Research Fields


4 、流动噪声与控制技术:高端装备(汽车、高铁、飞行器、船舶、动力装置等)流体噪声机理、数值模拟方法、实验技术及噪声抑制;

5、 高端装备热管理与先进冷却技术:装备结构(飞行器、发动机)热力耦合环境模拟、热管理与先进冷却技术

Science Project

No entries were found.
Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
92371201 跨域连续变构飞行器流固耦合模型与计算方法 国家自然科学基金项目 2024-01~2027-12 负责人 Vertical project
20230320 基于强化学习的深度学习模型与优化设计技术 国务院各部委项目 2023-01~2024-12 负责人 horizontal project
2022JC-03 智能飞行器柔性多体变形翼非线性流固耦合机理研究 陕西省杰出青年科学基金 2022-01~2024-12 负责人 Vertical project
202006 含间隙结构非线性气动伺服弹性分析方法 其他 2020-01~2022-12 负责人 horizontal project
2020061 刚柔结合多体动力学建模方法研究 其他 2020-01~2021-12 负责人 horizontal project
6142004190307 基于人工智能的飞行器非定常气动力建模方法研究 GF科技重点实验室基金 2020-01~2021-12 负责人 Vertical project
11872293 柔性仿生非线性流固耦合系统深度学习降阶模型研究 其他 2019-01~2022-12 负责人 Vertical project
2019 新型柔性仿生羽翼流动与降噪机理研究 气动噪声与控制重点实验室开放基金 2019-01~2020-12 负责人 Vertical project
2019 新型仿生翼面流动控制技术 GF科技重点实验室基金 2019-01~2020-12 负责人 Vertical project
2017JM006 XX控制器设计 校企合作 2017-9~2018-12 负责人 horizontal project
2017 XX飞行器技术 国务院各部委项目 2017-7~2018-8 负责人 Vertical project
2017JM 超微器件动态特性测试技术 校企合作 2017-7~2018-10 负责人 horizontal project
11672225 高雷诺数不可压湍流中柔性结构非线性流固耦合振动机理研究 其他 2017-01~2020-12 负责人 Vertical project
2016JJ 考虑气动弹性影响的机翼气动设计 十二五预研究项目 2016-9~2019-6 负责人 Vertical project
20160652 变形翼多场耦合仿真复核 校企合作 2016-6~2017-6 负责人 horizontal project
2016 XX飞行器静气动弹性模拟与修正方法 校企合作 2016-5~2018-2 负责人 horizontal project
2016 轻质机翼优化设计及其3D打印验证 校企合作 2016-3~2017-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
2016JM1007 不可压湍流中非线性流固体耦合振动机理研究 陕西省自然科学基金项目 2016-1~2017-12 负责人 Vertical project
11511130053 基于GPU加速的湍流-结构耦合数值模拟方法研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2015-3~2017-12 负责人 Vertical project
X200501 快速泄压阀高温力学行为分析 中核苏阀科技 2015-1~2016-9 骨干成员 horizontal project



  1. Jiang Lulu, Xue Xiaopeng,Chen Gang*.Surrogate-based Shape Optimization Design for the Stable Descent of Mars Parachutes ​​​​​​​.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024,accept.

  2. Fanyi Meng, Taojun Wang, Gang Chen*.Prescribed performance-based active anti-disturbance backstepping control for morphing aircraft, Aerospace Science and Technology,online 14 July 2024, 109386​​​​​​​

  3. Xin PAN, Linlin WANG, Li LI, Lulu JIANG, Gang CHEN*​​​​​​​.Aerodynamic/control integrated optimization Method for unpowered high-speed Vehicle Configuration Design.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2024, accept.

  4. GUO Wenzhi,Shui Yongtao, Nie Lu, Chen Gang. Fluid-structure interaction simulation for multibody flexible morphing structures[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2024. 37(2): 137-147.

