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来源:交大新闻网 时间:2016-04-05 11:04:00 作者: 点击:

    编者按 4月5日,《中国日报》头版导读、12版整版推出西安交通大学国际化建设深度报道。整版以“西安交大建设国际化大学”为主题,从国际化办学历史、国际化的人才培养、国际化的学科建设、丝绸之路大学联盟建设等方面深入报道了西安交大国际化进程。报道追溯了交大南洋公学时期的国际化办学理念,回顾了近年来对外交流、科研国际合作、国际化教学实践、开展留学生教育等方面取得的成就,并深入报道了西安交大在创建丝绸之路大学联盟、建设国际化的西部科技创新港等方面的开拓性举措。转载如下:

Xi'an Jiaoda builds a global campus

Xi'an Jiaotong University said its education system is rooted in internationalization and aimsto "serve the country and build a global, first-class university".

Xi'an Jiaoda, as it is colloquially known, aims to broaden its students' internationalperspectives, conduct research on global issues and expand cooperation.

It is working hard to shape its teaching methods with an international scope, develop first-class talents and attain research achievements.

High-quality education

The university provides high-quality educational resources and a good learning environmentfor each of its students' development.

It focuses on constructing training systems in line with international standards, and strivesto cultivate professionals and top-notch innovative personnel who have "persistent beliefs,high moral character, first-class quality and strong innovation capabilities".

Xi'an Jiaotong University aims to boost international communication through variousprojects, such as dual degrees, student exchanges and joint training.

To date, it has signed intercollegiate cooperation agreements with more than 200universities in over 60 countries and regions.

Under the program named Jiaotong University Students Visiting Study in World FamousUniversities, it sends outstanding students to famous overseas universities for short-termstudy during the winter holiday.

It also promotes various types of dual degrees and student exchange programs, such as theSino-France 4 plus 4 project, summer studies, research and social practices.

Xi'an Jiaotong University has sent its students for short- and long-term studies at theUniversity of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, Columbia University in New York, theUniversity of California, Berkeley, and other world-class universities.

In 2015, an English practice summer course became compulsory for Xi'an JiaotongUniversity freshmen, with 90 native English teachers hired to teach and strengthen thestudents' English-speaking abilities.

The university also set up a scholarship to attract outstanding foreign students in an aim toimprove the proportion of international students. By the end of 2015, Xi'an JiaotongUniversity had 1,825 international students from 97 countries and regions. The universityhas developed a thorough English teaching curriculum for graduate students in order toallow them to improve their teaching content and methods. At present, two courses in itsmanagement school have received international certifications and its management, energyand mechanical engineering schools are equipped with English-language teachingsystems.

To support the Belt and Road Initiative, the university has established training programs toexpand exchanges and cooperation with countries along the modern Silk Road. Currently,courses on Chinese and international commercial law, Chinese culture, an MBA programand engineering management are being constructed.

Academic cooperation

Xi'an Jiaotong University is strengthening its management by making use of cooperativeprojects.

As a result, its funds for foreign experts and projects have grown steadily, with its total fundsand projects ranking among the nation's top universities. The university is the only institutein China to have three bases for international cooperation with the Ministry of Education,Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Bureau of Foreign Experts.

Talent recruitment projects created by Xi'an Jiaotong Universityhave maintained sound relations with its foreign partners inbuilding cooperation platforms, outlining courses and trainingpersonnel.

German physicist Knut W. Urban has visited Xi'an JiaotongUniversity on a number of occasions and has contributedgreatly to the establishment of Xi'an Jiaotong University-Germany international dielectric research center.

Promoted by a project named the Silk Road SeniorInternational Seminar Series of International Economic Law,Xi'an Jiaotong University signed a training agreement with theLauterpacht Center for International Law at the University ofCambridge and also founded a magazine called The Chinese Journal of Comparative Lawwith the Oxford University Press.

The journal was thefirst English-language law journal jointly founded by the OxfordUniversity Press and a Chinese university and is the first international law journal that hasthe support from the International Academy of Comparative Law. Xi'an Jiaotong Universityhas successfully implemented seven education plans jointly designed by the Ministry ofEducation and the State Bureau of Foreign Experts. It was listed as a top university in Chinain terms of the number of projects and achievements.

The seven bases introduced 38 scholars listed in the 1,000 Talent Plan, the nation's policyto attract overseas elites to work in China, three young scholars from the same plan andproduced an academician. The scholars working in the bases have published a number ofimportant research results in top international journals such as Nature and Science, andhave won a number of National Natural Science awards.

Students celebrate commencement day at Xi'an Jiaotong University


University alliance garnering intl attention

Xi'an Jiaotong University launched the University Alliance of the Silk Road, or UASR, lastMay to boost academic cooperation and explore a new mode of regional development.

A total of 125 universities from 30 countries and regions have joined the alliance, with 10other institutes having sent their applications.

The embassies of Britain, Egypt and Iran in China, as well as the Australia Group of Eight,an alliance of its universities, have also been in discussion with the university, colloquiallyknown as Xi'an Jiaoda, to spur cooperation.

