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2022.08-至今 西安交通大学 网络空间安全学院 科研副院长
2019.05-至今 西安交通大学 自动化科学与工程学院  教授
2015.04-2019.05 西安交通大学 特聘研究员
2014.01-2015.03 华为公司 香港大数据技术实验室Noah’s Ark Lab,研究员
2012.11-2013.10 加拿大麦吉尔大学计算机学院,博士后
2012.04-2012-10 香港中文大学计算机工程与科学系,博士后

2006.09-2012.03 西安交通大学,博士研究生
2009.09-2010.09 美国University of Massachusetts Amherst,访问学生
2002.09-2006.06 西安交通大学,教改班,本科



博士 贾鹏 (CCF A类论文10篇,国家奖学金、阿里实习生)=> 华为西安研究所(入选“华为天才少年计划”

博士 孙飞扬(西安交大最具影响力期刊论文2篇,国家奖学金,与管晓宏院士、香港中文大学John C.S. Lui教授联合指导)=> 华为西安研究所(入选“华为天才少年计划”

博士 兰林(CCF A类论文3篇,与管晓宏院士联合指导)=> 华为西安研究所(special offer)

硕士 吕昕远 => 腾讯(special offer)

硕士 杨鹏 => 拼多多

硕士 吴用 (国家奖学金)=> 选调生

硕士 邢舒明 => 中航工业西安飞行自动控制研究所

博士 王昌钰(西安交大最具影响力期刊论文3篇,CCF A类论文1篇,与管晓宏院士联合指导)=> 京东管培生

博士 齐逸岩 (CCF A类论文6篇,国家奖学金、腾讯实习生,新加坡国立大学访问学生)=> 腾讯

硕士 程腾浪 => 华为
硕士 常跃 => 滴滴
硕士 陈龙(阿里实习生) => 文远智行

硕士 王翔宇 (CCF A类论文1篇,国家奖学金,腾讯、阿里实习生)=> 华为(Special Offer)
硕士 侯永博 => 贝壳网

硕士 胡小雨(与管晓宏院士联合指导)=> 百度
硕士 曹宇 => 中国农业银行

硕士 李娜 => 美团

硕士 陈雅静(与管晓宏院士联合指导)=> 百度

2019年国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目“网络模式发现与分析”, 120万,主持
2017年CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟创意基金项目, 主持


  • Jie Ma, Min Hu, Pinghui Wang, Wangchun Sun, Lingyun Song, Hongbin Pei, Jun Liu, Youtian Du. Look, Listen, and Answer: Overcoming Biases for Audio-Visual Question Answering. NeurIPS 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Yumeng Dai, Chenxu Wang, Pinghui Wang, Tao Qin, Xiaohong Guan. Measuring Graph Embedding Stability via Canonical Correlation Analysis. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (JCR 1区)
  • Nuo Xu, Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, Feiyang Sun, Lin Lan, Jing Tao, Li Pan, Xiaohong Guan. Distinguish Confusion in Legal Judgment Prediction via Revised Relation Knowledge. Accepted for ACM TOIS (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Yiyan Qi, Rundong Li, Pinghui Wang, Yufang Sun, Rui Xing. QSketch: An Efficient Sketch for Weighted Cardinality Estimation in Streams. KDD 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Hongbin Pei, Yu Li, Huiqi Deng, Jingxin Hai, Pinghui Wang, Jie Ma, Jing Tao, Yuheng Xiong, Xiaohong Guan. Multi-Track Message Passing: Tackling Oversmoothing and Oversquashing in Graph Learning via Preventing Heterophily Mixing. ICML 2024 (Spotlight Paper, 中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Lin Lan, Pinghui Wang, Rui Shi, Tingqing Liu, Juxiang Zeng, Feiyang Sun, Yang Ren, Jing Tao and Xiaohong Guan. GRAND: A Fast and Accurate Graph Retrieval Framework via Knowledge Distillation. SIGIR 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Ziyang Zhou, Pinghui Wang, Zi Liang, Ruofei Zhang, Haitao Bai. PAIR: Pre-denosing Augmented Image Retrieval Model for Defending Adversarial Patches. ACM Multimedia 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Dongdong Xie, Junzhou Zhao, Jinsong Li, Zhicheng Li, Rundong Li, Yang Ren, Jia Di. Half-Xor: A Fully-Dynamic Sketch for Estimating the Number of Distinct Values in Big Tables. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Runze Lei , Pinghui Wang*, Rundong Li , Peng Jia , Junzhou Zhao , Xiaohong Guan. Sketching Data Distribution by Rotation. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Chenxu Wang, Peijing Jiang, Xiangliang Zhang, Pinghui Wang*, Tao Qin, Xiaohong Guan. GTCAlign: Global Topology Consistency-based Graph Alignment. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Jie Ma, Pinghui Wang*, Dechen Kong, Zewei Wang, Jun Liu, Hongbin Pei, and Junzhou Zhao. "Robust Visual Question Answering: Datasets, Methods, and Future Challenges". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024, early access. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)