  5. Zhe HUI, Yinan KONG, Weigang YAO, Gang CHEN.Aircraft parameter estimation using a stacked long short-term memory network and Levenberg-Marquardt method.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2024. 37(2):123-136.​​​​​​​

  6. Jiang Lulu,Dong Cao, Pan Xin,Chen Gang*.Aerodynamic/Control Coupling Optimization of Reentry Vehicle under Wide Speed Range.Acta Mechanica Sinica,2024,40, 324259.

  7. ​​​​​​​Shaoyang Ma,Yao Yang,Gang Chen*.AODiMP-TIR: Anti-occlusion thermal infrared targets tracker based on SuperDiMP.IET Image Processing,Volume18,Issue7,2024,Pages 1780-179.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  8. Jiaoxi Du, Xin Li, Siwei Dong, Ziyang Liu, Gang Chen*.A novel attention enhanced deep neural network for hypersonic spatiotemporal turbulence prediction. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(5): 055145.​​​​​​​

  9. Liu Z, Zhang M, Sun D, Li L.,Chen G*. A deep reinforcement learning optimization framework for supercritical airfoil aerodynamic shape design. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2024, 67(3): 34​​​​​​​

  10. 孟俊苗,韩佳坤,陈刚*.翼型下表面柔性襟翼流动控制机理研究.西安交通大学学报2023,922-30.

  11. Meng Xueguang,Chen Zengshuang,Wang Dingsheng,Jiang Shujie,Chen Gang*.Aerodynamic interference of three flapping wings in tandem configuration.Physics of Fluids,2023,35(3):031911

  12. Meng Xueguang,Liu Xinyu,Chen Zengshuang,Wu Jianghao,Chen Gang*​​​​​​​.Wing kinematics measurement and aerodynamics of hovering droneflies with wing damage.Bioinspiration & Biomimetics,2023,18(2):026013

  13. Hui Zhe,Chen Gang*.Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation for a Morphing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle from Flight Tests.Journal of Aerospace Information Systems​​​​​​​,2023,209):588-595.

  14. Zhang Xitong,Chen Gui,Chen Gang*.A New Type Bionic Foldable Wing Design for High Maneuverable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.Appl. Sci.,2023, 13(14), 8345.​​​​​​​

  15. Han Jiakun, Shui Yongtao, Nie Lu, Chen Gang*.Unsteady flow control mechanisms of a bio-inspired flexible flap with the fluid–structure interaction.Physics of Fluids ,35, 057124 (2023).

  16. Deng Ziwen,Liu Hongshen, Wang Zhidong, Yu Fan,Liu Zhiyang,Chen Gang*.Temporal predictions of periodic flows using a mesh transformation and deep learning-based strategyAerospace Science and Technology 134C (2023) 108081​​​​​​​
  17. Liu Zhiyang,Han Renkun,Zhang Miao,Zhang Yang,Zhou Hao,Wang Gang,Chen Gang*.An enhanced hybrid deep neural network reduced-order model for transonic buffet flow prediction.Aerospace Science and Technology,Volume 126, July 2022, 107636​​​​​​​,10.1016/j.ast.2022.107636
  18. Meng XG,Chen ZS,Zhang Y,Chen G*.Aerodynamic performance and flow mechanism of multi-flapping wings with different spatial arrangements.Physics of fluids,34, 021907 (2022)(Featured & AIP Highlights)​​​​​​
  19. Xu Dan, Chen Gang*.Autonomous and cooperative control of UAV cluster with multi-agent reinforcement learning.The Aeronautical Journal,2022, 126932-951.
  20. ​​​​​​​Han RK,Wang YX,Qian WQ,Wang WZ,Zhang M,Chen G*.Deep neural network based reduced-order model for fluidstructure interaction system.​​​​​​​Physics of fluids,2022,34, 073610​​​​​​​.

