Lam Research-西安交通大学微电子论文奖
Lam Research公司创立于1980年,总部位于美国硅谷,在全球16个国家设有分支机构,员工总数超过7500人,是世界排名前三位的半导体设备供应商。Lam研发的设备运用原子技术(atom),专注于晶圆制造机台,包括蚀刻、清洗和薄膜沉积等技术,广泛应用于电视、手机、电脑、汽车、医学发展等各个领域。Lam长期以来注重研究开发,仅过去三年在研发方面的投资已累积19亿美金。
Lam Research一直致力于资助全世界知名大学的微电子研发项目,除清华大学、复旦大学外,西安交大是第三所获得Lam奖学金的中国高校。Lam Research--西安交大微电子论文奖设立于2015年,每年评选一次,旨在奖励微电子学院研究生优秀论文,鼓励西安交通大学的学生从事微电子创新性研究工作,提升我国在此领域的科研水平和人才培养质量。
Lam Research论文奖一般每年12月评选一次,12月举办颁奖仪式。一般在12月微电子学院发布Lam论文奖评选通知,让研究生奖本年度内发表的高水平论文及在知名国际会议上发表的论文尽快上报,然后微电子学院院务委员会开会讨论评选规则,并最终确定获得该奖项的论文数目。最后将获奖论文发回给Lam公司,由公司进行最终审核。Lam Research--西安交大微电子论文奖设立于2015年,每年评选一次,旨在奖励微电子学院研究生优秀论文,鼓励西安交通大学的学生从事微电子创新性研究工作,提升我国在此领域的科研水平和人才培养质量。
2020年度5月份评选结束,共评选出19篇优质论文,论文分别发表在以下最具影响力期刊:Carbon、Journal of Materials Chemistry C、IEEE Transactions on Power ElectronicsPhysical Review B、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices、Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I)、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs、IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters、IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,有一篇被集成电路领域重要会议2020 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference接收。评选后进行了公示,公示无误后给学生发放了奖学金,同时在6月5日举办了颁奖典礼。
2020年度共有19篇优秀论文获得Lam Research-西安交通大学微电子论文奖,具体名单如下:
序号 |
期刊名称 |
论文名称 |
学生作者 |
1 |
Carbon |
A fresh-bias photoresponse of graphene field-effect transistor: An electrical tunable fast dipole moment generation |
张延涛 |
2 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry C |
Rationally designed piezoelectric charge polarity at interfaces for largely improving photodiode performance by piezo-phototronic effects |
李芳沛 |
3 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
Comparative Temperature Dependent Evaluation and Analysis of 1.2-kV SiC Power Diodes for Extreme Temperature Applications |
祁金伟 |
4 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
Comprehensive Assessment of Avalanche Operating Boundary of SiC Planar/Trench MOSFET in Cryogenic Applications |
祁金伟 |
5 |
Physical Review B |
Origin of sawtooth domain walls in ferroelectrics |
张佳乐 |
6 |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
Analytical drain current model of double-gate monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide TFET |
张也非 |
7 |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
Study on Degradation Mechanisms of Thermal Conductivity for Confined Nanochannel in Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors |
赖俊桦 |
8 |
Introduction of Graphene to Decrease Barrier Height and Improve Contact Characteristics of Metal/SI-GaAs Interface |
刘康 |
9 |
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems |
Study on Fusion Mechanisms for Sensitivity Improvement and Measurable Pressure Limit Extension of Pirani Vacuum Gauges With Multi Heat Sinks |
赖俊桦 |
10 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) |
A Stride-based Convolution Decomposition Method to Stretch CNN Acceleration Algorithms for Efficient and Flexible Hardware Implementation |
王逸洲 |
11 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers |
An Open Loop Digitally Controlled Hybrid Supply Modulator Achieving High Efficiency for Envelope Tracking With Baseband up to 200-MHz |
陈泽强 |
12 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers |
A +0.66/-0.73°C Inaccuracy, 1.99-μW, Time-Domain CMOS Temperature Sensor With Second-OrderΔΣModulator and On-Chip Reference Clock |
陈阳 |
13 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers |
A Configurable Noise-Shaping Band-Pass SAR ADC With Two-Stage Clock-Controlled Amplifier |
焦子豪 |
14 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs |
A 100 MHz, 0.8-to-1.1 V, 170 mA Digital LDO With 8-Cycles Mean Settling Time and 9-Bit Regulating Resolution in 180-nm CMOS |
袁哲一 |
15 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs |
Sparsity Constrained Recursive Generalized Maximum Correntropy Criterion with Variable Center Algorithm |
孙权 |
16 |
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters |
A Wideband Active Quasi-Circulator With 34-dB Isolation and Insertion Loss of 2.5 dB |
唐炳俊 |
17 |
A Voltage-Controlled Ring Oscillator With VCO-Gain Variation Compensation |
唐人杰 |
18 |
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems |
Low-Supply Sensitivity LC VCOs With Complementary Varactors |
唐炳俊 |
19 |
2020 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference |
A Power Efficient ECG Front-End with Input-Adaptive Gain Reaching 67.6-dB Dynamic Range |
刘立恒 |
收入金额(元) |
支出时间 |
支出金额(元) |
奖励人数 |
74000 |
2021-07-16 |
74000 |
27 |