  • Junzhou Zhao,Pinghui Wang*,Wei Zhang,Zhaosong Zhang,Maoli Liu,Jing Tao,John C.S. Lui. Tracking Influencers in Decaying Social Activity Streams with Theoretical Guarantees. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2024.  (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Zi Liang, Pinghui Wang*, Ruofei Zhang, Nuo Xu, Shuo Zhang, Lifeng Xing, Haitao Bai, Ziyang Zhou. MERGE: Fast Private Text Generation. AAAI 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Chenxu Wang, Xichan Nie, Jinfeng Chen, Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, Xiaohong Guan. SMUG: Sand Mixing for Unobserved Class Detection in Graph Few-Shot Learning. TheWebConf (or WWW) 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Hongbin Pei, Yuheng Xiong, Pinghui Wang, Jing Tao, Jialun Liu, Huiqi Deng, Jie Ma, Xiaohong Guan. Memory Disagreement: A Pseudo-Labeling Measure from Training Dynamics for Semi-supervised Graph Learning. TheWebConf (or WWW) 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Hongbin Pei,Taile Chen,Chen A,Huiqi Deng,Jing Tao,Pinghui WangXiaohong Guan. HAGO-Net: Hierarchical Geometric Massage Passing for Molecular Representation Learning. AAAI 2024 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Chenxu Wang, Xin Yang, Tianyi Li, Jiaxing Wei, Pinghui Wang, Hongzhen Xiang, and Christian S. Jensen. SWISP: Distributed Convoy Mining via Sliding Window-based Indexing and Sub-track Partitioning.  ICDE 2024. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Peng Jia, Pinghui WangRundong Li, Junzhou Zhao, Junlan Feng, Xidian Wang, Xiaohong Guan, A Compact and Accurate Sketch for Estimating a Large Range of Set Difference Cardinalities.  ICDE 2024. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Tao Duan, Junzhou Zhao, Shuo Zhang, Jing Tao, and Pinghui Wang. Representation Learning of Tangled Key-Value Sequence Data for Early Classification.  ICDE 2024. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Yitong Liu, Zhicheng Li, Rundong Li, An LDP Compatible Sketch for Securely Approximating Set Intersection Cardinalities. SIGMOD 2024.  (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui WangYuanming Zhang, Kuankuan Cheng, Junzhou Zhao, A Revisit to Graph Neighborhood Cardinality Estimation.  ICDE 2024. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Jie Ma, Jun Liu, Qi Chai, Pinghui Wang, Jing Tao. Diagram Perception Networks for Textbook Question Answering via Joint Optimization. IJCV 2024. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • 马杰, 孙望淳, 王平辉, 张若非, 李帅鹏, 苏洲. 基于相关性提示的知识图谱问答. 软件学报,2024. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • 李帅鹏, 王平辉, 孙望淳, 杨阳, 杜友田, 马小科, 杜永杰. 显式知识注入的任务型对话理解模型. 数据采集与处理,2024.
  • Jie Ma, Qi Chai, Jun Liu, Qingyu Yin, Pinghui Wang, Qinghua Zheng. XTQA: Span-Level Explanations for Textbook Question Answering. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (JCR1区)
  • Runze Lei, Pinghui Wang*, Junzhou Zhao, Lin Lan, Jing Tao, Chao Deng, Junlan Feng, Xidian Wang, Xiaohong Guan. Federated Learning over Coupled Graphs. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Yuanming Zhang, Pinghui Wang*, Yiyan Qi, Kuankuan Chen, Junzhou Zhao, Guangjian Tian, Xiaohong Guan. Fast Gumbel-Max Sketch and its Applications. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Peng Jia, Yiyuan Xiong, Shaofeng Cai, Beng Chin Ooi, Pinghui Wang. Robust and Transferable Log-based Anomaly Detection. SIGMOD 2023.  (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang*Chengjin Yang,Dongdong Xie,Junzhou Zhao,Hui Li,Jing Tao,Xiaohong Guan. An Effective and Differentially Private Protocol for Secure Distributed Cardinality Estimation. SIGMOD 2023.  (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Xuchuang Wang, Hong Xie, Pinghui Wang, John CS Lui. Optimizing recommendations under abandonment risks: Models and algorithms. Performance Evaluation, 2023. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Shuo Zhang,Junzhou Zhao*Pinghui Wang*Tianxiang Wang,Zi Liang,Jing Tao,Yi Huang,Junlan Feng. Multi-Action Dialog Policy Learning from Logged User Feedback. AAAI 2023.  (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Haitao Bai, Pinghui Wang*Ruofei Zhang, Zhou Su. SegFormer: A Topic Segmentation Model with Controllable Range of Attention. AAAI 2023.  (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Yuntao Wang, Zhou Su, Qichao Xu, Ruidong Li, Tom.H Luan, Pinghui Wang. A Secure and Intelligent Data Sharing Scheme for UAV-Assisted Disaster Rescue. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2023.  (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Changyu Wang, Pinghui Wang*, Tao Qin, Chenxu Wang, Suhansanu Kumar, Xiaohong Guan, Jun Liu, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang. "SocialSift: Target Query Discovery on Online Social Media with Deep Reinforcement Learning".  IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2023. (JCR1区)
  • Chenxu Wang, Zhenhao Huang, Yue Wan, Junyu Wei, Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang. FuAlign: Cross-lingual entity alignment via multi-view representation learning of fused knowledge graphs.  Information Fusion, 2023. (JCR1区)
  • 覃浩,王平辉,张若非,覃遵颖. 基于宽容训练策略和隐私保护的快速监控视频检索模型. 软件学报,2023,34(3):0-0. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • 曾菊香,王平辉,丁益东,兰林,蔡林熹,管晓宏. 面向节点分类的图神经网络节点嵌入增强模型. 浙江大学学报, 2023.
  • 王壮,王平辉,等. 深度学习容器云平台下的GPU共享调度系统. 计算机科学,2023.
  • 贾鹏, 王平辉, 等. 数据中心电力拓扑结构自动生成与验证算法. 清华大学学报, 2023.
  • 王平辉, 裴红斌, 赵俊舟,  秦涛,  沈超,  刘东亮,  管晓宏. 网络社会现代治理的挑战与对策. 中国科学院院刊, 2022.
  • Chenxu Wang, Yu Yang, Kaiqiang Suo, Pinghui Wang. MulSetRank: Multiple set ranking for personalized recommendation from implicit feedback. Accepted for Knowledge-Based Systems 2022.  (JCR1区)
  • Shuo Zhang, Junzhou Zhao*, Pinghui Wang*, Yu Li, Yi Huang, and Junlan Feng. “Think Before You Speak”: Improving Multi-action Dialog Policy by Planning Single-Action Dialogs. Accepted for IJCAI 2022. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Juxiang Zeng, Pinghui Wang*, Lin Lan, Junzhou Zhao, Feiyang Sun, Jing Tao, Junlan Feng, Min Hu and Xiaohong Guan. "Accurate and Scalable Graph Neural Networks for Billion-Scale Graphs". Accepted for ICDE 2022. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Rui Li, Zhinan Cheng, Patrick P. C. Lee, Pinghui Wang*, Yi Qiang, Lin Lan, Cheng He, Jinlong Lu, Mian Wang and Xinquan Ding. "Automated Intelligent Healing in Cloud-Scale Data Centers". Accepted for SRDS 2021. (中国计算机学会B类会议)
  • Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang*, Chao Deng, Jing Tao. “Temporal Biased Streaming Submodular Optimization”. Accepted for SIGKDD 2021. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Runze Lei, Pinghui Wang*, Rundong Li, Peng Jia, Junzhou Zhao, Xiaohong Guan, Chao Deng. “Fast Rotation Kernel Density Estimation over Data Streams”. Accepted for SIGKDD 2021. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Feiyang Sun, Pinghui Wang*, Junzhou Zhao, Nuo Xu, Juxiang Zeng, Jing Tao, Kaikai Song, Chao Deng, John C.S. Lui, Xiaohong Guan. “Mobile Data Traffic Prediction by Exploiting Time-Evolving User Mobility Patterns”. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. (中国计算机学会A类期刊) (the dataset available upon request)