  21. R Han,Z Zhang,Y Wang,Z Liu,Y Zhang,G Chen*.Hybrid deep neural network based prediction method for unsteady flows with moving boundaries.Acta Mechanica Sinica,pages 1557–1566 (2021)
  22. Han Jiakun,Chen Gang*.Transient effects during transitions of bio-inspired flapping foils between two different schooling configurations.Part C:JMES,December 6,
  23. 王怡星, 韩仁坤, 刘子扬, 张扬, 陈刚.流体力学深度学习建模技术研究进展.航空学报,2021, 42(4): 524779-524779.
  24. Liu Yongqi,Dong Rui,Nie Liangchen,Chen Gang*.BP neural Network-Kalman filter fusion method for unmanned aerial vehicle target tracking.Part C:JMES,2021,203-210:1989-1996. 
  25. Hui Zhe,Zhang Yang,Chen Gang*.Experimental investigation on tip-vortex flow characteristics of novel bionic multi-tip winglet configurations,Physics of Fluids,2021,33(1):011902

  26. Zhong Zhang, Dan Xu, Bo Gao, Jianmin Wang, Gang Chen*, Weigang Yao. A generalized force equivalence based modeling method for Dry wind tunnel flutter test system.The Aeronautical Journal,2021,125(1286):720-741

  27. Jiakun HAN, Zhe HUI, Fangbao TIAN, Gang CHEN*.Review on bio-inspired flight systems and bionic aerodynamics.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2021,34(7):170-186.(Cover Paper)

  28. 杨鹏飞,陈刚*,薛杰,王珺.航天器弹性充液贮箱双向流固耦合响应特性数值分析. 振动与冲击,2021,40(12);283-288.

  29. Zhe Hui, Yang Zhang, Gang Chen*.Tip-vortex flow characteristics investigation of a novel bird-like morphing discrete wing structure.Physics of Fluids,2020,

  30. 刘永琦,徐丹,程归,陈刚*.基于改进A_算法的无人机快速轨迹规划方法研究.飞行力学,2020(2):40-46.

  31. Renkun Han, Yixing wang, Yang Zhang, and Gang Chen*.A novel spatial-temporal prediction method for unsteady wake flows based on hybrid deep neural network.Physics of Fluids,  31(12) , December 2019(Editor's Pick).

  32. Yang Zhang, Jiakun Han, and Gang Chen*.Effects of the flapping frequency on the thrust performance for three-dimensional bionic multi-wings in a schooling.Physics of Fluids,2019,31(4):041903 (Editor's Pick&AIP Hilights)

  33. Zhe Fang,Chunlin Gong,Alistair Revell,Gang Chen, Andrian Harwood and  Joseph O'Connor.Passive Separation Control of a NACA0012 Airfoil via a Flexible Flap.Physics of Fluids 31, 101904 (2019);

  34. Jian Sun,Pengbin Guo,Teng Wu,Gang Chen*.Pulsar/Star Tracker/INS Integrated Navigation Method Based on Asynchronous Observation Model. Journal of Aerospace Engineering,2019,32(5):04019075.

  35. Hui zhe,Zhang Yang,Chen Gang*.Aerodynamic performance investigation on a morphing unmanned aerial vehicle with bio-inspired discrete wing structures.Aerospace Science and Technology., 2019,95.

  36. Li Dongfeng,A.D Ronch, Chen Gang*,Li Yueming.Aeroelastic Global Structural Optimization using an Efficient CFD-based Reduced Order Model.Aerospace Science and Technology.,,online.

  37. Xu Dan,Hui Zhe,Liu Yongqi,Chen Gang*..Morphing Control of a New Bionic Morphing UAV with Deep Reinforcement Learning..Aerospace Science and Technology,https:// 10.1016/j.ast.2019.05.058,online.

