


发表年度 类别 标题 作者 期刊
2024 Distributionally robust resilience optimization of post-disaster power systems considering multiple uncertainties Zhang, C., Li, Y. F., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., & Jianyu Xu Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 110367
2024 Information Systems Social Trust and Algorithmic Equity: The Societal Perspectives of Users’ Intention to Interact with Algorithm Recommendation Systems Wei Wu, Youlin Huang, and Lixian Qian Decision Support Systems
2024 Information Systems Is UGC sentiment helpful for recommendation? – an application of a sentiment-based recommendation model Mengyang Gao, Jun Wang, Ou Liu Industrial Management & Data Systems
2024 Information Systems The Role of Para-social Relationship in Live Streaming Virtual Gift Purchase: A Two-Stage SEM-Neural Network Analysis. Fangfang Hou, Boying Li, Zhengzhi Guan, Alain Yee Loong Chong Internet Research
2024 Information Systems The impact of supply chain strategy on supply chain transparency over the firm lifecycle: evidence from China Qingru Wang, Xiaobo Xu, and Yonggui Wang International Journal of Operations & Production Management
2024 Information Systems Credit risk prediction for small and medium enterprises utilizing adjacent enterprise data and a relational graph attention network. Jiaxing Wang, Guoquan Liu, Xiaobo Xu, and Xinjie Xing Journal of Management Science and Engineering
2024 Information Systems Finding the Sweet Spot: Exploring the Optimal Communication Delay for AI Feedback Tools Yingnan Shi and Bingjie Deng Information Processing and Management
2024 Information Systems Testing the Dominant Mediator in EPPM: An Empirical Study on Household Anti-Malware Software Users Yitian Xie, Mikko Siponen, Gabriella Laatikainen, Gregory D. Moody, and Xiaosong Zheng Computers and Security
2024 Marketing Getting Away from Death Fear: How Disease Threat Drives Consumers’ Colorfulness Seeking Yanxi Yi, Zhiwei Luo, Wangshuai Wang, Jie Li, Bing Han Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2024 Marketing The Secret of Voice: How Acoustic Characteristics Affect Video Creators’ Performance on Bilibili Shixuan Fu, Qianzhou Du*, Yan Wu, Chenwei Li*, and Weiguo Fan Decision Support Systems
2024 Marketing  The role of recommendation sources and attribute framing in online product recommendations. Yikai Yang, Jiehui Zheng, Yining Yu, Yiling Qiu, and Lei Wang Journal of Business Research
2024 Supply Chain Management Online reinforcement learning for condition-based group maintenance using factored Markov decision processes. Jianyu Xu, Bin Liu, Xiujie Zhao, and Xiao-Lin Wang European Journal of Operational Research
2024 Supply Chain Management Effects of information superiority and green optimism on Green Supply chains under different power structures Xueli Ma, Jinyue Mao, Qian Luo, Qingguo Bai International Journal of Production Economics
2024 Supply Chain Management Impact of Government Subsidy Strategies on Bio-pesticide Supply Chain Considering Farmers’ Environmental Safety Preferences Yiping Jiang, Xiaoshu Liu, Zesheng Zhuang, Leven J. Zheng, and Jie Chu Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
2024 Supply Chain Management A Time-Space Network Optimization Model for Integrated Fresh Fruit Harvest and Distribution Considering Maturity Yiping Jiang, Bei Bian, Benrong Zheng, and Jie Chu Computers & Industrial Engineering
2024 Supply Chain Management Blockchain adoption in supply chains: Implications for sustainability Tianyu Zhang, Fu Jia, and Lujie Chen Production Planning and Control
2024 Supply Chain Management Triple A supply chain management and sustainability Fu Jia, Kexin Li, Tianyu Zhang, Lujie Chen Industrial Management & Data Systems
2024 Supply Chain Management Collaborative Supply Chain Finance Based on Transaction Cost Theory: A Multiple Case Study in the POF Scenario Shimeng Yin, Hao Ying, Fang Yan, Xiande Zhao, Lujie Chen International Journal of Logistics
2024 Supply Chain Management Perspectives on production economics Fabio Sgarbossa, Lujie Chen, Krisztina Demeter, and Margaretha Gansterer International Journal of Production Economics
2024 Supply Chain Management In-house or outsourcing? The impact of remanufacturing strategies on the dynamics of component remanufacturing systems under lifecycle demand and returns Junyi Lin, M.M. Naim, and Ou Tang European Journal of Operational Research
2024 Supply Chain Management On the dynamics of order pipeline inventory in a nonlinear order-up-to system Junyi Lin, Huang, H., Li, S., and Naim, M. M. International Journal of Production Economics
2024 Supply Chain Management Simultaneous or Sequential? Retail Strategy of a Durable Product and an Extended Warranty Wang, Xiao-Lin; Sun, Qiuzhuang; Xu, Jianyu IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

