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Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication Networks
发布日期:2015-07-16  浏览

Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication Networks


Able to propagate quickly and change their payload with each infection, polymorphic worms have been able to evade even the most advanced intrusion detection systems (IDS). And, because zero-day worms require only seconds to launch flooding attacks on your servers, using traditional methods such as manually creating and storing signatures to defend against these threats is just too slow. Bringing together critical knowledge and research on the subject, Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication Networks details a new approach for generating automated signatures for unknown polymorphic worms. It presents experimental results on a new method for polymorphic worm detection and examines experimental implementation of signature-generation algorithms and double-honeynet systems. If you need some background, the book includes an overview of the fundamental terms and concepts in network security, including the various security models. Clearing up the misconceptions about the value of honeypots, it explains how they can be useful in securing your networks, and identifies open-source tools you can use to create your own honeypot. There's also a chapter with references to helpful reading resources on automated signature generation systems. The authors describe cutting-edge attack detection approaches and detail new algorithms to help you generate your own automated signatures for polymorphic worms. Explaining how to test the quality of your generated signatures, the text will help you develop the understanding required to effectively protect your communication networks. Coverage includes intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), zero-day polymorphic worm collection methods, double-honeynet system configurations, and the implementation of double-honeynet architectures.

Preface                                            xiii
About The Authors                                  xvii
Chapter 1 The Fundamental Concepts                 1   (24)
  1.1 Introduction                                 1   (21)
    1.1.1 Network Security Concepts                1   (19)
    1.1.2 Automated Signature Generation for       20  (2)
    Zero-day Polymorphic Worms
  1.2 Our Experience and This Book's Objective     22  (1)
  References                                       23  (2)
Chapter 2 Computer Networking                      25  (22)
  2.1 Computer Technologies                        25  (1)
  2.2 Network Topology                             26  (8)
    2.2.1 Point-to-Point Topology                  26  (1)
    2.2.2 Daisy-Chain Topology                     27  (1)
    2.2.3 Bus (Point-to-Multipoint) Topology       27  (1)
    2.2.4 Distributed Bus Topology                 27  (2)
    2.2.5 Ring Topology                            29  (1)
    2.2.6 Dual-Ring Topology                       29  (1)
    2.2.7 Star Topology                            29  (1)
    2.2.8 Star-Wired Bus Topology                  30  (1)
    2.2.9 Star-Wired Ring Topology                 31  (1)
    2.2.10 Mesh Topology                           32  (1)
    2.2.11 Hierarchical or Tree Topology           32  (1)
    2.2.12 Dual-Homing Topology                    32  (2)
  2.3 Internet Protocol                            34  (1)
  2.4 Transmission Control Protocol                34  (1)
  2.5 IP Routers                                   35  (1)
  2.6 Ethernet Switch                              35  (1)
  2.7 IP Routing and Routing Table                 36  (1)
  2.8 Discussion on Router                         37  (5)
    2.8.1 Access Mechanisms for Administrators     37  (1)
    2.8.2 Security Policy for a Router             38  (2)
    2.8.3 Router Security Policy Checklist         40  (2)
  2.9 Network Traffic Filtering                    42  (1)
    2.9.1 Packet Filtering                         42  (1)
    2.9.2 Source Routing                           43  (1)
  2.10 Tools Used for Traffic Filtering or         43  (1)
  Network Monitoring
    2.10.1 Packet Capture                          44  (1)
  2.11 Concluding Remarks                          44  (1)
  References                                       45  (2)
Chapter 3 Intrusion Detection And Prevention       47  (38)
Systems (IDPSs)