  38. Han jiakun,Zhang Yang,Chen Gang*.Effects of individual horizontal distance on the three-dimensional bionic flapping multi-wings in different schooling configurations.Physics of Fluids, 31, 041903 (2019);

    (12)·Chao Liang,Yang Pengfei, Wang Yixing,Chen Gang*.Wind tunnel experimental study on fluid structure coupling vibration and noise of flexible thin plate wing.Science in China:Technical Science,2019,49(7):815-824.(In Chinese)

  39. Li Dongfeng,Gong Chulin,A.D Ronch, Chen Gang*,Li Yueming.An Efficient Implementation of Aeroelastic Tailoring based on Efficient Computational Fluid Dynamics-based Reduced Order Model. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019, 84: 182-198,doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2018.10.011

  40. Gong Chunlin, Han Jiakun, Yuan Zongjing , Fang Zhe , Chen Gang*. Numerical investigation of the effects of different parameters on the thrust performance of three dimensional flapping wings.Aerospace Science and Technology,2019,84,431-445, 

  41. Han Jiakun,Yuan Zongjin,Chen Gang*.Effects of kinematic parameters on three-dimensional flapping wing at low Reynolds number.Physics of Fluids, 081901(2018).

  42. Li Dongfeng,Wang Yixing, Chen Gang*,Li Yueming.An automatic flutter assessment method in time domain for transonic aeroelastic tailoring.,Science in China: physics mechanics astronomy, 2018,48(11):doi/10.1360/SSPMA2018-00072.(In Chinese)

  43. Zhou Qiang, Li Dongfeng,Chen Gang, Li Yueming.A general aeroelastic analysis method based on CFD and CSD coupling.Journal of power and propulsion,2018,33(2):355-363.

  44. Gong Chunlin,Fangzhe,Chen Gang*.Numerical Investigation of Nonlinear Fluid-structure Interaction Dynamic Behaviors Under a General Immersed Boundary-lattice Boltzmann-Finite Element Method.International Journal of Mordern Physic C.,2018,29(4):1850038.

  45. Chen Gang*, Li Dongfeng,Zhou Qiang, A. Da Ronch,,Li Yue-ming.Efficient Aeroelastic Reduced Order Model with Global Structural Modifications..Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018,76:1-13,/

  46. CL. Gong,Z.Fang, G.Chen.A Lattice Boltzmann-Immersed Boundary-Finite Element Method For Nonlinear Fluid-Solid Interaction Simulation With Moving Objects.International Journal of Computational Method,2018,

  47.  Chen Gang*,Zhou Qiang, A. Da Ronch,,Li Yue-ming.Computational Fluid Dynamics-based Aero-servo-elastic Analysis for Gust Load Alleviation. Journal of Aircraft,2018,55(4),1619-1628,doi:10.2514/1.C034621.

  48.  FeiFei Liu,ShuJie Jiang,Gang Chen* and Yueming Li.Numerical Investigation on Vortex-Structure Interaction Generating Aerodynamic Noises for Rod-Airfoil Models.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Article ID 3704324

  49. 蒋树杰;刘菲菲;陈刚*.流固耦合振动效应对机翼气动噪声辐射的影响研究.振动与冲击,2018, 37(19): 7-13. 

  50. CL. Gong, ZJ Fang, Q Zhou, G.Chen*, Z.Fang. Numerical Investigation Of Unsteady Flows Past Flapping Wings With Immersed  Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann Method.Journal of Mechanics, 2018,34(2):193-207,DOI: 10.1017/jmech.2017.5

  51. 周强,李东风, 陈刚*,李跃明.基于CFD和CSD耦合的通用静气弹分析方法研究.航空动力学报,2018,33(2):355-363.

  52. 苑宗敬,韩佳坤,陈刚*.低雷诺数下展弦比对仿生拍动翼推进性能的影响研究[J].空气动力学学报,2018,36(1):156-162.

  53. Li Dong-feng,Zhou Qiang,  Chen Gang*, Li Yue-ming.Structural Dynamic Reanalysis method for Transonic Aeroelastic Analysis with Global Structural Modifications. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2017,74, 306-320, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2017.06.004.

