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Real-Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems
发布日期:2015-09-17  浏览

Real-Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems

[Book Description]

Written as a workbook with a set of guided exercises that teach by example, this book gives a practical, hands-on guide to using UML to design and implement embedded and real-time systems. Features: a review of the basics of UML and the Harmony process for embedded software development: two on-going case examples to teach the concepts, a small-scale traffic light control system and a large scale unmanned air vehicle show the applications of UML to the specification, analysis and design of embedded and real-time systems in general; a building block approach: a series of progressive worked exercises with step-by-step explanations of the complete solution, clearly demonstrating how to convert concepts into actual designs; and a walk through of the phases of an incremental spiral process: posing the problems and the solutions for requirements analysis, object analysis, architectural design, mechanistic design, and detailed design.

[Table of Contents]
Preface                                            xiii
Acknowledgements xvii
About the Author xix
Chapter 1 Introduction to UML 1 (32)
1.1 UML Basic Modeling Concepts 1 (3)
1.2 Structural Elements and Diagrams 4 (14)
1.2.1 Small Things: Objects, Classes, and 4 (5)
1.2.2 Relations 9 (6)
1.2.3 Big Things: Subsystems, Components, 15 (3)
and Packages
1.3 Behavioral Elements and Diagrams 18 (10)
1.3.1 Actions and Activities 18 (1)
1.3.2 Operations and Methods 19 (1)
1.3.3 Activity Diagrams 20 (1)
1.3.4 State Diagrams 21 (5)
1.3.5 Interactions 26 (2)
1.4 Use Case and Requirements Models 28 (4)
1.5 Summary 32 (1)
Chapter 2 The Harmony Process 33 (34)
2.1 Introduction 33 (1)
2.2 The Harmony Development Process 34 (10)
2.2.1 Why a Process? 34 (5)
2.2.2 Harmony Process Overview 39 (5)
2.3 The Systems Engineering Harmony Workflows 44 (2)
in Detail
2.3.1 System Functional Analysis 44 (2)
2.3.2 Build Use Case Model Workflow 46 (1)
2.3.3 Design Syntheses: System 46 (1)
Architectural Design
2.4 The Hand-off from Systems Engineering 46 (4)
2.5 The Software Workflows in Detail 50 (15)
2.5.1 Analysis with the Harmony Process 50 (7)
2.5.2 Design with the Harmony Process 57 (5)
2.5.3 Verification and Validation (V&V) 62 (1)
2.5.4 Increment Review (Party!) Workflow 63 (2)
2.6 Summary 65 (2)
Chapter 3 Meeting Industry Standards 67 (22)
3.1 Overview 67 (1)
3.2 On the Importance of Being Standard 67 (1)
3.3 Architectural Framework Standards (I'm 68 (4)
looking at you UPDM)
3.3.1 UPDM 72 (1)
3.4 IEC 61508 72 (4)
3.4.1 Process Requirements 74 (2)
3.5 DO-178B/C 76 (8)
3.5.1 Verification 76 (3)
3.5.2 DO-178C 79 (3)
3.5.3 Tool Qualification 82 (1)
3.5.4 Complying with DO-178B/C Using the 83 (1)
Harmony Process
3.6 IEC 62304 84 (1)
3.7 CMMI-DEV 84 (3)
3.8 Summary 87 (1)
References 88 (1)
Chapter 4 Specifying Requirements 89 (22)
4.1 Overview 89 (1)
4.2 Representing Requirements in UML and SysML 90 (11)
4.3 Specification View: State Machines for 101 (8)
