Research Achievements

Research Achievements


Authors Title Journal
Syed Kanwar Abbas Cultural distance and Chinese outbound tourism: Exploring the moderating effect of geographical distance Sustainability 15, no. 2 (2023): 1689.
Syed Abbas; Hao Lan Globalization and inflation dynamics: evidence from emerging economies Applied Economics (2023): 1-18.
Ye Bai Bank stability in the uncollateralised overnight interbank market: A topological analysis International Review of Economics & Finance 88 (2023): 1223-1246.
Anton Bondarev Optimality and sustainability of hybrid limit cycles in the pollution control problem with regime shifts Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023): 1-18.
Yang Chen Heterogeneous effects of robots on employment in agriculture, industry, and services sectors Technology in Society 75 (2023): 102371.
Yang Chen Monetary policy as market stabilizer in the COVID-19 pandemic Finance Research Letters (2023): 103960.
Yang Chen Air pollution, water pollution, and robots: Is technology the panacea Journal of Environmental Management 330 (2023): 117170.
Kingsley E. Dogah The political economy of energy transition: the role of globalization and governance in the adoption of clean cooking fuels and technologies Technological Forecasting and Social Change 186 (2023): 122156.
Xin Gu Classmates and friends matter! Peer effects on cognitive ability formation China Economic Review 79 (2023): 101910.
Liang Fu Political stability and credibility of currency board Journal of International Money and Finance 137 (2023): 102911.
Zhuojiong Gan Green Finance Policy and ESG Performance: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms Sustainability 15, no. 8 (2023): 6781.
Marc Gronwald Co-movement between commodity and equity markets revisited—An application of the Thick Pen method International Review of Financial Analysis 87 (2023): 102568.
Bo Jiang Optimal liquidity allocation in an equity network International Review of Economics & Finance 85 (2023): 286-294.
Bo Jiang Monetary policy, funding cost and banks’ risk-taking: evidence from the USA Empirical Economics (2023): 1-20.
Hao Lan The ripple effect of animal disease outbreaks on food systems: The case of African Swine Fever on the Chinese pork market Preventive Veterinary Medicine 215 (2023): 105912.
Hao Lan; Sheng Zhao Can a house resale restriction policy curb speculation? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China  International Review of Economics & Finance 83 (2023): 841-859.
King Yoong Lim Business optimism and the innovation-profitability nexus: Introducing the COVID-19 adaptable capacity framework Research Policy 52, no. 1 (2023): 104623.
King Yoong Lim Public debt, Chinese loans and optimal exploration–extraction in Africa  Energy Economics 118 (2023): 106516.
Zhenyu Su Synchronisation among short-term rental markets, co-movements and cycles in 39 European cities Cities 134 (2023): 104148.
Shun Wang Early childhood health shocks, classroom environment, and social-emotional outcomes  Journal of Health Economics 87 (2023): 102698.
Shun Wang Air pollution and gender imbalance in labor supply responses: Evidence from South Korea Economic Modelling 124 (2023): 106290.
Shun Wang Gray skies and blue moms: The effect of air pollution on parental life satisfaction World Development 163 (2023): 106151.
Shun Wang The Arab Spring, a setback for gender equality? Evidence from the Gallup World Poll Journal of Asian Economics 84 (2023): 101578.
Linjia Zhang Does distance still matter? Moderating effects of distance measures on the relationship between pandemic severity and bilateral tourism demand  Journal of Travel Research 62, no. 3 (2023): 610-625.