  • Rundong Li, Pinghui Wang*, Peng Jia, Xiangliang Zhang, Jing Tao, Ye Yuan, Xiaohong Guan. "Approximately Counting Butterflies in Large Bipartite Graph Streams". Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Peng Jia, Pinghui Wang*, Junzhou Zhao, Ye Yuan, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan. "LogLog Filter: Filtering Cold Items within a Large Range over High Speed Data Streams". Accepted for ICDE 2021. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Peng Jia, Pinghui Wang*, Junzhou Zhao, Jing Tao, Ye Yuan, Xiaohong Guan. "Erasable Virtual HyperLogLog for Approximating Cumulative Distribution over Data Streams". Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Rundong Li, Pinghui Wang*, Jiongli Zhu, Junzhou Zhao, Jia Di, Xiaofei Yang, Kai Ye. "Building Fast and Compact Sketches for Approximately Multi-Set Multi-Membership Querying". Accepted for SIGMOD 2021. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Peng Jia, Pinghui Wang*, Junzhou Zhao, Shuo Zhang, Yiyan Qi, Min Hu, Chao Deng, Xiaohong Guan. "Bidirectionally Densifying LSH Sketches with Empty Bins". Accepted for SIGMOD 2021. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Shuo Zhang, Junzhou Zhao*, Pinghui Wang*, Nuo Xu, Yang Yang, Yiting Liu, Yi Huang, and Junlan Feng. "Learning to Check Contract Inconsistencies". Accepted for AAAI 2021. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Yuanming Zhang, Jing Tao, Shuo Zhang, Yuchao Zhang, Pinghui Wang. “A machine learning based approach for user privacy preservation in social networks”. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2021.
  • 王悦, 王平辉, 许诺, 陈龙, 杨鹏, 吴用. "面向案件审判难度预测的神经网络模型研究". 计算机科学与探索, 2021.  (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • 吕昕远, 王平辉, 邢舒明, 张宇超, 王斌, 丛鹏宇. "深度学习容器云平台下的GPU动态分配系统". NDBC, 2021.
  • Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang*, Zhouguo Chen, Jianwei Ding, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, Xiaohong Guan. "Tracking Triadic Cardinality Distributions for Burst Detection in High-Speed Graph Streams". Accepted for KAIS 2020. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Changyu Wang, Kevin Chang, Pinghui Wang, Tao Qin, and Xiaohong Guan. Heterogeneous Network Crawling: Reaching Target Nodes by Motif-Guided Navigation”. Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Changyu Wang, Xiaohong Guan, Tao Qin, Pinghui Wang, Jing Tao, Yongwei Meng, Jingyuan Liu. "Addressing the train-test gap on traffic classification combined subflow model with ensemble learning". Knowledge-Based Systems, 204: 106192, 2020.  (JCR1区)
  • Lin Lan, Pinghui Wang*, Xuefeng Du, Kaikai Song, Jing Tao, and Xiaohong Guan. "Node Classification on Graphs with Few-Shot Novel Labels via Meta Transformed Network Embedding". Accepted for NeurIPS, 2020. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Chenxu Wang, Wei Rao, Wenna Guo, Pinghui Wang, Jun Liu, and Xiaohong Guan. "Towards Understanding the Instability of
    Network Embedding". Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Nuo Xu, Pinghui Wang*, Long Chen, Li Pan, Xiaoyan Wang and Junzhou Zhao. "Distinguish Confusing Law Articles for Legal Judgment Prediction". Accepted for ACL 2020, Long paper. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Peng Jia, Pinghui Wang*, Yuchao Zhang, Xiangliang Zhang, Jing Tao, Jianwei Ding, Xiaohong Guan, and Don Towsley. "Accurately Estimating User Cardinalities and Detecting Super Spreaders over Time". Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang*, Jing Tao, Shuo Zhang, John C.S. Lui. "Continuously Tracking Core Items in Data Streams with Probabilistic Decays". Accepted for ICDE 2020. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Yiyan Qi, Pinghui Wang*, Yuanming Zhang, Qiaozhu Zhai, Chenxu Wang, John C.S. Lui, and Xiaohong Guan. "Streaming Algorithms for Estimating High Set Similarities in LogLog Space". Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Yiyan Qi, Pinghui Wang*, Yuanming Zhang, Junzhou Zhao, Guangjian Tian and Xiaohong Guan. "Fast Generating A Large Number of Gumbel-Max Variables". Accepted for TheWebConf (or WWW) 2020, Full Oral Paper, (中国计算机学会A类会议, 接收率: 217/1129 = 19%) (link on axiv)