Requirements Capture
4.3.1 Developing the State Machine in the 102 (7)
Harmony Nanocycle
References 109 (2)
Chapter 5 Systems Architecture: Deployment and 111 (38)
Subsystems Architecture
5.1 Overview 111 (25)
5.2 The Hand-off from Systems to Downstream 136 (10)
5.3 Looking Ahead 146 (3)
Chapter 6 Dependability Architecture 149 (30)
6.1 Overview 149 (3)
6.2 A (Not-So) Quick Note about Design 152 (3)
6.2.1 Construct the Initial Model 153 (1)
6.2.2 Identify Important Design Criteria 153 (1)
6.2.3 Rank Design Criteria 154 (1)
6.2.3 Select Design Patterns and 154 (1)
6.2.4 Apply Design Patterns and Technologies 155 (1)
6.2.5 Validate Design Solution 155 (1)
6.3 What is a Design Pattern? 155 (20)
6.3.1 Basic Structure of Design Patterns 156 (1)
6.3.2 Using Design Patterns in Development 157 (18)
6.4 Summary 175 (4)
Chapter 7 High-Fidelity Modeling 179 (40)
7.1 Overview 179 (1)
7.2 A Quick Note about Structured Design with 180 (1)
7.3 High-Fidelity Modeling Workflow 181 (1)
7.4 Key Strategies for Object Identification 182 (34)
7.4.1 Underline the Nouns 182 (2)
7.4.2 Identify the Causal Agents 184 (1)
7.4.3 Identify Services (Passive 184 (1)
Contributors or Server Objects)
7.4.4 Identify Messages and Information 184 (1)
7.4.5 Identify Real-World Items 184 (1)
7.4.6 Identify Physical Devices 185 (1)
7.4.7 Identify Key Concepts 185 (1)
7.4.8 Identify Transactions 185 (1)
7.4.9 Identify Persistent Information 185 (1)
7.4.10 Identify Visual Elements 186 (1)
7.4.11 Identify Control Elements 186 (1)
7.4.12 Apply Scenarios 186 (30)
7.5 Summary 216 (3)
Chapter 8 Distribution Architecture 219 (6)
8.1 Overview 219 (4)
8.2 Summary 223 (2)
Chapter 9 Concurrency and Resource Architecture 225 (18)
9.1 What is the Concurrency and Resource 225 (9)
9.2 Harmony Concurrency and Resource 234 (7)
Architecture Workflow
9.3 Summary 241 (2)
Chapter 10 Collaboration and Detailed Design 243 (34)
10.1 Overview 243 (1)
10.2 Collaboration Design 244 (7)
10.2.1 Delegation Pattern Strategy 247 (1)
10.2.2 Interface Abstraction Pattern 247 (4)
10.3 Detailed Design 251 (23)
10.4 Summary 274 (3)
Chapter 11 Specifying Requirements: Answers 277 (36)
11.1 Answer 4.1: Identifying Kinds of 277 (1)
11.2 Answer 4.2: Identifying Use Cases for 277 (3)
the Roadrunner Traffic Light Control System
11.2.1 Additional Questions 280 (1)
11.3 Answer 4.3: Mapping Requirements to Use 280 (1)
11.4 Answer 4.4: Identifying Use Cases for 281 (2)
the Coyote UAV System
11.4.1 Additional Questions 282 (1)
11.5 Answer 4.5: Create a Requirements Table 283 (1)
11.6 Answer 4.6: Capturing Quality of Service 283 (1)
11.7 Answer 4.7: Operational View: 284 (7)
Identifying Traffic Light Scenarios
11.8 Answer 4.8: Operational View: Coyote UAV 291 (3)
Optical Surveillance Scenarios
11.9 Answer 4.9: Specification View: Use Case 294 (1)
11.10 Answer 4.10: Simple State Machine 295 (1)
11.11 Answer 4.11: Specification View: 296 (9)
Capturing Complex Requirements
11.11.1 Step 1: No Cars or Pedestrians Are 299 (3)
Considered (Just Get Through Traffic
11.11.2 Step 2: Add Turn Lanes 302 (3)
11.11.3 Step 3: Add Pedestrians 305 (1)