Authors Title Journal
Syed Abbas The New Keynesian Phillips Curve and imperfect exchange rate pass-through The BE Journal of Macroeconomics (2022).
Syed Abbas Asymmetry in the regimes of inflation and business cycles: the New Keynesian Phillips curve Applied Economics (2022): 1-14.
Anton Bondarev Sliding modes in the management of renewable resources Automatica 144 (2022): 110487.
Anton Bondarev On periodic solution to control problem with time-driven switching Optimization Letters 16, no. 7 (2022): 2019-2031.
Anton Bondarev How ongoing structural change creates a double dividend: outdating of technologies and green growth  Portuguese Economic Journal 21, no. 2 (2022): 125-160.
Yang Chen Industrial robots and air environment: a moderated mediation model of population density and energy consumption Sustainable Production and Consumption 30 (2022): 870-888.
Kingsley E. Dogah The contribution of human development towards environmental sustainability Energy Economics 106 (2022): 105782.
Kingsley E. Dogah Carbon emissions convergence and determinant analysis: Evidence from ASEAN countries ournal of Environmental Management 323 (2022): 116299.
Kingsley E. Dogah Dynamic tariffs and climate policy interaction: An economic analysis of welfare implications in retail electricity markets Energy Research & Social Science 90 (2022): 102679.
Liang Fu Monetary policy surprises and interest rates under China’s evolving monetary policy framework Emerging Markets Review 52 (2022): 100895.
Marc Gronwald Measuring informational efficiency of the European carbon market—A quantitative evaluation of higher order dependence International Review of Financial Analysis 84 (2022): 102403.
Bo Jiang Deposit Competition, Interbank Market, and Bank Profit Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15, no. 5 (2022): 194.
Hao Lan Retailer heterogeneity and price transmission American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104, no. 5 (2022): 1679-1700.
Hao Lan Are food price promotions predictable? The hazard function of supermarket discounts Journal of Agricultural Economics 73, no. 1 (2022): 64-85.
Tianshu Li Driving restricti+D40:D41ons, traffic speeds and carbon emissions: Evidence from high-frequency data China Economic Review 74 (2022): 101811.
Tianshu Li Water markets’ promise: the Murray–Darling Basin Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 12 (2022): 125003.
King Yoong Lim Firm‐level impact of the global financial crisis: Evidence on innovation from Latin America International Journal of Finance & Economics (2022).
Fan Liu Building financial resilience through financial and digital literacy in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa Emerging Markets Review 51 (2022): 100846.
Fan Liu Financial inclusion, financial technology, and economic development: A composite index approach Empirical Economics 63, no. 3 (2022): 1457-1487.
Yingchan Luo; Linjia Zhang Inbound tourism and bilateral trade, evidence from China Current Issues in Tourism 25, no. 16 (2022): 2595-2614.
Yingchan Luo; Linjia Zhang Dynamic technical performance measurement in rural tourism: An empirical study from China Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30, no. 1 (2022): 1-19.
Addison Pan Empirical tests of stochastic binary choice models Theory and Decision 93, no. 2 (2022): 259-280.
Addison Pan A theory of unanimous jury voting with an ambiguous likelihood Theory and Decision 93, no. 3 (2022): 399-425.
Nimesh Salike Making of an innovative economy: a study of diversity of Chinese enterprise innovation China Finance Review International 12, no. 3 (2022): 496-518.
Nimesh Salike The impact of exchange rate changes on the Japanese chemical industry Japan and the World Economy 62 (2022): 101135.
Nimesh Salike Remittance and its effect on poverty and inequality: A case of Nepal NRB Economic Review 34, no. 2 (2022): 1-29.
Zhenyu Su Sources of energy poverty: A factor analysis approach for Spain Frontiers in Energy Research 10 (2022).
Gengyang Tu Are households’ residential preferences consistent with biodiversity conservation in different urban contexts? Housing Studies (2022): 1-25.
Gengyang Tu Estimating the Impact of Relative Financial Circumstances in Childhood on Adult Mental Wellbeing: a Mediation Analysis Applied Research in Quality of Life 18, no. 2 (2023): 915-930.
Linjia Zhang Malmquist productivity indices and plant capacity utilisation: new proposals and empirical application Annals of Operations Research 315, no. 1 (2022): 221-250.
Linjia Zhang Tourism productivity indicators in a multiactivity framework Tourism Analysis 27, no. 2 (2022): 233-236.
Sheng Zhao Does soft information in expert ratings curb information asymmetry? Evidence from crowdfunding and early transaction phases of Initial Coin offerings Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 81 (2022): 101661.

Authors Title Journal
Anton Bondarev Economic development and the structure of cross-technology interactions European Economic Review 132 (2021): 103628.
Anton Bondarev R&d policy in the economy with structural change and heterogeneous spillovers Macroeconomic Dynamics 25, no. 5 (2021): 1247-1266.
Anton Bondarev Games without winners: Catching-up with asymmetric spillovers  Dynamic Games and Applications 11, no. 4 (2021): 670-703.
Yang Chen; Ming He The effects of urban transformation on productivity spillovers in China Economic Modelling 95 (2021): 473-488.
Kingsley E. Dogah Effect of trade and economic policy uncertainties on regional systemic risk: Evidence from ASEAN Economic Modelling 104 (2021): 105625.
Kingsley E. Dogah Dynamic interconnectedness and risk contagion among Asian financial markets The Singapore Economic Review (2021): 1-46.
Haifeng Fu On the existence of Pareto undominated mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in normal-form games with infinite actions Economics Letters 201 (2021): 109771.
Haifeng Fu Morality, mediation and wisdom: A Comparative study of the teachings of Master Huineng and Luangpor Teean Prajñā Vihāra: Journal of Philosophy and Religion 22, no. 1 (2021): 1-1.
Hao Lan Identifying price-leadership structures in oligopoly Oxford Economic Papers 73, no. 1 (2021): 350-370.
Hao Lan Fishy labeling: Inter‐regional inequality of truthful product information Contemporary Economic Policy 39, no. 4 (2021): 831-848.
Yaxiong Li An experimental study of gender differences in agency relationships Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 90 (2021): 101650.
Nimesh Salike China’s exports in a protectionist world Journal of Asian Economics 77 (2021): 101404.
Nimesh Salike The relationship between product complexity and exchange rate elasticities: Evidence from the People’s Republic of China’s manufacturing industries Asian Development Review 38, no. 02 (2021): 189-212.
Zhenyu Su Investigating China’s outward FDI in the European real estate industry with a gravity-model-based benchmark Real Estate Finance (2021).
Zhenyu Su Applying the Fama and French three-factor model to analyze risk/reward in the Spanish REITs: an ARDL approach Journal of European Real Estate Research 14, no. 2 (2021): 189-208.
Linjia Zhang The nature of technological change in the Chinese hotel sector Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 45, no. 1 (2021): 151-170.
Sheng Zhao Why does regional information matter? evidence from peer-to-peer lending The European Journal of Finance 27, no. 4-5 (2021): 346-366.
Sheng Zhao Is solicitation status related to rating conservatism and rating quality? ournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 72 (2021): 101341.

Major Grants

Calendar Year Project Title Faculty Name Amount Funding Source
2021 Delivering inclusive financial development and growth. Ye  Bai UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
2022 Food behaviours and preferences in China Tony So

Calendar Year Project Title Faculty Name Amount Funding Source
2022 The impact of competition of social status on games with strategic complementarities in social networks: theoretical and experimental studies. Mofei Jia National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI)
2022 The impacts of information overload on investment decision making. Wenting Zhou Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (PI)