  54. Zhou Qiang, Li Dong-feng, A. Da Ronch, Chen Gang*,Li Yue-ming.Reduced Order Unsteady Aerodynamic Model of a Rigid Aerofoil in  Gust Encounters.Aerospace Science and Technology2017 , 63 :203-213.

  55. 陈刚,苑宗敬,张鸿志,韩佳坤,龚春林.几何参数对三维仿生运动翼推进性能的影响研究.西安交通大学学报,2017,51(9):131-137.

  56. 宛宗敬,姬兴,陈刚*.仿生运动翼IB-LBM非定常流动数值模拟.气体物理, 2017,2(1):30-47..

  57. 于志鹏,陈刚*,李跃明.反吸气式临近空间飞行器空基拦截弹制导律设计.飞行力学2017 , 35 (1) :66-69.

  58. Shuai Li,Zongjing Yuan,Gang Chen*.Numerical investigation of unsteady mixing mechanism in plate film cooling.Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters.2016,6:213-221.

  59. 张鸿志,周强,陈刚*,李跃明.气动弹性系统本征正交分解降阶模型精度的参数影响研究.西安交通大学学报,2016,50(11):104-109.

  60. Zhou Qiang, Li Dong-feng, A. Da Ronch, Chen Gang*, Li Yue-ming. Computational Fluid Dynamics-based Transonic Flutter Suppression with Control Delay. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2016,66:183-206.

  61. 周强, 陈刚*, 李跃明. 基于CFD降阶的非线性气动弹性稳定性分析[J]. 振动与冲击,2016, 35(16): 17-23. 

  62. 乔洋,于志鹏,陈刚*.弹性飞行器气动伺服弹性稳定性分析与设计.应用力学学报,2016,33(2):287-291.

  63. Zuo Ying-tao, Gao Zheng-hong, Chen Gang*, Wang Xiao-peng,Li Yue-ming.  Efficient  aero-structural design optimization: Coupling based on reverse iteration of structural model.Science China Technological Sciences, 2015, 58(2): 307-315.

  64. Yingtao Zuo, Pingjian Chen, Lin Fu, Zhenghong Gao, and Gang Chen*.Advanced Aerostructural Optimization Techniques for Aircraft Design .Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2015, Article ID 753042,

  65. Dongfeng Li, Qiang Zhou, Gang Chen*, Yueming Li and Andrea Da Ronch. Structural Dynamic Reanalysis Method Application for Wing Structural Design. International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures[J]. 2015, 5(4).

  66.  刘菲菲陈刚*李跃明用于飞机机翼涡固干扰噪声数值模拟的RAMS/NLAS方法. 西安交通大学学报2015, 49(9): 141-146. 

  67. 周强,陈刚*,李跃明. 考虑流固耦合效应的某飞行器力学性能分析. 应用力学学报201532(2): 47-52+188.

  68. 左英桃,王晓鹏,陈云,陈刚,高正红.一种高效的CFD/CSD耦合飞行器多学科优化设计方法. 航空动力学报,Vol.29(12):2898-2904,2014.

  69. Zhou Qiang, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. A reduced order model based on block arnoldi method for aeroelastic system. Int. J. Appl. Mechanics, 2014, 6(6): 1450069. DOI: 10.1142/S1758825114500690. 

  70. Zuo Ying-tao, Chen Gang*, Li Yue-mingGao Zheng-hong. Efficient Aeroelastic Design Optimization Based on Discrete Adjoint Method. Trans. of Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 2014,57(6): 343-351.

  71. Chen Gang*, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. Reduced-Order-Model-Based Placement Optimization of Multiple Control Surfaces for Active Aeroelastic Control. International Journal of Computational Method, 2014, 11(06): 1350081.

  72. Chen Gang*, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. A reduced-order-model-based multiple-in multiple-out gust alleviation control law design method in transonic flow. SCIENCE CHINA, Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(2): 368-378.