发表年度 类别 标题 作者 期刊
2023 Information Systems Theorizing Moderation in the Configurational Approach: A Guide for Identifying and Interpreting Moderating Influences in QCA Ma, T., Cheng, Y., Guan, Z., Li, B., Hou, F., & Lim, E. T. K. Information Systems Journal
2023 Information Systems Sustaining Firm Sustainability Endeavors: The Role of International Diversification on Firm CSR Capability Sun, W., & Xu. X. Journal of Cleaner Production
2023 Information Systems Unleashing Continuous Improvement and Competitive Advantage through BP-Driven Knowledge Management Processes. Wang, J., Wang, Y., Liu, O., Chong W. Journal of Global Information Management
2023 Information Systems Finding the sweet spot: Exploring the optimal communication delay for AI feedback tools Shi, Y., and Deng, B. Information Processing and Management
2023 Information Systems Sustaining Firm Sustainability Endeavors: The Role of International Diversification on Firm CSR Capability Sun, W., & Xu. X. Journal of Cleaner Production
2023 Marketing Business cycle effects on consumer behavior: A conceptual framework and research agenda. Hampson, D. P., Xie, Y., Li, W., Kou, S., & Wang, Y. Psychology & Marketing
2023 Marketing Service exchange activities in the sharing economy: Professional versus amateur peer providers. Xiang, D., Li, X., & Hampson, D. P. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2023 Marketing Aligning (In)Congruent Chatbot–Employee Empathic Responses with Service-Recovery Contexts for Customer Retention. Fan, H., Han, B., & Wang, W Journal of Travel Research.
2023 Supply Chain Management Bid price controls for car rental network revenue management Li, D., Pang, Z., & Qian, L. Production and Operations Management
2023 Supply Chain Management The impact of corporate social responsibility decoupling on financial performance: The role of customer structure and operational slack. HE, C., JIA, F., WANG, L., CHEN, L. and FERNANDES, K. International Journal of Operations & Production Management
2023 Supply Chain Management The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy on Supply Chain Transparency over the Firm Lifecycle: Evidence from China Wang, Q., Xu, X., and Wang, Y. International Journal of Operations and Production Management
2023 Supply Chain Management Does supply chain concentration improve sustainability performance: The role of operational slack and information transparency. Xu, Y., Jia, F., Chen, L. & Fernandes, K. International Journal of Operations and Production Management
2023 Supply Chain Management Supply chain resilience in the context of I4.0 and I5.0 from a multilayer network ripple effect perspective Lei, Z., Cui, L., Tang, J., Chen, L. & Liu, B. Annals of Operations Research
2023 Supply Chain Management Robust pricing and inventory strategies for an omnichannel retailer under carbon tax and cap-and-offset regulations. Xu, J., Lyu, G., Bai, Q., & Luo, Q. Computers & Industrial Engineering.
2023 Supply Chain Management On the dynamics of order pipeline inventory in a nonlinear order-up-to system. Lin, J., Huang, H., LI, S., & Naim, M. M. International Journal of Production Economics
2023 Supply Chain Management Managing demand by upgrade programs and markdown pricing with a product rollover XIAO, Y., HU, C., & LIU, Q Naval Research Logistics
2023 Supply Chain Management Inventory-Responsive Donor Management Policy: A Tandem Queueing Network Model Zhu., T., Yeo, N., Gao, S. Y., and Loke, G. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2023 Supply Chain Management Selling through online marketplaces with consumer profiling Xing, X., Huang, H., & Hedenstierna, C. P. T. Journal of Business Research

