New website offers users enhanced features

18 Mar 2024

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) launches its new website on 18 March, featuring upgrades in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). The revamped website features a modern and visually appealing design, creating an immersive digital experience. Its layout and visual style project a multicultural, inclusive, innovative, and welcoming atmosphere. Visit the new website at

XJTLU’s new homepage

Visual refresh
The full-screen design with dynamic effects maximises screen space and captures users’ attention. Modern fonts, card layouts, rounded corners, personalised icons, and components enhance the clarity and vibrancy of content presentation.
Lev Vladykin, a Year Four BA International Business with a Language student, says: “Seeing the new website felt very refreshing! As a website designer myself, I really enjoyed the switch to a more modern, clean design with engaging layouts and animations, as well as the transition to lighter colours and friendly-looking fonts.”

XJTLU’s updated programme page

Campus life
To showcase XJTLU’s campus culture and environment, the new website includes a “Campus Life” section.
This section covers various aspects, such as student support and services, facilities and resources, accommodation, student clubs and organisations, events, and more. Visitors can gain a clearer understanding of XJTLU’s campus and explore the vibrant community.

Campus life section

Enhanced user experience
The website offers several enhancements to improve its usability and efficiency.
For example, the navigation bar organises content more logically than the previous design. Elements are helpfully placed throughout the pages to guide users to explore programmes, Schools and Academies, apply for admission, and engage with more opportunities.
In addition, the responsive design ensures a consistent experience across devices. Other UX refinements include simplified icons and infographics and convenient navigation features such as “Back to Top”.
Linrong Zheng, a Year Two BA TV Production student at the School of Film and TV Arts, says: “It’s easy for me to navigate through the different sections. I can locate programmes, Schools, and various admission options within the navigation bar. It saves my time and enhances my overall browsing experience.”


By Yang Su
Edited by Xinmin Han and Catherine Diamond

18 Mar 2024