  3.1 Introduction                                 47  (7)
  3.2 IDPS Detection Methods                       54  (5)
    3.2.1 Signature-Based Detection                54  (1)
    3.2.2 Anomaly-Based Detection                  55  (2)
    3.2.3 Stateful Protocol Analysis               57  (2)
  3.3 IDPS Components                              59  (1)
  3.4 IDPS Security Capabilities                   60  (1)
  3.5 Types of IDPS Technologies                   61  (16)
    3.5.1 Network-Based IDPSs                      62  (4)
    3.5.2 Wireless IDPSs                           66  (4)
    3.5.3 NBA Systems                              70  (3)
    3.5.4 Host-Based IDPS                          73  (4)
  3.6 Integration of Multiple IDPSs                77  (1)
    3.6.1 Multiple IDPS Technologies               77  (1)
    3.6.2 Integration of Different IDPS Products   78  (1)
  3.7 IDPS Products                                78  (5)
    3.7.1 Common Enterprise Network-Based IDPSs    78  (1)
    3.7.2 Common Enterprise Wireless IDPSs         78  (1)
    3.7.3 Common Enterprise NBA Systems            78  (1)
    3.7.4 Common Enterprise Host-Based IDPSs       78  (5)
  3.8 Concluding Remarks                           83  (1)
  References                                       83  (2)
Chapter 4 Honeypots                                85  (42)
  4.1 Definition and History of Honeypots          85  (11)
    4.1.1 Honeypot and Its Working Principle       85  (4)
    4.1.2 History of Honeypots                     89  (6)
    4.1.3 Types of Honeypots                       95  (1)
  4.2 Types of Threats                             96  (5)
    4.2.1 Script Kiddies and Advanced Blackhat     96  (4)
    4.2.2 Attackers' Motivations                   100 (1)
  4.3 The Value of Honeypots                       101 (8)
    4.3.1 Advantages of Honeypots                  101 (3)
    4.3.2 Disadvantages of Honeypots               104 (1)
    4.3.3 Roles of Honeypots in Network Security   105 (4)
  4.4 Honeypot Types Based on Interaction Level    109 (4)
    4.4.1 Low-Interaction Honeypots                110 (1)
    4.4.2 High-Interaction Honeypots               111 (1)
    4.4.3 Medium-Interaction Honeypots             112 (1)
  4.5 An Overview of Five Honeypots                113 (10)
    4.5.1 BackOfficer Friendly                     113 (1)
    4.5.2 Specter                                  113 (1)
    4.5.3 Honeyd                                   114 (1)
    4.5.4 ManTrap                                  114 (1)
    4.5.5 Honeynets                                115 (8)
  4.6 Conclusion                                   123 (1)
  References                                       124 (3)
Chapter 5 Internet Worms                           127 (32)
  5.1 Introduction                                 127 (1)
  5.2 Infection                                    127 (7)
    5.2.1 Code Injection                           128 (2)
    5.2.2 Edge Injection                           130 (3)
    5.2.3 Data Injection                           133 (1)
  5.3 Spreading                                    134 (2)
  5.4 Hiding                                       136 (3)
    5.4.1 Traffic Shaping                          136 (1)
    5.4.2 Polymorphism                             137 (1)
    5.4.3 Fingerprinting                           138 (1)
  5.5 Worm Components                              139 (1)
    5.5.1 Reconnaissance                           139 (1)
    5.5.2 Attack Components                        139 (1)
    5.5.3 Communication Components                 139 (1)
    5.5.4 Command Components                       140 (1)
    5.5.5 Intelligence Capabilities                140 (1)
  5.6 Worm Life                                    140 (3)
    5.6.1 Random Scanning                          141 (1)
    5.6.2 Random Scanning Using Lists              142 (1)
    5.6.3 Island Hopping                           142 (1)
    5.6.4 Directed Attacking                       142 (1)
    5.6.5 Hit-List Scanning                        143 (1)
  5.7 Polymorphic Worms: Definition and Anatomy    143 (6)
    5.7.1 Polymorphic Worm Definition              143 (1)
    5.7.2 Polymorphic Worm Structure               143 (1)
    5.7.3 Invariant Bytes                          144 (1)
    5.7.4 Polymorphic Worm Techniques              144 (4)
    5.7.5 Signature Classes for Polymorphic        148 (1)
  5.8 Internet Worm Prevention Methods             149 (3)
