The Digital Accounting Lab (DALab) aims to strengthen research and innovate teaching methods in accounting. Its main focus is on the use of digital technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing to support accounting research and teaching. The DALab will develop a series of projects to apply the latest digital technologies to accounting research and teaching.
Three high-performance workstations with GPU provide computing power for the machine learning models and natural language process (NLP) models. DALab provides computing support for IBSS researchers with GPU computing requests for their machine learning, deep learning, or NLP models.
The Digital Accounting Lab (DALab) aims to strengthen research and innovate teaching methods in accounting. Its main focus is on the use of digital technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing to support accounting research and teaching. The DALab will develop a series of projects to apply the latest digital technologies to accounting research and teaching.
Three high-performance workstations with GPU provide computing power for the machine learning models and natural language process (NLP) models. DALab provides computing support for IBSS researchers with GPU computing requests for their machine learning, deep learning, or NLP models.