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The Autonomous System: A Foundational Synthesis of the Sciences of the Mind
发布日期:2015-07-16  浏览

The Autonomous System: A Foundational Synthesis of the Sciences of the Mind


This book describes in modern computer science terms the Level II architecture of the meaning and definition of the process referred to as "thinking." It applies the basis of early cognitive science research to the creation of autonomous system architectures connecting philosophical findings of the past with cutting-edge progress in artificial intelligence. Providing an in-depth introduction to the classical, philosophical theories of cognitive scientists like Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer, and G.W.F. Hegel, the book examines the Will System, Reason System, Imagination System, and the Communication System.

reface                                            xiii
Introduction                                       xix
1 The Architecture of the Autonomous System        1   (21)
  1.1 Introduction,                                1   (1)
  1.2 The System Constellation,                    1   (2)
  1.3 System Constellation Architectural           3   (2)
  1.4 The Constellation Architecture,              5   (3)
    1.4.1 The Four Categories of Communication,    7   (1)
  1.5 The Software Systems Comprising the          8   (14)
    1.5.1 The Will System,                         8   (2)
    1.5.2 The Reason System,                       10  (1)
    1.5.3 The Intellect System,                    11  (2)
    1.5.4 The Presentation System,                 13  (2)
    1.5.5 The Understanding System,                15  (1)
    1.5.6 The Sensory System,                      16  (1)
    1.5.7 The Decision System,                     16  (2)
    1.5.8 The Thought System: Nexus                18  (4)
2 The Architectural Methodology                    22  (19)
  2.1 Articulation of the Requirements and         23  (7)
    2.1.1 Pillars of Knowledge and Experience,     26  (1)
    2.1.2 Level I Architecture Design Document,    26  (1)
    2.1.3 Project Functional Requirements          26  (1)
    2.1.4 - Project Functional Design Document,    27  (1)
    2.1.5 Project Software Requirements            27  (1)
    2.1.6 Project Implementation Plan,             27  (1)
    2.1.7 Project Programming Rules and            27  (1)
    2.1.8 Project Software Design Document,        27  (1)
    2.1.9 Project Detailed Design Document,        27  (1)
    2.1.10 Project Software Specifications         27  (1)
    2.1.11 Project Software Interface              28  (1)
    Specifications Document,
    2.1.12 Project Software Test and               28  (1)
    Integration Plan,
    2.1.13 System Functional Requirements          28  (1)
    2.1.14 System Functional Design Documents,     28  (1)
    2.1.15 System Software Requirements            28  (1)
    Documents 1 and 2,
    2.1.16 System Software Design Documents,       29  (1)
    2.1.17 System Detailed Design Documents,       29  (1)
    2.1.18 System Software Specifications          29  (1)
    2.1.19 System Software Interface               29  (1)
    Specifications Documents,
    2.1.20 System Software Test and Integration    29  (1)
  2.2 System Development and Integration           30  (3)
    2.2.1 System Development and Debugging,        30  (1)
    2.2.2 System Testing,                          30  (1)
    2.2.3 Systems Integration Testing,             31  (1)
    2.2.4 Project Integration Testing,             31  (1)
    2.2.5 Project Final Acceptance Testing,        31  (1)
    2.2.6 Project Delivery,                        31  (1)
    2.2.7 Project Operation and Maintenance        32  (1)
  2.3 Phase I: The Idea,                           33  (3)
    2.3.1 Organizational Case Study: The           34  (1)
    Voyager Project,
    2.3.2 JPL-STD-D-4000 Case Study: The TOPEX     35  (1)
  2.4 Making Rational Judgments,                   36  (2)
  2.5 Phase II: The Concept,                       38  (1)
  2.6 Using JPL-STD-D-4000 for System              39  (2)
3 The Architecture of the Will System              41  (21)
  3.1 The Search for Truth,                        41  (4)
    3.1.1 Philosophical Background,                44  (1)
  3.2 The Nature of the Will,                      45  (1)
  3.3 Das Ding an Sich,                            45  (4)
  3.4 The Will as a System,                        49  (2)
  3.5 The Architecture of the Will System,         51  (2)
  3.6 The Interfaces of the Will System,           53  (1)
  3.7 The Subsystems of the Will System,           54  (8)
    3.7.1 The Survival Subsystem,                  54  (1)
    3.7.2 The Propagation Subsystem,               55  (1)
    3.7.3 The Dominance Subsystem,                 56  (1)
    3.7.4 The Science Data Conversion Subsystem,   57  (1)
    3.7.5 The Craving Subsystem,                   58  (1)
    3.7.6 The Search for Truth Subsystem,          59  (1)
    3.7.7 The Mission Subsystem,                   60  (1)
    3.7.8 The Repair Subsystem,                    61  (1)
4 The Architecture of the Reason System            62  (12)
