Professor Qian's paper selected as "ESI Highly Cited Papers"

27 Mar 2024

According to the latest data from Clarivate Analytics’s Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database, The paper by Professor Lixian Qian, Associate Dean for Research at International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, was selected as one of the "Top 1% Highly Cited Papers in the World" in 2023. Highly Cited Papers of ESI refer to papers published in the past 10 years and ranked in the top 1% of citation influence in the same year's academic field. It is an important indicator for measuring the academic influence of universities and supporting the construction of first-class disciplines in universities.

On 15th March, Clarivate Analytics released its latest Basic Science Indicators (ESI) data. Professor Lixian Qian’s paper "Privacy paradox for location tracking in mobile social networking apps: The perspectives of behavioural reasoning and regulatory focus" was included as a highly cited paper in the Technical Forecasting and Social Change (ABS-3 journal, SSCI Zone 1, impact factor 10.88). This paper ranks in the top 1% of SSCI and SCI papers published globally in the same year. The collaborators of this paper include Shiyi Ying, a master student from Nanchang University, Dr Youlin Huang, an Associate Professor of Tourism Management at the South China University of Technology, and Dr Jinzhu Song, Associate Professor of Business Administration at Zhejiang Gongshang University. Among them, Associate Professor Youlin Huang is a Ph.D. graduate of IBSS in 2020, who graduated under the supervision of Professor Lixian Qian.

In consumer literature, many studies have proposed the concept of "privacy dilemma", pointing out that there is an inconsistency between Internet users' privacy attitudes and privacy behaviours. This study focuses on the localisation and tracking of social media apps, using core theories such as behavioural attribution theory and focus regulation theory to explore the manifestations and mechanisms of privacy dilemmas. The empirical research results show that the behaviour of social media app users to enable location tracking is influenced by intuitive factors, such as the desire to share, which exacerbates privacy dilemmas; Turning off location tracking is more influenced by rational factors and tends to conduct pros and cons analysis. Based on the research results, this paper puts forward specific suggestions for Internet app operators to improve user experience and strengthen the security of user privacy data.

Professor Lixian Qian has always been committed to in-depth exploration and solving major problems faced by today's society, and his published papers have attracted widespread attention and discussion in the academic community. Professor Qian's research results have not only been widely published in academic journals but also achieved significant results in practical applications, making important contributions to the development of related fields. This is Professor Qian's third academic paper selected as one of the top 1% highly cited papers in the world, indicating that his important academic research achievements have once again gained global recognition.

Professor Lixian Qian is a Professor in Marketing and Innovation at International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). He is currently serving as the Associate Dean for Research at IBSS and the Deputy Chair of University Research Committee. He is also the founding director of Smart Mobility Analytics Center of IBSS. Professor Qian’s research focuses on innovation/technology adoption and diffusion, data-driven marketing strategy, smart mobility, and sustainability. His research has been published widely in leading international journals. Three of his research articles were designated as ESI Highly Cited Papers by Web of Science. His research has been funded twice by the General Programme of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in the UK and a council member of the China Marketing Association of Universities (CMAU). He serves as the NSFC peer review expert, Associate Editor of Management Marketing (ESCI), guest editor of Journal of Consumer Behaviour (SSCI, ABDC-A) and ad-hoc reviewer for over 20 SCI/SSCI academic journals and international conferences. He received the 2016/2017 Outstanding Teacher Award of XJTLU, the 2018/2019 IBSS Research Excellence Award, the Outstanding Advisor of the Sixth China National College Students Competition on Energy Economics in 2020, and the 2022 Honoured Staff of XJTLU. He was selected into the Jiangsu 333 High-level Talent Programme in 2022.

27 Mar 2024