
No entries were found.
Awards Name Year Awards Type Awards Level Offer
多列高压压缩机及其关系关键技术研究与应用 2019 省部级科技成果奖 二等奖 机械工业学会
陕西省微课竞赛 2018 其他 一等奖 陕西省教育厅
多列高压压缩机及其关系关键技术研究与应用 2017 局厅级科技成果奖 一等奖 西安交通大学 宝鸡博磊化工机械有限公司 中国石油大学

Science Project

No entries were found.
Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
02403173 大型气体压缩机产学研合作技术开发 其他 2024-01~2029-12 负责人 horizontal project
202407139 涡旋式空悬压缩机可行性评估 其他 2024-01~2029-12 负责人 horizontal project
2024QCY-KXJ-004HZ 先进工艺压缩机关键技术研究及应用“科学家+工程师”队伍 陕西省科技厅 2024-01~2026-12 负责人 Vertical project
202212210 电子空调压缩机辅驱一体化关键技术研究 其他 2023-01~2023-12 负责人 horizontal project
20221028 无油涡旋空气压缩机设计开发 企业 2022-01~2027-12 负责人 horizontal project
20220928 水蒸汽单螺杆压缩机开发 企业 2022-01~2025-12 负责人 horizontal project
52076162 螺杆膨胀机内汽泡弥散传播行为及对两相膨胀增效机理的研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2021-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
20200687 XX学生公寓楼综合热水利用系统示范项目 其他 2020-1~ 负责人 Other
7 中压水润滑无油单螺杆空气压缩机研制 其他 2020-1~ 负责人 horizontal project
8 热泵烟叶烘烤技术 其他 2020-1~ 负责人 horizontal project
20190792 航空器无油涡旋压缩机研制 其他 2019-1~ 负责人 horizontal project
201907100 水蒸汽压缩机及水蒸气利用技术 其他 2019-1~ 负责人 Other
20190923 往复式压缩机故障诊断技术研究 其他 2019-1~ 负责人 horizontal project
201801 环境舱冷流组织及热分析 其他 2018-1~ 负责人 horizontal project
201802 车载无油空气压缩机设计 其他 2018-1~ 负责人 Other
6 单螺杆空气压缩机研制 其他 2015-7~ 负责人 horizontal project
5 单螺杆工艺压缩机研制 陕西省工业攻关 2015-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
4 单螺杆压缩机技术 “863”高科技项目 2011-1~ 骨干成员 Vertical project
3 空气-水两相射流冲蚀特性及机理的研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2011-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
2 冷冻机油试验台评价技术的研究 国务院各部委项目 2011-1~ 负责人 horizontal project


No entries were found.
Patent Name Application Number Application Date
一种低温水蒸馏系统及方法 CN201911203851.5 Invention 2019.11.29
一种单作用式活塞压缩机及其进气控制方法 201910877461.X Invention 2019.09.17
一种涡盘动静接头及水冷无油涡旋压缩机 CN201811378804.X Invention 2018.11.19
一种往复式压缩机的F-V图监测方法及装置 CN201810661260.1 Invention 2018.06.25
一种单螺杆压缩机轴的悬臂式布置结构 CN201711331411.9 Invention 2017.12.13
一种离心式单螺杆压缩机或膨胀机 CN201711278333.0 Invention 2017.12.06
一种冰箱压缩机内排管连接结构 CN201711242464.3 Invention 2017.11.30
星轮齿角和螺杆槽底角型面耦合设计方法 CN201610933595.5 Invention 2016.10.25
一种单螺杆膨胀机的进排气孔口结构 201610349773.X Invention 2016.05.24
油田注水井高压流量计在线标定的方法 201510066746.7 Invention 2015.02.09
一种带吸气功能的压缩机喷油器 201410708012.X Invention 2014.11.07
可测试弹簧在宽低温区弹性性能的装置 201310044381.9 Invention 2013.02.04
一种单螺杆压缩机星轮加工机床 201110189256.8 Invention 2011.11.08
一种单螺杆压缩机啮合副的包络齿型面 20110314977.7 Invention 2011.03.14
多圆柱非等长铣削包络的单螺杆压缩机齿面型线构成方法 201010293319.X Invention 2010.10.29
一种用于加工单螺杆压缩机转子的铣床 200810150033.9 Invention 2008.10.15
多圆柱铣削包络的单螺杆压缩机齿面型线构成方法 ZL 2006 1 0042614.1 Invention 2006.10.04
一种多功能高效清洗水枪 CN200520097149.2 Utility model 2005.02.09


No entries were found.
