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Speaking JavaScript
发布日期:2015-10-08  浏览

Speaking JavaScript


[Book Description]

Like it or not, JavaScript is everywhere these days—from browser to server to mobile—and now you, too, need to learn the language or dive deeper than you have. This concise book guides you into and through JavaScript, written by a veteran programmer who once found himself in the same position.


Speaking JavaScript helps you approach the language with four standalone sections. First, a quick-start guide teaches you just enough of the language to help you be productive right away. More experienced JavaScript programmers will find a complete and easy-to-read reference that covers each language feature in depth. Complete contents include:


JavaScript quick start: Familiar with object-oriented programming? This part helps you learn JavaScript quickly and properly.

JavaScript in depth: Learn details of ECMAScript 5, from syntax, variables, functions, and object-oriented programming to regular expressions and JSON with lots of examples. Pick a topic and jump in.

Background: Understand JavaScript’s history and its relationship with other programming languages.

Tips, tools, and libraries: Survey existing style guides, best practices, advanced techniques, module systems, package managers, build tools, and learning resources. 



[Table of Contents]
Part Ⅰ. JavaScript Quick Start 
1. Basic JavaScript 
Variables and Assignment 
Exception Handling 
Strict Mode 
Variable Scoping and Closures 
Objects and Constructors 
Regular Expressions 
Other Functionality of the Standard Library 
Part Ⅱ. Background 
2. Why JavaScript? 
Is JavaScript Freely Available? 
Is JavaScript Elegant? 
Is JavaScript Useful? 
Does JavaScript Have Good Tools? 
Is JavaScript Fast Enough? 
Is JavaScript Widely Used? 
Does JavaScript Have a Future? 
3. The Nature oflavaScript 
Quirks and Unorthodox Features 
Elegant Parts 
4. How JavaScript Was Created 
5. Standardization: ECMAScript 
6. HistoricaIJavaScript Milestones 
PartⅢ. JavaScriptin Depth 
7. JavaScript's Syntax 
An Overview of the Syntax 
Expressions Versus Statements 
Control Flow Statements and Blocks 
Rules for Using Semicolons 
Legal Identifiers 
Invoking Methods on Number Literals 
Strict Mode 
8. Values 
JavaScript's Type System 
Primitive Values Versus Objects 
Primitive Values 
undefined and null 
Wrapper Objects for Primitives 
Type Coercion 
9. Operators 
Operators and Objects 
Assignment Operators 
Equality Operators: === Versus == 
Ordering Operators 
The Plus Operator (+) 
Operators for Booleans and Numbers 
Spe Operators 
Categorizing Values via typeof and instanceof 
Object Operators 
10. Booleans 
Converting to Boolean 
Logical Operators 
Equality Operators, Ordering Operators 
The Function Boolean 
11. Numbers 
Number Literals 
Converting to Number 
Spe Number Values 
The Internal Representation of Numbers 
Handling Rounding Errors 
Integers in JavaScript 
Converting to Integer 
Arithmetic Operators 
Bitwise Operators 
The Function Number 
Number Constructor Properties 
Number Prototype Methods 
Functions for Numbers 
Sources for This Chapter 
12. Strings 
String Literals 
Escaping in String Literals 
Character Access 
Converting to String 
Comparing Strings 
Concatenating Strings 
The Function String 
String Constructor Method 
String Instance Property length 
String Prototype Methods 
13. Statements 
Declaring and Assigning Variables 
The Bodies of Loops and Conditionals 
The with Statement 
The debugger Statement 
14. Exception Handling 
What Is Exception Handling? 
Exception Handling in ]avaScript 
Error Constructors 
Stack Traces 
Implementing Your Own Error Constructor 
15. Functions 
The Three Roles of Functions in JavaScript 
Terminology: "Parameter" Versus "Argument" 
Defining Functions 
The Name of a Function 
Which Is Better: A Function Declaration or a Function Expression? 
More Control over Function Calls: call(), apply(), and bind() 
Handling Missing or Extra Parameters 
Named Parameters 
16. Variables: Scopes, Environments, and Closures 
Declaring a Variable 
Background: Static Versus Dynamic 
Background: The&n 


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