Science Project

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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
xpt022022012 太阳能氨基储能系统光-热-化学能多能耦合与转化机理研究 中央高校基本科研业务 2022-01~2023-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
xpt022022007 光生物制氢过程中能质传递强化研究 中央高校基本科研业务 2022-01~2023-12 负责人 Vertical project
20220315 养殖尾水高效脱污及资源化利用微生态菌剂开发 企业 2021-10~2023-12 负责人 horizontal project
20211025 石墨提纯及水处理工艺创新研究 企业 2021-09~2023-06 骨干成员 horizontal project
52006173 鸡粪超临界水气化中重金属的固化脱除机理与方法研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2021-01~2023-12 负责人 Vertical project
GL20200027001 生物质光发酵制氢的能质传递强化机理 科技部项目 2021-01~2022-12 负责人 Vertical project
2020YFA0714404 煤炭超临界水热化学还原制氢系统构建理论与示范 国家重点研发计划 2020-12~2025-11 骨干成员 Vertical project
2020JCW-09 能源转化的颠覆性前沿技术基础 陕西省项目 2020-06~2021-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
2020JQ-064 生物质超临界水气化中重金属的迁移赋存特性及定向脱除机理研究 陕西省项目 2020-01~2021-12 负责人 Vertical project
G20190027003 生物质光发酵制氢的能质传递强化机理 科技部项目 2020-01~2020-12 负责人 Vertical project
20191277 石化行业千方级-万方级/时炼化供氢及综合能源原料生产技术研发 企业 2019-12~2024-12 骨干成员 horizontal project
2019开放基金28 超临界水中温和氧化氢放热过程中不锈钢管材的环境适应性研究 开放基金 2019-10~2021-10 负责人 Vertical project
2019M65361 生物质光发酵制氢的能质传递强化 博后面上 2019-07~2020-07 负责人 Vertical project
20190577 造纸黑液洁净低碳高效处理新技术装置和系统研发 企业 2019-04~2021-06 骨干成员 horizontal project
51888103 能源有序转化 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-01~2023-12 骨干成员 Vertical project


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Enhanced photo-fermentative hydrogen production by constructing Rhodobacter capsulatus-ZnO/ZnS hybrid system Yanjing Li, Qiushi Tiang, Xueying Yang, Sihu Zhang, Wen Cao*, Yu Ma, Wenwen Wei, Liejin Guo* 2024-10-13 Bioresource Technology
Optimized bubbling strategy for improving microalgae growth of Chlorella vulgaris and subsequent valorization to lipids Xuan Wei, Guiyuan Yu, Min Feng, Yuntong Xu, Wen Cao*, Wenwen Wei, Liejin Guo* 2024-08-08 Fuel
Biomass producing and CO2 capturing simultaneously by Chlorella vulgaris: Effect of CO2 concentration and aeration rate Xuan Wei , Guiyuan Yu , Wen Cao* , Min Feng , Yutong Xu , Mingjie Jin , Yuxia Zhang , Tengteng Li , Liejin Guo* 2024-07-03 Energy
In-situ honeycomb spheres for enhanced enzyme immobilization and stability Qiushi Jiang, Yanjing Li, Minmin Wang, Wen Cao*, Xueying Yang, Sihu Zhang, Liejin Guo* 2024-06-28 Chemical Engineering Journal
Study on the characteristics of H2 and CH4 production by bio-fermentation from sorghum straw pretreated with NaOH Yongbing Li, Canfang Tang, Jiali Feng*, Shuzhi Zhang, Mengyao Li, Wen Cao* 2024-06-14 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Light energy utilization and microbial catalysis for enhanced biohydrogen: Ternary coupling system of triethanolamine-mediated Fe@C-Rhodobacter sphaeroides Qiushi Jiang, Yanjing Li, Minmin Wang, Wen Cao*, Xueying Yang, Sihu Zhang, Liejin Guo 2024-04-24 Bioresource Technology
A newly isolated halotolerant Rubrivivax gelatinosus MBE with capable of producing hydrogen in the presence of ammonium Jiali Feng, Xuefang Mu, Shuzhi Zhang, Xiaoyan Shen, Yang Zhou, Shufang Liu, Wen Cao* 2024-04-18 Biomass and Bioenergy