Republication Author Republication date Publisher
传热学:电力电子器件热管理 余小玲,吴伟烽,刘飞龙 2013-06-03 机械工业出版社
压缩机工业手册 吴伟烽,冯全科,高秀峰 2012-01-10 中国石化出版社

Research Team

  1. Li, Xiaoran; Wu, Weifeng; Zhang, Yin; Li, Chengyi; Zhang, Jing; Guo, Chengqiang; Wang, Jiangfeng, Characteristics study of non-equilibrium flash for two-phase expansion based on equivalent expansion experiments, Applied energy, Vol.358(122551), DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.122551, WOS:001156051100001, ISSN 0306-2619, eISSN 1872-9118, IDS Number:GX7Z5
  2. Zhang, Yin; Wu, Weifeng; Feng, Tianhuangrui; Li, Xiaoran, Heat and mass transfer characteristics of non-equilibrium flash at start stage, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Vol.227:125590, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2024.125590, WOS:001220573800001, ISSN0017-9310, eISSN1879-2189, IDS Number QJ7N9
  3. Li, Xiaoran; Wu, Weifeng; Zhang, Yin; Li, Chengyi; Zhang, Jing; Guo, Chengqiang; Wang, Jiangfeng; Wang, Bofeng, Experimental study of heat transfer characteristics among the two-phase expansion process, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Vol.11, No.2, 2024, DOI10.1299/mej.23-00458, WOS:001181533100001, ISSN2187-9745, IDS Number OJ7R2
  4. Weifeng Wu, Chengyi Li, Jing Zhang, Yin Zhang, Xiaoran Li, Yifan Yang, Zhongqing Zhu, and Bingsheng Wang. Fault diagnosis of reciprocating compressor based on the prediction of comprehensive index extracted from the expansion process in indicator diagram. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/09544089231163377
  5. Weifeng Wu, Chengyi Li, Zhongqing Zhu, Xiaoran Li, Yin Zhang, Jing Zhang, Yifan Yang, Xiaoling Yu, Bingsheng Wang. A new method for reciprocating compressor fault diagnosis based on indicator diagram feature extraction. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/09576509231161855
  6. Xiaoran Li, Tianshuo Guo, Weifeng Wu, Chengyi Li, Jie Li and Zhongqing Zhu, Application of state parameter learning for fault diagnosis on the large reciprocating compressor, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/09544089221149824
  7. Xiaoran Li, Weifeng Wu, Jing Zhang, Chengqiang Guo, Feng Ke and Fuqiang JiangAnalysis of 3D Transient Flow in a High-Speed Scroll Refrigeration Compressorenergies 2023, 16, 3089.
  8. 杨毅帆,祝钟青,张戟,陈青松,吴伟烽.一种基于热力预测系统的大型往复压缩机故障诊断方法[J].压缩机技术,2023(05):1-6+30.DOI:10.16051/j.cnki.ysjjs.2023.05.010.
  9. 杨毅帆,祝钟青,张戟,陈青松,吴伟烽.基于双源系数反算法的往复压缩机故障诊断技术研究[J].压缩机技术,2023(03):7-14.DOI:10.16051/j.cnki.ysjjs.2023.03.011.
  10. 杨毅帆,祝钟青,张戟,陈青松,肖植,吴伟烽.基于p-V图特征的往复式压缩机缸内易损件故障诊断技术研究-诊断模型[J].压缩机技术, 2023(02):1-7. DOI: 10.16051/j.cnki.ysjjs.2023.02.010.
