(1.)Basic Information

Hao Li is a Professor at the Center for Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine, Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China. 

Hao Li received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in biology from Jiankang Liu lab at XJTU, and his Ph.D. degree in computational and quantitative biology from Johan Auwerx lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He did his postdoctoral research at Johan Auwerx / Kristina Schoonjans lab at EPFL and Nikolaus Rajewsky lab at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Germany, during which he was supported by the European EMBO Postdoctoral Long-Term Scholarship. In 2023, Hao Li joined XJTU as a principal investigator and started his own lab through the Xi'an Jiaotong University Young Talent Program. 

In the group, we are interested to study the genetic and environmental factors underlying metabolic traits and diseases, including obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, etc. We mainly use human and mouse population models, together with multidisciplinary research tools including systems biology, bioinformatics, genetics, molecular biology, etc., to identify potential regulatory mechanisms that regulate complex phenotypes or diseases.


Selected Publications:



  1. Li H*, Perino A*, Huang Q, von Alvensleben G, Banaei-Esfahani A, Velazquez-Villegas L, Gariani K, Korbelius M, Bou Sleiman M, Imbach J, Sun Y, Li X, Bachmann A, Goeminne L, Gallart-Ayala H, Williams E, Ivanisevic J, Auwerx J, Schoonjans K. Integrative systems analysis identifies genetic and dietary modulators of bile acid homeostasis. Cell Metab2022 Oct 4;34(10):1594-1610.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2022.08.015.
  2. Li H, Rukina D, David F, Li TY, Oh C-M, Gao AW, Katsyuba E, Bou Sleiman M, Komljenovic A, Huang Q, Williams RW, Robinson-Rechavi M, Schoonjans K, Morgenthaler S, Auwerx J. Identifying gene function and module connections by the integration of multi-species expression compendia. Genome Res. 2019 Dec; 29(12):2034-2045. doi: 10.1101/gr.251983.119.
  3. Li H*, Wang X*, Rukina D, Huang Q, Lin T, Sorrentino V, Zhang H, Bou Sleiman M, Arends D, McDaid A, Luan P, Ziari N, Velázquez-Villegas LA, Gariani K, Kutalik Z, Schoonjans K, Radcliffe RA, Prins P, Morgenthaler S, Williams RW, Auwerx J. An integrated systems genetics and omics toolkit to probe gene function. Cell Syst. 2018 Jan 24;6(1):90-102.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cels.2017.10.016.
  4. Li H, Auwerx J. Mouse systems genetics as a prelude to precision medicine. Trends Genet. 2020 Apr; 36(4):259-272. doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2020.01.004.


If you are interested in our research, please send an email to lihao@xjtu.edu.cn