  • Lujia Pan, Jianfeng Zhang, Patrick P. C. Lee, Marcus Kalander, Junjian Ye, Pinghui Wang. "Proactive Microwave Link Anomaly Detection in Cellular Data Networks". Accepted for Elsevier Computer Networks, 2019. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Yiyan Qi, Jiefeng Cheng, Xiaojun Chen, Reynold Cheng, Albert Bifet, Pinghui Wang*. "Discriminative Streaming Network Embedding". Accepted for Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019.  (JCR1区)
  • Lin Lan, Pinghui Wang*, Junzhou Zhao, Jing Tao, John C.S. Lui, Xiaohong Guan. "Improving Network Embedding with Partially Available Vertex and Edge Content". Accepted for Information Sciences, 2019. (JCR1区)
  • Juxiang Zeng, Pinghui Wang*, Qiqi Zhao, Jianye Pang, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan. "Effectively Linking Persons on Cameras and Mobile Devices on Networks". Accepted for IEEE Internet Computing's special issue: SI: July/Aug 2019 - Live Video Analytics.
  • Lin Lan, Zhenguo Li, Xiaohong Guan, Pinghui Wang*. "Meta Reinforcement Learning with Task Embedding and Shared Policy". Accepted for  IJCAI 2019.  (中国计算机学会A类会议, 录稿率: 850/4752 = 17.8%)
  • Nuo Xu, Pinghui Wang*, Long Chen, Jing Tao, Junzhou Zhao. "MR-GNN: Multi-Resolution and Dual Graph Neural Network for Predicting Structured Entity Interactions". Accepted for  IJCAI 2019.  (中国计算机学会A类会议, 录稿率: 850/4752 = 17.8%)
  • Tao Qin, Zhaoli Liu, Pinghui Wang*, Shancang Li, Lixin Gao. "Symmetry Degree Measurement and Its Applications to Anomaly Detection". Accepted for  IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.  (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Yiyan Qi, Yuanming Zhang, Chenxu Wang, Qiaozhu Zhai, Xiaohong Guan, John C.S. Lui. "A Memory-Efficient Sketch Method for Estimating High Similarities in Streaming Sets". Accepted as an oral research track paper of SIGKDD, 2019. (中国计算机学会A类会议, oral research track 论文录稿率:110/1200 = 9.2%)
  • 李娜, 范正洁, 郝传洲, 王平辉, 陶敬, 林杰. "采用语义分析的标签体系构建方法". 西安交通大学学报, 2019.
  • Pinghui Wang, Xiangyu Wang, Jing Tao, Peng Zhang, Xiaohong Guan. "Continuously Distinct Sampling over Centralized and Distributed High Speed Data Streams". IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  30(2):300-314,2019. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Yiyan Qi, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, Junzhou Zhao, and Jing Tao. "Inferring Higher-Order Structure Statistics of Large Networks From Sampled Edges". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31(1):61-74,2019. (中国计算机学会A类期刊. An earlier version appeared in Proceedings of IEEE ICDE 2016. Best papers of IEEE ICDE 2016 selected for a special section of IEEE TKDE)
  • Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. "Optimizing Node Discovery on Networks: Problem Definitions, Fast Algorithms, and Observations". Information Sciences 477: 161-185, 2019. (JCR1区)