  11. 杨毅帆,祝钟青,张戟,陈青松,肖植,吴伟烽.基于p-V图特征的往复压缩机缸内易损件故障诊断技术研究—模拟实验.压缩机技术,2023,No.297(01)
  12. 李程翊,吴伟烽,李晓然等.微型空气压缩机组合式曲轴的扭振分析.压缩机技术,2022,No.294(04):1-5
  13. Yin Zhang, Xiaoran Li, Chengyi Li, Weifeng Wu *, Jiangfeng Wang, Development of exposed rapid thermocouple for internal fluid temperature testing under pressure, Applied Thermal Engineering 216 (2022) 119130
  14. Weifeng Wu*, Zhao Zhang, Chengyu Peng, Xuwang Li, Yifan Yang, Wenwen LeiRefreshed internal working characteristics of the single screw compressor based on experimental investigationInternational Journal of Refrigeration, 143 (2022),118-125
  15. Weifeng Wu *, Tianshuo Guo, Chengyu Peng, Xiaoran Li, Xuwang Li, Zhao Zhang, Liangcong Xu, Zhilong He, FSI simulation of the suction valve on the piston for reciprocating compressors, International Journal of Refrigeration 137 (2022) 14–21
  16. 彭程宇,谢佳,冯全科,吴伟烽,两级单螺杆压缩机气体阻力矩变化特性研究,西安交通大学学报,2022V562):82-90
  17. 吴伟烽,郭天硕,张寅,张曌,李许旺,加热-蒸发分离的低温真空蒸馏系统性能模拟,中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 53(4):1189−1198
  18. 吴伟烽,李程翊,张寅,李晓然,考虑相界面对压力波传播影响的汽车空调管路气流脉动研究,压缩机技术,202202):1-9
  19. Wu Weifeng, Zhang Zhao, Development of single screw compressor technologies and their tendency, Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E:Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, p09544089211043011 14p. 2021.9.20
  20. Chengyu Peng, Weifeng Wu *, Zhao Zhang, Jia Xie, Quanke Feng, Zhilong He, Dynamic characteristics improvement of the single screw compressor with odd-grooves screw rotor, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021(132):P100-108
  21. G X Bu, X R Li, X W Li, Y Zhang, W F Wu, X L Wang and X P Zhang Numerical study of intake flow field inside the high-speed refrigeration scroll compressor with spiral suction channels in the motor rotor2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1180 01201
  1. Y Zhang, T S Guo, W F Wu*, C Y Li and X L Wang, Simulation and optimization of opened sewage concentration air cycle combined with the heat pump under actual weather conditions, 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1180 012060
  1. 彭程宇,张曌,谢佳,吴伟烽,冯全科.单螺杆压缩机转子异步压缩循环的动力学分析[J].西安交通大学学报,2021,55(01):136-144.
  2. Meng Xin, Zhang Zhao, Li Xuwang, Wu Weifeng2, Wang Xiaolin, Wu Gang, Wang Subiao, Zhu Zhongqing, Study of the thermo-mechanical couple deformation of the meshing pairs of a single-screw compressor, Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E:Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering,2021, V235(4), p.1175-1187
  3. Wenshan Zhang, Qian Lv, Haitian Hao, CJ Pan, Quanke Feng, Eckhard A. Groll, Weifeng WuXiaoling YuResearch of transverse dynamic oscillation for the piston in labyrinth compressorProceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E:Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2021,V235(4),p959-972
  4. Zhao Zhang, Weifeng Wu, Numerical investigation of thermal deformation of meshing pairs in single screw compressor, Applied Thermal Engineering,188(2021)116614
  1. Qi Wang, WeifengWu, Dantong Li, JiangfengWang, Zhilong He, Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of four organic flash cycle systems for waste heat recovery, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, V221, 113171000572861700001
  2. 吴伟烽,郭天硕,李许旺,吴钢,王苏彪,单螺杆压缩机螺杆转子的高效车削方法的研究,压缩机技术,2020.210.16051/j.cnki.ysjjs.2020.02.001
  3. Weifeng WU, Qi WANG, Zhao ZHANG, Zhijun WU, Xiaotian YANG, Liangcong XU, Influence of Evaporating Rate on Two-phase Expansion in the Piston Expander with Cyclone Separator, Thermal Science, 2020,24(3B):2077-2088DOI REFERENCE: 000532472600016
  5. Weifeng Wu, Zhao Zhang, Xiaolin Wang, Liangwei Yang and Quanke Feng, A Bench Evaluation Test for Refrigeration Oils in a Refrigeration System Using a Screw Compressor, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(15), 3202; WOS:000482134500257IDS : IS4PB
  6. Wu Weifeng*, Zhang Zhao, Feng Quanke. Investigation on the vibration balance approach for four-row star type reciprocating compressors. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 604 (2019) 012021. INSPEC: 18952912.EI20194307570271
  7. Wenshan Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Qian Lv, Quanke Feng, Weifeng Wu*. Dynamic research of piston/piston assembly in labyrinth reciprocating compressor. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 604 (2019) 012020. INSPEC: 18942092.EI2019430757027010.1088/1757-899X/604/1/012020
  8. Qi Wang, Hao Huang, Liangcong Xu, Xiaotian Yang, Zhilong He, Weifeng Wu. Analysis of the Thermodynamic Disequilibrium Loss of the Two-phase Expansion Process and its Influence on the Performance of a Reciprocating Expander. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 604 (2019) 012041.,检索号:INSPEC:18942104