11.11.4 Additional Questions 305 (1)
11.12 Answer 4.12: Operational to 305 (7)
Specification View: Capturing Operational
11.12.1 Step 1: Draw the Block Diagram - 306 (2)
11.12.2 Step 2: Define the Interfaces 308 (1)
11.12.3 Step 3: Defining Pre- and 308 (1)
Postconditions for the Interfaces
11.12.4 Step 4: Construct a Use-Case 309 (1)
Activity Diagram Representing All of The
Scenarios Previously Specified for the Use
11.12.5 Step 5: Define a State Machine for 309 (3)
the Use Case Block that is Consistent with
the Set of Scenarios
References 312 (1)
Chapter 12 Deployment and Subsystems 313 (36)
Architecture: Answers
12.1 Answer 5.1: Organizing the Systems Model 313 (3)
12.1.1 The Roadrunner Model 313 (1)
12.1.2 The CUAV Suite of Models 313 (3)
12.2 Answer 5.2: Subsystem Identification 316 (7)
12.3 Answer 5.3: Mapping Operational 323 (8)
Contracts into the Subsystem Architecture
12.4 Answer 5.4: Identifying Subsystem Use 331 (6)
12.5 Answer 5.5: Creating the Shared Model 337 (3)
12.6 Answer 5.6: Initiating the Subsystem 340 (9)
Chapter 13 Dependability Architecture: Answers 349 (20)
13.1 Answer 6.1: Safety Architecture 349 (11)
13.2 Answer 6.2: Reliability Architecture 360 (1)
13.3 Answer 6.3: Security Architecture 361 (8)
Chapter 14 High-Fidelity Modeling: Answers 369 (42)
14.1 Answer 7.1: Apply Nouns and Causal 369 (13)
Agents Strategies
14.2 Answer 7.2: Apply Services and Messages 382 (3)
14.3 Answer 7.3: Apply the Strategies with a 385 (7)
Test-Driven Development Approach
14.3.1 Step 1: Get the Light Working 387 (1)
14.3.2 Step 2: Add a Controller and Step a 387 (1)
Single Light through its States
14.3.3 Step 3: Add Through Lights for Both 388 (2)
Primary and Secondary Roads and Their
14.3.4 Step 3.1: Convert TrafficController 390 (2)
State Machine to And-States
14.3.5 Step 4: Add Car Sensor for Turn Lanes 392 (1)
14.3.6 Step 5: Add the Second Turn Lane 393 (1)
14.3.7 Step 6: Add Pedestrian Buttons and 394 (2)
Identify Where Processing of Pedestrian
Requests Will Be Handled
14.3.8 Step 7: Handle Pedestrian Requests 396 (3)
14.3.9 Test-Driven Development for Coyote UAV 399 (12)
Chapter 15 Distribution Architecture: Answers 411 (8)
15.1 Answer 8.1: Roadrunner Distribution 411 (1)
15.2 Answer 8.2: Coyote UAV Distribution 411 (8)
Chapter 16 Concurrency and Resource 419 (4)
Architecture: Answers
16.1 Answer 9.1: Roadrunner Concurrency and 419 (1)
Resource Architecture
16.2 Answer 9.2: Reconnaissance Concurrency 419 (4)
and Resource Architecture
Chapter 17 Collaboration and Detailed Design: 423 (20)
17.1 Answer 10.1: Applying Collaboration 423 (1)
Design Patterns: Part 1
17.2 Answer 10.2: Applying Collaboration 424 (5)
Design Patterns: Part 2
17.3 Answer 10.3: Applying Detailed Design 429 (5)
State Behavioral Patterns
17.3.1 Additional Work 432 (2)
17.4 Answer 10.4: Applying Detailed Design 434 (9)
Appendix A: The Roadrunner? Intersection 443 (12)
Controller System Specification
Appendix B: The Coyote Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 455 (12)
System (CUAVS)
Appendix C: UML Notational Summary 467 (24)
Index 491


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