  • Fabricio Murai, Bruno Ribeiro, Don Towsley, and Pinghui Wang. "Characterizing Directed and Undirected Networks via Multidimensional Walks with Jumps". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 13(1), 2018. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Junzhou Zhao, Shuo Shang, Xiangliang Zhang, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. "Submodular Optimization Over Streams with Inhomogeneous Decays". Accepted for AAAI 2019. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Peng Jia, Pinghui Wang*, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan. "A Fast Sketch Method for Mining User Similarities over Fully Dynamic Graph Streams". Accepted for ICDE 2019, 4-page short paper. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Peng Jia, Qi Yiyan, Sun Yu, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan. "REPT: A Streaming Algorithm of Approximating Global and Local Triangle Counts in Parallel". Accepted for ICDE 2019. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Peng Jia, Xiangliang Zhang, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan, Don Towsley. "Utilizing Dynamic Properties of Virtual Sketches to Accurately Estimate User Cardinalities over Time". Accepted for ICDE 2019. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Junzhou Zhao, Xiangliang Zhang, Shuo Shang, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. "Tracking Influential Nodes in Time-Decaying Dynamic Interaction Networks". Accepted for ICDE 2019. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Yuanming Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Yuchao Zhang, Jing Tao, Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui. "A Large-Scale Empirical Study of Internet Users' Privacy Leakage in China".  IEEE BigCyberSecurity2019.
  • Pinghui Wang, Peng Jia, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan. "Detecting a Variety of Long-Term Stealthy User Behaviors on High Speed Links". Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2018. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, Xiangliang Zhang, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan. "SNOD: A Fast Sampling Method of Exploring Node Orbit Degrees for Large Graphs". Accepted for KAIS 2018. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang*, John C. S. Lui, Don Towsley, Xiaohong Guan. "Sampling Online Social Networks by Random Walk with Indirect Jumps". Accepted for DAMI (Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery) 2018. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Feiyang Sun, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan, Albert Bifet. "Predicting Attributes and Friends of Mobile Users From AP-Trajectories". Accepted for Information Sciences 2018. (JCR1区)
  • Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, Xiaohong Guan. "Fast Crawling Methods of Exploring Content Distributed Over Large Graphs". Accepted for KAIS 2018. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, Bruno Ribeiro, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, and Xiaohong Guan. "Practical Characterization of Large Networks Using Neighborhood Information". Accepted for KAIS 2018. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, Xiangliang Zhang,  Zhenguo Li,  Jiefeng Cheng,  John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, Jing Tao, and Xiaohong Guan. "MOSS-5: A Fast Method of Approximating Counts of 5-Node Graphlets in Large Graphs (Extended Abstract)". Proceedings of IEEE ICDE 2018 (TKDE invited poster), 2 pages.