Pilot composite tubular bioreactor for outdoor photo-fermentation hydrogen production: From batch to continuous operation Changpeng Ren, Sihu Zhang, Qing Li, Qiushi Jiang, Yongbing Li, Zixuan Gao, Wen Cao*, Liejin Guo 2024-04-15 Bioresource Technology
Life-cycle analysis of biohydrogen production via dark-photo fermentation from wheat straw Mingjie Jin, Xuan Wei, Xuefang Mu, Weixi Ren, Sihu Zhang, Canfang Tang, Wen Cao*. 2024-02-07 Bioresource Technology
Thermodynamic and environmental analysis of an auto-thermal supercritical water gasification system for ammonia and power production from chicken manure Shi Liu, Wen Cao*, Shenghui Guo, Zhiwei Ge, Wenwen Wei, Yunan Chen, Hui Jin, Liejin Guo* 2023-11-06 Energy
A comprehensive universal model framework of microalgae growth dynamics for photobioreactor scaling-up design and optimization Mingjie Jin, Yuntong Xu, Jiaying Chen, Xuan Wei, Guiyuan Yu, Min Feng, Wen Cao*, Liejin Guo 2023-11-03 Energy Conversion and Management
An experimental and thermodynamic equilibrium investigation of heavy metals transformation in supercritical water gasification of oily sludge Linhu Li, Xujun Li, Wen Cao* 2023-10-18 Journal of Environmental Management
Disrupting mopAB and mdtB genes affects hydrogen production performance of Rhodobacter capsulatus Jiali Feng, Shuzhi Zhang, Fengtao Gao, Huanmin Li, Wen Cao* 2023-10-11 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Thermodynamic and environmental analysis of self-thermal antibiotic residues supercritical water gasification system for hydrogen and power production Wenwen Wei, Shi Liu, Xinyu Li, Linhu Li, Wen Cao* 2023-09-09 Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Genetically engineered deletion in the N-terminal region of nifA1 in R. capsulatus to enhance hydrogen production Zixuan Gao, Xuan Wei, Minmin Wang, Xuefang Mu, Jiali Feng, Wen Cao*, Xueqing Wang, Honghui Yang, Liejin Guo* 2023-05-03 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Gasification of uric acid in supercritical water: Reaction characteristics, nitrogen transformation mechanisms, and kinetics analysis Shi Liu, Wen Cao*, Fanrui Meng, Mingming Du, Wenwen Wei, Yunan Chen, Hui Jin, Liejin Guo* 2023-03-15 Journal of Cleaner Production
Reaction pathway and kinetics study on supercritical water gasification of oily sludge Linhu Li, Xujun Li, Wen Cao* 2023-02-13 Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Experimental study on alkali catalytic gasification of oily sludge in supercritical water with a continuous reactor Linhu Li, Gaoyun Wang, Xujun Li, Le Wang, Jiawei Zhang, Ke Cheng, Pai Peng, Wen Cao*, Hui Jin, Liejin Guo* 2022-12-02 Journal of Environmental Management
Distribution, risk assessment and stabilization of heavy metals in supercritical water gasification of oily sludge Linhu Li, Wen Cao*, Pai Peng, Gaoyun Wang, Shi Liu, Hui Jin, Wenwen Wei, Liejin Guo* 2022-09-28 Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Characteristics and mechanisms of nitrogen transformation during chicken manure gasification in supercritical water Shi Liu, Wen Cao*, Yu Wang, Wenwen Wei, Linhu Li, Hui Jin, Liejin Guo* 2022-09-18 Waste Management