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Concurrency in C# Cookbook
发布日期:2015-10-09  浏览

Concurrency in C# Cookbook

[Book Description]

Concurrency is essential for creating fast apps and optimized systems software today. With this cookbook, you will find recipes for writing asynchronous, parallel, and reactive code in C# that enables your app or program to engage in more than one process at a time. Presented in O'Reilly's popular problem-solution-discussion cookbook format, this guide provides ready-to-use code, along with an explanation of why and how the solution works.

[Table of Contents]
Preface                                            vii
    1 Concurrency: An Overview                     1  (18)
      1.1 Introduction to Concurrency              1  (2)
      1.2 Introduction to Asynchronous             3  (4)
      1.3 Introduction to Parallel Programming     7  (3)
      1.4 Introduction to Reactive Programming     10 (2)
      1.5 Introduction to Dataflows                12 (2)
      1.6 Introduction to Multithreaded            14 (1)
      1.7 Collections for Concurrent               15 (1)
      1.8 Modern Design                            15 (1)
      1.9 Summary of Key Technologies              16 (3)
    2 Async Basics                                 19 (18)
      2.1 Pausing for a Period of Time             20 (2)
      2.2 Returning Completed Tasks                22 (1)
      2.3 Reporting Progress                       23 (1)
      2.4 Waiting for a Set of Tasks to Complete   24 (3)
      2.5 Waiting for Any Task to Complete         27 (1)
      2.6 Processing Tasks as They Complete        28 (4)
      2.7 Avoiding Context for Continuations       32 (1)
      2.8 Handling Exceptions from async Task      33 (1)
      2.9 Handling Exceptions from async Void      34 (3)
    3 Parallel Basics                              37 (10)
      3.1 Parallel Processing of Data              37 (2)
      3.2 Parallel Aggregation                     39 (2)
      3.3 Parallel Invocation                      41 (1)
      3.4 Dynamic Parallelism                      42 (2)
      3.5 Parallel LINQ                            44 (3)
    4 Dataflow Basics                              47 (10)
      4.1 Linking Blocks                           48 (1)
      4.2 Propagating Errors                       49 (2)
      4.3 Unlinking Blocks                         51 (1)
      4.4 Throttling Blocks                        52 (1)
      4.5 Parallel Processing with Dataflow        53 (1)
      4.6 Creating Custom Blocks                   54 (3)
    5 Rx Basics                                    57 (12)
      5.1 Converting NET Events                    58 (2)
      5.2 Sending Notifications to a Context       60 (2)
      5.3 Grouping Event Data with Windows and     62 (2)
      5.4 Taming Event Streams with Throttling     64 (2)
      and Sampling
      5.5 Timeouts                                 66 (3)
    6 Testing                                      69 (14)
      6.1 Unit Testing async Methods               70 (1)
      6.2 Unit Testing async Methods Expected      71 (2)
      to Fail
      6.3 Unit Testing async void Methods          73 (1)
      6.4 Unit Testing Dataflow Meshes             74 (2)
      6.5 Unit Testing Rx Observables              76 (2)
      6.6 Unit Testing Rx Observables with         78 (5)
      Faked Scheduling
    7 Interop                                      83 (12)
      7.1 Async Wrappers for "Async" Methods       83 (2)
      with "Completed" Events
      7.2 Async Wrappers for "Begin/End" methods   85 (1)
      7.3 Async Wrappers for Anything              86 (2)
      7.4 Async Wrappers for Parallel Code         88 (1)
      7.5 Async Wrappers for Rx Observables        89 (1)
      7.6 Rx Observable Wrappers for async Code    90 (2)
      7.7 Rx Observables and Dataflow Meshes       92 (3)
    8 Collections                                  95 (26)
      8.1 Immutable Stacks and Queues              98 (2)
      8.2 Immutable Lists                          100(2)
      8.3 Immutable Sets                           102(2)
      8.4 Immutable Dictionaries                   104(2)
      8.5 Threadsafe Dictionaries                  106(2)
      8.6 Blocking Queues                          108(2)
      8.7 Blocking Stacks and Bags                 110(2)
      8.8 Asynchronous Queues                      112(3)
      8.9 Asynchronous Stacks and Bags             115(2)
      8.10 Blocking/Asynchronous Queues            117(4)
    9 Cancellation                                 121(16)
      9.1 Issuing Cancellation Requests            122(3)
      9.2 Responding to Cancellation Requests      125(1)
      by Polling
      9.3 Canceling Due to Timeouts                126(1)
      9.4 Canceling async Code                     127(1)
      9.5 Canceling Parallel Code                  128(2)
      9.6 Canceling Reactive Code                  130(2)
      9.7 Canceling Dataflow Meshes                132(1)
      9.8 Injecting Cancellation Requests          133(1)
      9.9 Interop with Other Cancellation          134(3)
    10 Functional-Friendly OOP                     137(18)
      10.1 Async Interfaces and Inheritance        137(2)
      10.2 Async Construction: Factories           139(2)
      10.3 Async Construction: The Asynchronous    141(3)
      Initialization Pattern
      10.4 Async Properties                        144(3)
      10.5 Async Events                            147(3)
      10.6 Async Disposal                          150(5)
    11 Synchronization                             155(14)
      11.1 Blocking Locks                          160(2)
      11.2 Async Locks                             162(2)
      11.3 Blocking Signals                        164(1)
      11.4 Async Signals                           165(2)
      11.5 Throttling                              167(2)
    12 Scheduling                                  169(6)
      12.1 Scheduling Work to the Thread Pool      169(2)
      12.2 Executing Code with a Task Scheduler    171(2)
      12.3 Scheduling Parallel Code                173(1)
      12.4 Dataflow Synchronization Using          174(1)
    13 Scenarios                                   175(8)
      13.1 Initializing Shared Resources           175(2)
      13.2 Rx Deferred Evaluation                  177(1)
      13.3 Asynchronous Data Binding               178(2)
      13.4 Implicit State                          180(3)
Index                                              183


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