发表年度 类别 标题 作者 期刊
2022 Information Systems Firm governance and functional strengths: the impact of board diversity on firm marketing capability Sun, W., Xu, X., & Govind, R.British Journal of Management
2022 Information Systems Revealing the black box: Understanding how prior self-disclosure affects privacy concern in the on-demand services Li, C., Wang, C., & Chau, P. Y. International Journal of Information Management
2022 Information Systems Exploring the spoiler effect in the digital age: Evidence from the movie industry Li, Y., Luo, X. R., Li, K., & Xu, X. Decision Support Systems
2022 Marketing Powerlessness, variety-seeking, and the mediating role of need for autonomy Wang, W., Raghunathan, R., & Gauri, D. K. Journal of Retailing
2022 Supply Chain Management The impact of COVID-19 government measures on manufacturers’ stock market valuations: Evidence from China Chen, L., Li, T., Jia, F. and Schoenherr, T. Journal of Operations Management
2022 Supply Chain Management A theory of interior peaks: Activity sequencing and selection for service design Li, Y., Dai, T., & Qi, X. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2022 Supply Chain Management Push or Pull? The impact of ordering policy choice on the dynamics of a hybrid closed-loop supply chain. Lin, J., Zhou, L., Spiegler, V. L., Naim, M. M., & Syntetos, A. European Journal of Operational Research


评选年度 项目名称 教师姓名 金额 合作机构
2024 品牌标志动物化对消费者品牌决策的影响:概念特征与作用机制 于艺凝 RMB 80,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金

评选年度 项目名称 教师姓名 金额 合作机构
2023 数字内容情绪对用户数字行为的影响及其机制研究 Bingjie Deng RMB 300,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
2023 数字内容情绪对用户数字行为的影响及其机制研究 Wangshuai Wang RMB 300,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金

评选年度 项目名称 教师姓名 金额 合作机构
2022 Inventory control and order management policies for Assemble-To-Order systems under the coproduction effect Jianxin Fang RMB 300,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
2022 An Investigation of the Modeling and Scheduling Problem of the Coproductive Service Considering Customer Participation and Experience Yifu Li RMB 300,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
2022 视觉温度的同化效应与体感温度的补偿效应:温度对消费者食品选择的影响 Yining Yu RMB 10,000 2022 教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目

评选年度 项目名称 教师姓名 金额 合作机构
2021 Joint optimization of inventory control and component allocation for Assemble-to-Order systems: A scenario tree approach Jie Chu RMB 300,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
2020 Exploring System Dynamics Performance of Closed Loop Supply Chains in Consumer Electronic Sector: A Control Engineering Approach Junyi Lin RMB 240,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
2019 Evolutionary-psychology-based marketing of Negative Service: Fear Intervention Perspective Li Pan RMB 180,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
2019 Sustainable Reporting and Firms’ financial Performance: A Supply Chain Perspective Lujie Chen RMB 180,000 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
2019 Adoption and Diffusion of New Energy Vehicles: the Unified View of Electrification, Sharing and Connected-Autonomous Driving Lixian Qian RMB 480,000 国家自然科学基金General Programme
2019 Country-of-Origin and Cross-border Firm Ownership in the Food Industry: A Study on Consumer Valuation Eddy Fang RMB 197,000 SIP Key Special Fund
2019 Operationalising ‘Emotion Recognition Software’ (ERS) in Policy and Market Research. An Exploratory Application to Food Safety Behaviour in Suzhou Eddy Fang RMB 252,000 Suzhou Industrial Park/ThinkTank
2017 Operationalizing Culture as a Variable in Cross-Cultural Management Modeling. An Application to Innovation Adoption within Cultural Groups. Eddy Fang RMB 170,000 国家自然科学基金International Young Scientists Renewal Fund