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大数据系列学术讲座19:On Mining Big Data

作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2013-12-17

【题目】:On Mining Big Data

【报告人】:Professor Philip S. Yu,美国伊利诺大学Waxler教授




The problem of big data has become increasingly importance in recent years. On the one hand, the big data is an asset that potentially can offer tremendous value or reward to the data owner. On the other hand, it poses tremendous challenges to realize the value out of the big data. The very nature of the big data poses challenges not only due to its volume, and velocity of being generated, but also its variety and veracity. Here variety means the data collected from various sources can have different formats from structured data to text to network/graph data to image, etc. Veracity concerns the trustworthiness of the data as the various data sources can have different reliability. In this talk, we will discuss these issues and approaches to address them.

【Professor Philip S. Yu简介】:

Philip S. Yu教授是国际数据库和数据挖掘等领域的先驱之一,早年在台大获学士学位,在美国斯坦福大学获硕士和博士学位,在美国纽约大学获工商管理学位。现任美国伊利诺大学芝加哥分校Waxler教授,之前是美国IBM研究院的高级部门主管,是IEEE和ACM的Fellow,曾是IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering的主编。现任多份国际学报的编委。Yu教授共发表了650多篇高水平学术论文,是计算机与信息科学领域唯一一位发表论文数超过500篇的学者,被授予了300多项专利,总共被它引超过20000多次,列国际计算机与信息科学学术界文献它引次数前30位,获得过许多荣誉和奖项,包括IBM发明大师奖。