  9. Qi Wang, Weifeng Wu, Zhilong He, Davide Ziviani, Analysis of the intake process and its influence on the performance of a twophase reciprocating expander, Applied Thermal Engineering, 160(2019) , 113943 SCI: IW3LF
  10. QiWang, Weifeng Wu, Zhilong He, Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a novel organic Rankine cycle-based micro-scale cogeneration system using biomass fuel, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.198(2019), 111803, SCIJF2KDWOS:000491213400015
  11. 吴伟烽,杨良伟,张曌,冯全科,螺杆制冷压缩机冷冻机油台架评定试验,压缩机技术,201805),DOI10.16051/j.cnki.ysjjs.2018.05.005
  12. Zhao Zhang, Chengyu Peng, Weifeng Wu, Numerical Simulation of Discharge Process in the Single Screw Compressor, 24rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 11-14, 2018
  13. Chengyu Peng, Zhao Zhang, Pankang Xiong, Lei Liu, Quanke Feng, Weifeng Wu, Stress Analysis of Key Components and Vibration Property Research of the Meshing Pair in Single Screw Compressors, 24rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 11-14, 2018
  14. Qi Wang, Zhao Zhang, Weifeng Wu, Simulation of the Superheated Water Expansion Process in a Cylinder With Moving Piston, 24rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 11-14, 2018
  15. Xin-ping Long, Qing-qing Wang, Long-zhou Xiao, Jun-qiang Zhang, Mao-sen Xu, Wei-feng Wu, Bin Ji, Numerical analysis of bubble dynamics in the diffuser of a jet pump under variable ambient pressure, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, 29(3):510-519, DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60763-1
  16. Zhang Wenshan, Feng Chaoqiang, Chen Junming, Feng Quanke, Wu Weifeng, Investigation on the electromagnetic centring technique in compressors with labyrinth seal structure, 10th International Conference on Compressors and Their Systems, 2017.9, London, UK,EI: 000413092600072
  17. Zhang Zhao, Wu Weifeng, Jian Zhifang, Yang Liangwei, Study of a Piston Force Based F-V diagram monitoring method for reciprocating compressors, The 8th International Conference on Compressors and Refrigerationl, 2017.8, Xi’an
  18. Jian Zhifang, Wu Weifeng, Zhang Zhao, Yang Liangwei, A simplified p-V diagram testing method for domestic refrigerator compressors, The 8th International Conference on Compressors and Refrigerationl, 2017.8, Xi’an
  19. 侯方勇,李直,吴伟烽,建志芳,张曌,油田注水井口流量计在线标定技术研究,油气田地面工程,2017.3
  20. Li Ting, Huang Rui, Feng Quan-ke, Wu Wei-feng, Liu Fei-long, Yu Xiao-ling, (2016). "Hydrodynamic lubricating characteristics of water flooded single screw compressors based on two types of meshing pair profile." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology 230(9): 1092-1106. SCI:DU8DX
  21. Weifeng Wu, Zhifang Jian, Mingyi Song, Zhao ZhangStudy of Valve Motion in Reciprocating Refrigerator Compressors Based on the 3-D Fluid-Structure Interaction Model, 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 11-14, 2016
  22. Xie Jia; Li Jian; Lian Kang; Feng Quanke; Wu Weifeng, Research on Injected Effect and Heat-transfer Characteristics of Narrow-Slit Injection Orifice Used for the Screw Compressor, 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 11-14, 2016
  23. 宋明毅,吴伟烽,李直, 汽车空调压缩机气阀运动规律模拟, 西安交通大学学报,4912),2015.12EI: 20160101750444
  24. Mingyi Song, Weifeng Wu, Lizhi, Zhangzhao, Zhifang Jian, A three dimensional fluid-structure interaction model of a small reciprocating refrigeration compressor and the dynamics behavior of suction valve, International Conference on Compressors and Refrigeration 2015, Xi’an.
  25. Zengli Wang, Zhan Liu, Weifeng Wu, Quanke Feng. Research of leakage characteristics of single screw refrigeration compressors with the Multicolumn Envelope Meshing Pair, Original Research Article, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 49, January 2015, Pages 1-10
  26. 顾泽波,吴伟烽,回转式制冷压缩机内外压比不相等对性能影响的计算分析,压缩机技术,2014.02244
  27. 程军明,吴伟烽(通讯),聂娟,刘展,冯全科,气泡在静水中上升破裂产生射流特性的数值模拟,江苏大学学报,2014Vol.35(5)doi:103969/jissn16717775201405004
  28. Weifeng Wu, Xiuqing Hao, Zhilong He, Jian Li, Design of the Curved Flank for the Star-Wheel Tooth in Single Screw Compressors, 2014, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.136(5), 051006 (2014) ();   Paper No: MD-13-1279;   doi:10.1115/1.4026870SCI: AE5QI, EI: 20142117734318
  29. Ting Li, Zengli Wang, Rui Huang, Weifeng Wu(Corresponding Author),  Quanke Feng, Theoretical analysis of loads on the gate rotor bearings in the single screw compressor, 8th International Conference on Compressors and Their Systems, 2013.9.10, London, UK. EI: 20134917052538
  30. Xie J., Du B.Y., Yu X.L. and Wu W.F. (Corresponding Author), Design of Cryogenic Box System for Testing Characteristics of Compression Springs, Cryogenics and Refrigeration-Proceedings of ICCR2013, 2013.4.6-9, Hangzhou, China.