Less than one year after the establishment of the Silk Road University Alliance, a number ofcooperative and exchange projects have been carried out, including intercollegiateexchanges, personnel training, scientific research and cooperation, policy research, medicalservices and establishment of sub-alliances.

Xi'an Jiaotong University has also been carrying out cooperation plans with 29 overseasuniversities who are members of the alliance. It built a laboratory with the University of NewSouth Wales and a research institute with the University of Liverpool and established theXi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Tong Li School, a joint school with Hong KongPolytechnic University has been established at Xi'an Jiaotong University for 14 years.Recently, the Joint School of Design is in its plan with Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy.

The China West Region Quality Science and Technology Research Institute, a think tankestablished by Xi'an Jiaotong University, the General Administration of Quality SupervisionInspection and Quarantine and the Shaanxi Provincial Administration of Quality SupervisionInspection and Quarantine, will start conducting research on major national projects such asthe Road and Belt Initiative and China Manufacturing strategy.

Wang Shuguo, president of Xi'an Jiaotong University,said the Belt and Road Initiative is vital to thedevelopment of countries along the modern-day SilkRoad.

"Higher education in China should not only meetdomestic needs or focus on short-term development,but also consider the education system and structurefrom an international perspective. At the same time weshould ponder if our knowledge supply is effective,"Wang said.

Wang said the alliance has created opportunities for universities in China and for countriesand regions along the modern Silk Road routes to connect and has promoted culturalexchanges.

Xi'an Jiaotong University is also looking to construct the China West Region Scientific andTechnological Innovation Harbor, a harbor city for scientific and technological innovation.

"We consider the new space built for our school's expansion as a port rather than a newcampus because it is a change in the university's form. "Generally speaking, it is auniversity and a community. It is a high-end talent pool, and also a disseminator ofknowledge and civilization. It is both most advanced and affable," Wang said.

The innovation harbor is designed to be built at the south banks of the Weihe River in XixianNew Area, a national-level urban development zone between Xi'an, capital of Shaanxiprovince, and Xianyang, Xi'an's neighboring city. Total area of the port city will be 291hectares.

The construction plan and overall development of the port have been completed andpreparations for the projects are underway.

Wang Shuguo (center), president of Xi'an Jiaotong University, signs a cooperation deal withPusan National University and LG Electronics Inc from South Korea , through its Silk RoadUniversity Alliance, which promotes intercollegiate exchanges and scientific research.


College to honor 120th anniversary

One of China's top academic institutions, Xi'an Jiaotong University in Shaanxi province willcelebrate, on Friday, the 120th anniversary of its establishment and the 60th anniversary ofits relocation.

Since its foundation in 1896 in Shanghai as Nanyang College, one of the earliestuniversities in modern China, Xi'an Jiaotong University has cultivated innovative talentsusing global education concepts and cooperating with colleges and universities around theworld.

Since 1896, it has made major contributions to modern education in China by hiring foreignteachers, translating and publishing foreign textbooks and sending students abroad.

From 1896 to 1921, the university has hired 29 foreign teachers in areas of law, diplomacy,motoring and otherdisciplines.

In 1898, the university founded the Nanyang College Translation and Publishing School, thefirst of its kind in modern China.

That same year, the university sent its first group of students to foreign countries, and by theend of 1905, it had sent 47 students to Japan, the United States, Britain and Belgium,among whom seven received their doctorate degree and 10 received their master's.

The college's overseas students in science and technology were the backbones of theChinese American Student Association.

Graduates from the university were excused from examinations to study in Britain based onthe agreement they made at that time.

Golden age

In 1930s, the university underwent rapid development in both scale and management.

It established five schools, in science, management, civil engineering, mechanicalengineering and electrical motors, and two departments of foreign and Chinese languagesand a research institute.

The university also combined its science, engineering, management schools to train anumber of its students, such as social activist Wang Daohan, entrepreneur Wang An and21 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy ofEngineering.

During the 1930s, the university was honored as the Oriental Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology for its advanced teaching and management methods.

At this time, the gathered renowned professors and scholars such as Qiu Weiyu, professorand innovator of Chinese modern physical education who received his master's from MIT,and Zhang Tingjin, professor of electrical engineering and founder of China's radio industrywho received his master's from Harvard University.

They brought back the world's latest educational philosophies and knowledge, laying afoundation for the university's development.

The university also aimed to provide students with a comfortable learning environment and abroad international perspective.

The textbooks used by students at that time were mostly foreign language textbooksintroduced from international universities.

Qian Xuesen, a scientist and alumnus of Xi'an Jiaotong University, likened the course hestudied at the university to the one he studied at MIT's Department of AeronauticalEngineering. In 1955, the State Council decided to move the university to Xi'an, upholdingits longtime traditions while promoting the internationalization of education through theoverseas cooperation, innovating teaching resources and building research platforms.


作者:Lu Hongyan Ma Lie
编辑:星 火



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