  • Pinghui Wang, Peng Jia, Jing Tao, and Xiaohong Guan. "Mining Long-Term Stealthy User Behaviors on High Speed Links". Accepted for INFOCOM 2018. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Yiyan Qi, Yu Sun, Xiangliang Zhang, Jing Tao, and Xiaohong Guan. "Approximately Counting Triangles in Large Graph Streams Including Edge Duplicates with a Fixed Memory Usage". VLDB 2018. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, Xiangliang Zhang,  Zhenguo Li,  Jiefeng Cheng,  John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, Jing Tao, and Xiaohong Guan. "MOSS-5: A Fast Method of Approximating Counts of 5-Node Graphlets in Large Graphs". [paper][arxiv][codeIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  30(1): 73-86, 2018. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Jing Tao, Pinghui Wang*, Xiaohong Guan, and Wenjun Hu. "AL-bitmap: Monitoring Network Traffic Activity Graphs on High Speed Links". Information Sciences, 408: 162-175, 2017. (JCR1区)
  • Jianfeng Li, Xiaobo Ma, Junjie Zhang, Jing Tao, Pinghui Wang, and Xiaohong Guan. "Mining Repeating Pattern in Packet Arrivals: Metrics, Models, and Applications". Information Sciences, 408: 1-22, 2017. (JCR1区)
  • Junzhou Zhao, Pinghui Wang*, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, and Xiaohong Guan. "I/O-Efficient Calculation of H-Group Closeness Centrality over Disk-Resident Graphs". Information Sciences 400: 105-128, 2017. (JCR1区)
  • Pinghui Wang, Feiyang Sun, Di Wang, Jing Tao, Xiaohong Guan, and Albert Bifet. "Inferring Demographics and Social Networks of Mobile Device Users on Campus From AP-Trajectories". Alternative Research Track at WWW 2017.
  • Xiaowei Chen, Yongkun Li, Pinghui Wang, and John C.S. Lui. "A General Framework for Estimating Graphlet Statistics via Random Walk". VLDB 2017. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, and Junzhou Zhao. "Minfer: A Method of Inferring Motif Statistics From Sampled Edges".  Proceedings of  IEEE ICDE 2016. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Wenbo He, and Xue Liu. “Efficiently Estimating Statistics of Points of Interests on Maps”. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 28(2): 425-438, 2016. (中国计算机学会A类期刊. An earlier version appeared in Proceedings of IEEE ICDE 2014.)
  • Junzhou Zhao, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, Pinghui Wang, and Xiaohong Guan. “Tracking Triadic Cardinality Distributions for Burst Detection in Social Activity Streams”. Proceedings of ACM Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN’15) 2015.
  • Junzhou Zhao, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, Pinghui Wang, and Xiaohong Guan. “A Tale of Three Graphs: Sampling Design on Hybrid Social-Affiliation Networks”. Proceedings of IEEE ICDE 2015. (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, and Xiaohong Guan, “Unbiased Characterization of Node Pairs Over Large Graphs”,  ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 9(3), 2015. (中国计算机学会B类期刊. An earlier version appeared in Proceedings of IEEE ICDE 2013. )
  • Pinghui Wang, John C.S. Lui, Bruno Ribeiro, Don Towsley, Junzhou Zhao, and Xiaohong Guan, “Efficiently Estimating Motif Statistics of Large Networks”,  ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 9(2), 2014. (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Xiaohong Guan, Junzhou Zhao, Jing Tao, and Tao Qin, “A New Sketch Method for Measuring Host Connection Degree Distribution”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 9(6): 948-960, 2014. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Wenbo He, and Junzhou Zhao, “A Tale of Three Social Networks: User Activity Comparisons Among Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare”,  IEEE Internet Computing‘s special issue: SI: Mar/Apr 2014 – Identity, Privacy, and Deception in Social Networks. (Featured Article of the Special Technical Community on Social Networks. “Featured Articles” is a section of the Special Technical Community on Social Networks that will shed light to pieces of social network research that are considered interesting and promising. Each month one research article will be selected from the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library to be featured in this section.)