  73.  Chen Gang*, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. Active Aeroelastic Control using Multiple Control Surfaces Based on a High-Fidelity Reduced Order Model. Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 2013, 56(5): 261–268.  

  74. Chen Gang*, Sun Jian, Mao Wen-tao,  Li Yue-ming. Limit Cycle Oscillation Control for Transonic Aeroelastic Systems Based on Support Vector Machine Reduced Order Model.Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 2013, Vol. 56(1): 8-14.

  75. 许丁, 陈刚, 王娴, 李跃明. 基于多GPU得格子Boltzmann法对槽道湍流的直接数值模拟. 应用数学和力学, 2013, 34(9): 956-964.

  76.  Chen Gang, Sun Jian, Li Yue-ming. Active Flutter Suppression Control Law Design Method Based on Balanced Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Reduced Order Model. Nonlinear Dynamics,2012, 70: 1-12. 

  77. Chen Gang*, Zuo Ying-tao, Sun Jian, Li Yue-ming. Support-Vector-Machine-Based Reduced-Order Model for Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction of Nonlinear Aeroelastic System.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012. DOI:10.1155/2012/152123.

  78. Chen Gang*, Sun Jian,  Li Yue-ming. Adaptive Reduced-Order-Model-Based Control-Law Design for Active Flutter Suppression. Journal of Aircraft, 2012, 49(4): 973-980. 

  79. 李跃明陈刚许丁面向高端装备制造CAE技术的机遇和挑战计算机辅助工程, 2012, 21(1): 1-7.

  80. Chen Gang*,  Li Yue-ming, Yan Gui-rong. Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction and Control Design method for Aeroelastic System Based on New Nonlinear Reduced Order Model.International Journal of Computational Method, 2011, 8(1):77-90.

  81. 陈刚李跃明非定常流场降阶模型及应用研究进展与展望力学进展, 2011, 41 (6): 686-701.

  82. Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming, Yan Gui-rong. A Nonlinear POD Reduced Order Model for Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction. Science in China G, 2010, 53(6): 1325-1332. 

  83.  陈刚*李跃明闫桂荣基于降阶模型的气动弹性主动控制律设计航空学报, 2010, 31(1):12-18.

  84. 陈刚*李跃明闫桂荣基于POD降阶模型的气动弹性快速预测方法研究宇航学报, 2009,Vol.30(5):1765-1769.

  85. 康兴无, 陈刚*,董龙雷,闫桂荣.轨道快速机动期间的姿态鲁棒稳定控制方法研究.宇航学报,2009,30(4):1510-1515.

  86. 康兴无, 陈刚*,董龙雷,闫桂荣.具备目标重定向能力的自适应再入制导律.弹道学报,2009,21(2):61-64.

  87. 陈刚*, 康兴无, 乔洋,陈士橹.航天器相对大角度姿态跟踪非线性控制器设计.宇航学报,2009,30(2):556-559.

  88. 康兴无, 陈刚*, 乔洋, 陈士橹. 天对地精确攻击武器末段制导律设计.固体火箭技术,2009,31(1):11-14.

  89. 陈刚,康兴无,闫桂荣,陈士橹.基于伪谱方法的自适应鲁棒实时再入制导律研究.系统仿真学报, 2008,20(20):5623-5626.

  90. 陈刚*,康兴无,闫桂荣,徐敏,陈士橹.基于多目标多学科设计优化方法的再入弹道设计研究.宇航学报,2008,29(4):1210-1215.

  91. 乔洋,陈刚*,陈士橹,徐敏.一种快速爬升和快速下降的奇异摄动最优中制导律设计.固体火箭技术,2008,31(3):205-207.

  92. 陈刚*,董龙雷,闫桂荣,徐敏,陈士橹.航天器再入制导方法研究现状与发展评述.飞行力学,2008,26(1):1-4.

  93. 陈刚*,乔洋,陈士橹,徐敏.实现快速轨道大机动的混合制导策略研究.固体火箭技术,2007,30(6):463-465.