    5.8.1 Prevention of Vulnerabilities            149 (2)
    5.8.2 Prevention of Exploits                   151 (1)
  5.9 Conclusion                                   152 (1)
  References                                       153 (6)
Chapter 6 Reading Resources On Automated           159 (10)
Signature Generation Systems
  6.1 Introduction                                 159 (6)
    6.1.1 Hybrid System (Network Based and Host    160 (1)
    6.1.2 Network-Based Mechanisms                 161 (3)
    6.1.3 Host-Based Mechanisms                    164 (1)
  References                                       165 (4)
Chapter 7 Signature Generation Algorithms For      169 (92)
Polymorphic Worms
  7.1 String Matching                              169 (16)
    7.1.1 Exact String-Matching Algorithms         170 (9)
    7.1.2 Approximate String-Matching Algorithms   179 (6)
  7.2 Machine Learning                             185 (27)
    7.2.1 Supervised Learning                      185 (4)
    7.2.2 Algorithm Selection                      189 (2)
    7.2.3 Logic-Based Algorithms                   191 (4)
    7.2.4 Learning Set of Rules                    195 (7)
    7.2.5 Statistical Learning Algorithms          202 (6)
    7.2.6 Support Vector Machines                  208 (4)
  7.3 Unsupervised Learning                        212 (42)
    7.3.1 A Brief Introduction to Unsupervised     212 (7)
    7.3.2 Dimensionality Reduction and             219 (5)
    Clustering Models
    7.3.3 Expectation-Maximization Algorithm       224 (3)
    7.3.4 Modeling Time Series and Other           227 (7)
    Structured Data
    7.3.5 Nonlinear, Factorial, and                234 (1)
    Hierarchical Models
    7.3.6 Intractability                           235 (1)
    7.3.7 Graphical Models                         236 (5)
    7.3.8 Exact Inference in Graphs                241 (7)
    7.3.9 Learning in Graphical Models             248 (4)
    7.3.10 Bayesian Model Comparison and           252 (2)
    Occam's Razor
  7.4 Concluding Remark                            254 (1)
  References                                       254 (7)
Chapter 8 Zero-Day Polymorphic Worm Collection     261 (16)
  8.1 Introduction                                 261 (1)
  8.2 Motivation for the Double-Honeynet System    261 (1)
  8.3 Double-Honeynet Architecture                 262 (2)
  8.4 Software                                     264 (2)
    8.4.1 Honeywall Roo CD-ROM                     264 (1)
    8.4.2 Sebek                                    265 (1)
    8.4.3 Snort_inline                             265 (1)
  8.5 Double-Honeynet System Configurations        266 (8)
    8.5.1 Implementation of Double-Honeynet        266 (1)
    8.5.2 Double-Honeynet Configurations           267 (7)
  8.6 Chapter Summary                              274 (1)
  References                                       274 (3)
Chapter 9 Developed Signature Generation           277 (20)
  9.1 Introduction                                 277 (1)
  9.2 An Overview and Motivation for Using         278 (1)
  String Matching
  9.3 The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm             279 (4)
    9.3.1 Proposed Substring Extraction            280 (2)
    9.3.2 A Modified Knuth-Morris-Pratt            282 (1)
    9.3.3 Testing the Quality of the Generated     282 (1)
    Signature for Polymorphic Worm A
  9.4 Modified Principal Component Analysis        283 (4)
    9.4.1 An Overview of and Motivation for        283 (1)
    Using PCA in Our Work
    9.4.2 Our Contributions in the PCA             283 (1)
    9.4.3 Determination of Frequency Counts        284 (1)
    9.4.4 Using PCA to Determine the Most          284 (3)
    Significant Data for Polymorphic Worm
    9.4.5 Testing the Quality of the Generated     287 (1)
    Signature for Polymorphic Worm A
  9.5 Clustering Method for Different Types of     287 (1)
  Polymorphic Worms
  9.6 Signature Generation Algorithm Pseudocodes   288 (7)
    9.6.1 Signature Generation Process             288 (6)
    9.6.2 Testing the Quality of the Generated     294 (1)
    Signature for Polymorphic Worm A
  9.7 Chapter Summary                              295 (1)
  9.8 Conclusion and Recommendations for Future    295 (1)
  References                                       296 (1)
Index                                              297


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