1. 管理会计
2. 成本管理
1. 2021,陕西省社会科学基金项目,财务共享服务实施推动陕西企业高质量发展的机理和路径研究
2. 2019,教育部产学合作协同育人项目,管理会计示范课程建设
3. 2016,陕西省会计学会重点科研课题项目,“互联网+”时代会计人员变革研究
4. 2014,教育部人文社科研究青年基金项目,ERP同化与企业业绩:基于TOE理论框架的集成模型与实证研究
5. 2014,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,基于TOE理论的ERP扩散因素及其对企业业绩的影响研究
6. 2010,国家自然科学基金青年项目,中国企业ERP环境下管理会计变革的经验研究
1. Exploring the contextual factors affecting financial shared service implementation and firm performance, Journal of Enterprise Information Management,2023,(2)
2. EVA考核对央企非效率投资的影响,经济管理,2018,(5)
3.Does the implementation of ERP improve the quality of accounting information?Evidence from China, Journal of Applied Business Research,2018 , 34(1)
4. Antecedents of ERP assimilation and its impact on ERP value: A TOE-based model and empirical test,Information Systems Frontiers,2017,19(1)
5. 社会压力与马基雅维利主义个性特征对预算松弛影响的实验研究,中央财经大学学报,2015,(10)
6.Introducing foreign strategic investors and net interest margins in Chinese banks ,Journal of Applied Business Research,2014,30(5)
7. Institutional investors, earnings management and mispricing of accruals: Evidence from China,Journal of Applied Business Research,2013,29(1)