空气冷能燃气电站的碳捕集系统及运行方法,ZL202211483414.5授权日期2024-10-XX
  15. 谭宏博,温娜,秦晓巧。碳捕集和液化天然气冷能利用的储能电力调峰系统及运行方法,ZL202211483453.5授权日期2024-10-XX
  • 谭宏博,吴昊。一种高真空多层绝热结构层间压力反演方法,202210897388.4,2022-07-28。