  31. Feilong Liu, Zengli Wang, Weifeng Wu (Corresponding Author), Quanke Feng, Investigations of Deformation Failure of the Slide Valve in Single Screw Refrigeration Compressors, 8th International Conference on Compressors and Their Systems, 2013.9.10, London, UK. EI: 20134917052543
  32. Jian Li, Quanke Feng, Feilong Liu, Weifeng Wu(Corresponding Author).  Experimental studies of the tooth wear resistance with different profiles in single screw compressor [J], Tribology International, 2013.1, Vol.57:210-215. SCI:042MHEI:20124515637570 影响影子1.557
  33. 张俊龙,张方圆,吴伟烽(通讯作者),张坤,冰箱变频压缩机泵油系统的改进设计,压缩机技术,201206.
  34. 吴伟烽,浅谈传统工程学科的互动式教学与学习兴趣的培养,第七届全国高等院校制 冷空调学科发展与教学 研讨会,2012.08,西安
  35. Rui Huang, Ting Li, Quanke Feng, Weifeng Wu(Corresponding Author)Numerical investigation of pressure distribution along the lubricating water film in water flooded air single screw compressorsinternational Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 16-19, 2012
  36. Jian Li, Feilong Liu, Quanke Feng, Weifeng Wu(Corresponding Author), A New Design of the Tooth Profile for Single Screw Compressorsinternational Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 16-19, 2012
  37. Weifeng Wu, Shuo Sun, Quanke Feng, A numerical contour method for simulating spiral groove bottom profiles, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012,Vol.134(02),024501:, (SCI:923DC, EI: 20120714773018)
  38. Weifeng Wu, Jian Li, Quanke Feng, Ting Li, Xiaoling Yu, Research of laminar liquid flow in asymmetry narrow channels[J], Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2012.Vol46(03), SCI:958TJ, EI: 20121714957726. 128~131
  39. Wei-feng WU, Xin-ping LONG, Xiao-ling YU, Quan-ke FENG, A new power generation method utilizing a low grade heat source, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2012 Vol. 13(2), SCI: 885HS, EI: 20124915760210
  40. 吴伟烽,冯全科,黄锐. 单螺杆压缩机星轮齿理论型面的研究[J]. 压缩机技术,201112.
  41. Jian Xu, Quanke Feng, Weifeng Wu(Corresponding Author), Geometrical Design and Investigation of a New Profile of the Three Screw Pump, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2011, Vol.133(9), 094501 (SCI:910OU, EI: 20113814345746).
  42. Weifeng Wu, Jian Li, Quanke Feng, Simulation of the surface profile of the groove bottom enveloped by milling cutters in single screw compressors, Computer-Aided Design, 2011.Vol.43(01):67-71, SCI:691YV,  EI:20104713417813
  43. Weifeng Wu, Jian Li, Longquan Lu, Quanke Feng, Analysis of Oil Pumping in the Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor for Household Refrigerators, International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, USA : Purdue University, 2010
  44. Shuo Sun, Weifeng Wu(Corresponding Author), Xiaoling YU , Quanke Feng, Analysis of Oil Film Force in Single Screw Compressor, International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, USA : Purdue University, 2010
  45. 李挺,吴伟烽,冯全科, 单螺杆压缩机星轮齿磨损问题的研究,压缩机技术,20096)。
  46. Weifeng WU, Quanke FENG, A Multicolumn Envelope Meshing Pair for Single Screw Compressors, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2009, 131(7), SCI:462QF,EI: 20103213125311
  47. Weifeng WU, Quanke FENG, Xiaoling YU, Geometric Design Investigation of Single Screw Compressor Rotor Grooves Produced by Cylindrical Milling, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2009 Vol.131(7), SCI:462QF, EI: 20103213125306.
  48. 吴伟烽, 李健, 冯全科. 单螺杆压缩机星轮的周向力分析[J]. 压缩机技术, 2009, (01).
  49. Weifeng WU, Quanke FENG, Jian Xu, Xiangling Feng, A Design Method of the Column Envelope Meshing Pair in Single Screw Compressors, International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, USA : Purdue University, 2008.
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