  94. 陈刚*, 徐敏, 陈士橹. 机动再入飞行器神经网络闭路初制导研究. 弹道报,2007,19(2):1-4.

  95. 乔洋,刘勇,徐敏,陈刚.基于多块结构网格的多侧喷瞬态干扰流场研究.固体火箭技术,2007,30(2):98-101.

  96. 陈刚*,徐敏,万自明,陈士橹.基于多学科设计优化算法的再入轨迹优化设计. 宇航学报,2006,27(6):1147-1151.

  97. 陈刚*,徐敏,万自明,陈士橹.具有内点状态约束的机动再入弹道优化设计. 固体火箭技术,2006(2): 79-82.

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  1. Hui zhe,Zhang Yang,Chen Gang. Analysis of Wing-tip Vortex of a Bird-like Morphing Wing using Numerical and Experimental Approaches.FSSIC 2019, Crete,Greece,26-30th,Oct. 2019.

  2. 李东风,王怡星,陈刚,李跃明.高效气动弹性降阶模型在跨音速气动弹性结构全局优化中的应用.2018年全国固体力学学术会议哈尔滨,2018.11.23-25.

  3. Wang Yixing,Yuan Zhelong, Bai Junqiang,Chen Gang.Aero-structural optimization of the HIRENASD Model configuration.ATIO.DE-02, Design Optimization and Model Based Design I ,AIAA AVIATION 2018, 25-29 June,2018,Atalanta,USA.
  4. Chen Gang, Lv Jinan, Han Jiakun, Zhang Yang, Gong. Chunlin.Numerical investigation on the Thrust performance of bionic motion wing in schools.IUTAM Symposium "Critical Flow Dynamics involving moving/deformable structures with design applications", 18-22 June 2018 in Santorini island, Greece.