  4.1 The Reason and Ethics,                       62  (2)
  4.2 The Nature of the Reason,                    64  (1)
  4.3 The Reason as a System,                      65  (1)
  4.4 The Architecture of the Reason System,       65  (2)
  4.5 The External Interfaces of the Reason,       67  (1)
  4.6 The Subsystems of the Reason,                68  (6)
    4.6.1 The Axioms Subsystem,                    69  (1)
    4.6.2 The Rules Subsystem,                     69  (1)
    4.6.3 The Commandments Subsystem,              69  (1)
    4.6.4 The Laws Subsystem,                      70  (2)
    4.6.5 The Phenomenon Subsystem,                72  (1)
    4.6.6 The Noumenon Subsystem,                  72  (1)
    4.6.7 Noumena: Thought Fragments,              73  (1)
5 The Architecture of the Intellect System         74  (9)
  5.1 The Intellect as a System,                   74  (3)
    5.1.1 Practical Knowledge,                     75  (1)
    5.1.2 Of Modeling and Languages,               76  (1)
  5.2 The Nature of the Intellect,                 77  (2)
  5.3 The Intellect as a System,                   79  (1)
  5.4 The Subsystems of the Intellect System,      80  (1)
    5.4.1 The Abstract Subsystem,                  80  (1)
    5.4.2 The Experience Subsystem,                81  (1)
    5.4.3 The Knowledge Subsystem,                 81  (1)
  5.5 The External Interfaces of the Intellect     81  (2)
6 The Architecture of the Presentation System      83  (7)
  6.1 The Presentation System,                     84  (2)
  6.2 The Presentation as a System,                86  (1)
  6.3 The Subsystems of the Presentation,          86  (4)
    6.3.1 The Viewing Subsystem,                   87  (1)
    6.3.2 The Projection Subsystem,                88  (1)
    6.3.3 The Experience Subsystem,                88  (1)
    6.3.4 The Analysis Subsystem,                  88  (1)
    6.3.5 The Recall Subsystem,                    89  (1)
    6.3.6 The Contemplation Subsystem,             89  (1)
7 The Architecture of the Understanding System     90  (8)
  7.1 The Understanding as a System,               92  (2)
    7.1.1 Illustration of Understanding            93  (1)
  7.2 The External Interfaces of the               94  (4)
    7.2.1 The Form of All Appearances Subsystem,   95  (1)
    7.2.2 The Form of All Possibilities            96  (1)
    7.2.3 The Understanding Preparation            97  (1)
8 The Architecture of the Sensory System           98  (9)
  8.1 The Sensory System,                          98  (2)
  8.2 The Architecture of the Sensory System,      100 (1)
  8.3 The Phenomenon Subsystem,                    101 (3)
    8.3.1 The External Sensory Program Set,        101 (1)
    8.3.2 The Internal Sensory Program Set,        102 (1)
    8.3.3 The Sensory Data Processing Program      103 (1)
  8.4 A Historical Perspective on Languages,       104 (1)
  8.5 The Workings of the Noumenon,                105 (2)
9 The Architecture of the Decision System          107 (17)
  9.1 The Process of Decision Making,              107 (4)
    9.1.1 Validation of the Decision Process,      109 (2)
  9.2 Understanding the Decision Process,          111 (2)
  9.3 The Decision as a System,                    113 (1)
  9.4 The Subsystems of the Decision System,       114 (7)
    9.4.1 The Value Subsystem,                     114 (3)
    9.4.2 The Decision Processing Subsystem,       117 (3)
    9.4.3 The Arbitration Subsystem,               120 (1)
  9.5 The Interfaces of the Decision System,       121 (1)
  9.6 The Building of Preferences,                 121 (3)
    9.6.1 Illustration of Building Preferences,    122 (2)
10 The Architecture of the Thought System          124 (18)
  10.1 The "Movers" of the Thought Process,        125 (2)
  10.2 The Pursuit of Thinking,                    127 (1)
  10.3 The Nexus Cogitationis,                     128 (2)
  10.4 The Subsystems of the Thought System,       130 (6)
    10.4.1 The Nexus Cogitationis Subsystem,       130 (2)
    10.4.2 The Communication Subsystem,            132 (1)
    10.4.3 The Network Subsystem,                  133 (3)
  10.5 Initialization Process of the Autonomous    136 (6)
    10.5.1 Before the First Moment,                137 (1)
    10.5.2 The Becoming,                           137 (1)
    10.5.3 First Moment,                           137 (1)
    10.5.4 Second Moment,                          137 (1)
    10.5.5 Third Moment,                           138 (1)
    10.5.6 Fourth Moment,                          138 (1)
    10.5.7 Fifth Moment,                           139 (1)
    10.5.8 Sixth Moment,                           139 (1)
    10.5.9 Seventh Moment,                         140 (1)
    10.5.10 Eighth Moment,                         140 (1)
    10.5.11 Ninth and Final Moment,                141 (1)
    10.5.12 Initialized State,                     141 (1)
Epilogue                                           142 (2)
Endnotes                                           144 (11)
Index                                              155



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