  • Pinghui Wang, Wenbo He, and Xue Liu, “An Efficient Sampling Method for Characterizing Points of Interests on Maps”, Proceedings ofIEEE ICDE 2014.(中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Tao Qin, Xiaohong Guan, Wei Li, Pinghui Wang, Min Zhu, “A new connection degree calculation and measurement method for large scale network monitoring”,  Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications 41: 15-26, 2014.
  • Fabricio Murai, Bruno Ribeiro, Don Towsley, and Pinghui Wang, “On Set Size Distribution Estimation and the Characterization of Large Networks via Sampling”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31(6): 1017-1025, 2013. (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Junzhou Zhao, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley, and Xiaohong Guan, “Sampling Node Pairs Over Large Graphs”, Proceedings of IEEE ICDE 2013.  (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Xiaohong Guan, Don Towsley, and Jing Tao, “Virtual indexing based methods for estimating node connection degrees”,  Elsevier Computer Networks 56(12): 2773–2787, 2012.  (中国计算机学会B类期刊)
  • Bruno Ribeiro, Pinghui Wang, Fabricio Murai, and Don Towsley, “Sampling Directed Graphs with Random Walks”, Proceedings ofIEEE INFOCOM 2012.  (中国计算机学会A类会议)
  • Pinghui Wang, Xiaohong Guan, Weibo Gong, and Don Towsley, “A new virtual indexing method for measuring host connection degrees”, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Conference, pp. 1156-1160, April 2011.  (中国计算机学会A类会议. There are errors in the conference version, and the correct version is available here [pdf])
  • Pinghui Wang, Xiaohong Guan, Tao Qin, Qiuzhen Huang, “A Data Streaming Method for Monitoring Host Connection Degrees of High-Speed Links”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 6(3-2): 1086-1098, 2011.  (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Tao Qin, Xiaohong Guan, Wei Li, Pinghui Wang, Qiuzhen Huang, “Monitoring abnormal network traffic based on blind source separation approach”, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications 34(5): 1732-1742, 2011.
  • Xiaohong Guan, Tao Qin, Wei Li, Pinghui Wang, “Dynamic Feature Analysis and Measurement for Large-Scale Network Traffic Monitoring”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 5(4): 905-919, 2010.  (中国计算机学会A类期刊)
  • Pinghui Wang, Xiaohong Guan, Tao Qin, “P2P Traffic Identification Based on the Signatures of Key Packets”, Proceedings of IEEE  CAMAD2009.
  • Xiaohong Guan, Pinghui Wang, Tao Qin, “A New Data Streaming Method for Locating Hosts with Large Connection Degree”, Proceedings of IEEE  GLOBECOM 2009.
  • Tao Qin, Xiaohong Guan, Wei Li, Pinghui Wang, "Users' Behavior Character Analysis and Classification Approaches in Enterprise Networks",  Proceedings of IEEE ICIS 2009.
  • Tao Qin, Xiaohong Guan, Wei Li, Pinghui Wang, “Monitoring Abnormal Traffic Flows Based on Independent Component Analysis”,  Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2009.
  • Tao Qin, Xiaohong Guan, Wei Li, Pinghui Wang, “Dynamic Features Measurement and Analysis for Large-Scale Networks”, Proceedings of IEEE  CAMAD 2008. (The IEEE CSIM 2008 Best Paper Award)
  • Pinghui Wang, Qinghua Zheng, Guolin Niu, Xiaohong Guan, and Zhongmin Cai, “Port scan detection algorithms based on statistical traffic features”, Journal on Communications 28(12), 2007. (In Chinese)