  5. Wang Yixng,Chen Gang.Feature-Based Recombination Deep Neural Network for Reduced Order Modeling of Aeroelastic System[R].13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, 2020801 in MS182,July 22-27, 2018,New York, USA.
  6.  Li Dongfeng,Gong Chunlin, A.D.Ronch, Chen Gang, Li Yueming.An Efficient Implementation of Aeroelastic Tailoring Based on a Reduced-Order Model Using Structural Dynamic Reanalysis Method.MST-15, Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Across Domains II , AIAA SciTech Forum,8-12,January 11,2018, 10.2514/6.2018-1928,Kissimmee,Florida.
  7. 陈刚,陈志敏,李跃明.直流式低成本研究型航空声学风洞设计与校测.第二届全国气动声学会议,2016.11.4-6,北京航空航天大学,北京.
  8. Dongfeng Li, Qiang Zhou, Gang Chen, Yueming Li. Structural Dynamic Reanalysis method for Aeroelastic Analysis of Cracked Wing. SBM000091. APISAT-2016, 24-27 Oct., Toyama, Japan.
  9. 周强, 陈刚,李跃明.大展弦比轻质机翼非线性气动弹性分析.第十届海峡两岸航空航天研讨会, 2016.8.29-9.3,南京航空航天大学,南京.
  10. Li Dongfeng, Zhou Qiang, Chen Gang, Li Yueming. Consideration of POD Interpolation for Aeroelastic Design use Structural Dynamic Reanalysis.WCCM-2016, 24-29 July,Seoul,South Korea.
  11. Gong Chunlin, Fangzhe, Chen Gang, Alistair Revell.A Lattice Boltzmann–Immersed Boundary-finite Element Method to Simulate the Fluid Interaction with Moving and Elastic Objects. 25th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD 2016) , 4-6 July, 2016,Shenzhen, China.
  12. Z.Qiang,G.Chen,Y.LI,A.DoRonch.Transonic Aeroelastic Moving Gust Responses and Alleviation based on CFD.AIAA-2016-3387,AVIATION2016,13-17,June,2016,Washington D.C.,USA.
  13. 苑宗敬,姬兴,陈刚,李跃明.仿生波动翼IB-LBM非定常流动数值模拟.全国第三届非定常空气动力学会议, 2016.4.9-5.1, 厦门大学.
  14. 陈刚.面向多学科设计的高可信度流固耦合系统降阶模型技术.中国科协第300次青年科学家论坛:复杂装备数字化设计软件的前沿问题, 201528-20,北京理工大学.
  15. 周强, 李东风, 陈刚, 李跃明. 基于CFD降阶的运动阵风减缓设计和仿真. 第14届全国空气弹性力学会议, 西安, 2015年9月20-21日.
  16. 周强李东风陈刚李跃明基于POD降阶的气动弹性稳定性分析及运动阵风响应预测CSTAM2015-A21-E2569, 中国力学大会-2015, 中国上海, 2015816-18.
  17. 姬兴, 苑宗敬, 陈刚, 李跃明. IB-LBM仿生运动翼型三维流场并行数值模拟. 中国力学大会2015, 上海, 2015.年8月16-18日.
  18. 上官燕琴王娴陈刚李跃明. 基于格子Boltzmann方法的平板射流高性能数值模拟. 八届全国流体力学学术会议, CSTAM 2014-A26-S09063, 中国兰州, 2014918-21.  
  19. 周强, 陈刚, 李跃明, 王娴. 基于降阶模型预测阵风响应的方法研究. 第八届全国流体力学学术会议,中国兰州,2014.9.18. 
  20. Shangguan Yan-qin, Wang Xian, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. Large Eddy Simulation of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows Using Lattice Boltzmann Method and CUDA-GPU. The 24th Inter. Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Yamaguchi, Japan, Nov. 1-5, 2013.
  21. Chen Gang, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. A Reduced-Order-Model-Based Multiple-in Multiple-out Gust Alleviation Control Law Design for Transonic Aeroelastic Wings. Proceedings of the 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics & 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Paper ID 1371, Singapore, Dec. 11-14, 2013.
  22. 周强陈刚李跃明复杂外形飞行器跨音速气动弹性CFD/CSD耦合数值模拟研究第十三届全国空气弹性学术交流会中国哈尔滨, 20138.
  23. 路晶晶左英桃陈刚李跃明基于CFD/CSD耦合的机翼多学科优化设计方法研究第十三届全国空气弹性学术交流会中国哈尔滨, 20138.
  24. 周强陈刚李跃明基于块Arnoldi降阶方法的气动弹性分析. CSTAM2013-A31-2135, 中国力学大会-2013, 中国西安, 20138.
  25. 张顺周强陈刚李跃明基于热流固耦合的舵面热颤振数值模拟研究. CSTAM2013-A31-2041, 中国力学大会-2013, 中国西安, 20138.
  26. 周强路晶晶陈刚李跃明基于RBF插值的通用多块静气弹求解器研究. 2013航空宇航科学与技术博士生论坛中国长沙, 20137.
  27. Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming, P.Hu. Linear Parameter Varying Control for Active Flutter Suppression Based on Adaptive Reduced Order Model. Presentation Type: 52nd AIAA/ASME /ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials: Technical Paper Session: SDM-13, Aeroservoelasticity, April, 2011.
  28. Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. Active Control Law Design for LCO Suppression Based on Nonlinear Reduced Order Model Method. Presentation Type: 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials: Technical Paper Session: SDM-09, Limit Cycle Oscillations, April , 2011.
  29. Chen Gang, Sun Jian, Zuo Y., Li Yue-ming. Linear Parameter Varying Control for Active Flutter Suppression Based on Adaptive reduced Order Model. 52nd AIAA/ASME/ ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 2011-1773, Denver, Colorado, April 4-7, 2011. (EI)
  30. Chen Gang, Zuo Ying-tao, Sun Jian, Li Yue-ming. Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction via Support Vector Machine Based Reduced Order Model. 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 2011-1774, 2011.4-7 April, Denver, Colorado.