10 Jan 2024
During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including people.cn, CNR News, Science and Technology Daily, chinanews.com, China Youth Daily, China Science Daily, Xinhua News, Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express, Spring City Evening News, Zhejiang Education News, www.sxdaily.com.cn (Shaanxi), JSTV.com, jschina.com.cn, JSTV’s ourjiangsu.com, Suzhou Daily, CUTV, and www.2500sz.com.
Researchers from XJTLU have also been included in stories and sought for comment in media outlets including Asia One, Business Impact, Detikedu, Exblog Japan, Kompas.com, Liputan6, Panorama, Science Link, Sixth Tone, Tech Xplore, Times Higher Education (THE) Campus, Top Universities, and Yahoo!Finance.
Topics included university-industry-society integration, scientific achievements, subject rankings, expert insights, student and staff achievements, external exchanges, and campus life.
1.University-industry-society Integration
Headline: In Suzhou, dreams await: unleash all the energy for innovation
Published on: 23 November 2023
Summary: China Youth Daily recently interviewed Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU and Dean of the College of Industry-Entrepreneurs (CIE).
Professor Xi said: “Our aim is to go beyond the traditional boundaries that separate universities and industry. We want to foster the integration and balanced growth of production, education, research, government, and society. Our goal is for educational institutions to align with the trends of industrial and sectoral development. This approach represents the education of the future.”
Special thanks to Professor Youmin Xi.
Headline: Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University builds an innovation ecosystem platform for industrial development
Published on: 6 December 2023
Summary: XJTLU launched the College of Industry-Entrepreneurs (CIE) on 15 November at the annual XJTLU Communications and Media Reception held at the University.
Professor Youmin Xi said: “In the era of digitalisation and intelligence, numerous disruptive technologies are driving industrial revolutions and global industrial restructuring. In line with China's high-quality development, CIE is dedicated to creating an innovative ecosystem that fosters deep integration among universities, industries, and society.”
This news was also reported by CUTV and more.
2.Scientific Achievements
CUTV’s Kan Suzhou
Headline: XJTLU scholar: Green spaces can save lives, according to urban big data
Published on: 22 November 2023
Summary: In two recently published papers, researchers from China, South Africa, and the UK found that green spaces, such as trees lining streets, can alleviate extreme heat’s negative impacts on human health. Dr Jinglu Song from XJTLU’s Design School is the first and corresponding author of the two papers.
Special thanks to Dr Jinglu Song.
3.Subject Rankings
Headline: Six subjects from XJTLU made it to world-renowned rankings
Published on: 21 November 2023
Summary: Times Higher Education has recently published the World University Rankings 2024 by subject. XJTLU was placed in the range of 401–500 for the subject of Education.
XJTLU is also on the list in five other subjects. They are Computer Science (501–600), Social Sciences (501–600), Engineering (501–600), Business and Economics (501–600), and Physical Sciences (601–800).
This news was also reported by Modern Express, jschina.com.cn, Suzhou Daily, CUTV’s Kan Suzhou and more.
4.Expert Insights
China Science Daily
Headline: Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU: Restoring the essence of education through interdisciplinary coordination
Published on: 12 December 2023
Summary: In a recent interview with China Science Daily, Professor Youmin Xi said that XJTLU’s interdisciplinary education is one aspect of the University’s talent development strategy. A university can only embrace interdisciplinary education when it truly prioritises the development of its students’ skills and abilities, he said.
Special thanks to Professor Youmin Xi.
Future Universities: Symbiosis and integration of city and campus
Published on: 10 November 2023
Summary: Dr Bing Chen at XJTLU’s Design School and Kunlun Ren, a PhD student at the University of Liverpool, recently published an article in Zhejiang Education News titled “Future universities: symbiosis and integration of city and campus”.
5.Student and Staff Achievements
Headline: Global scientist rankings released! Several scholars from XJTLU entered the list
Published on: 27 November 2023
Summary: Dr Shuihua Wang from XJTLU has been named on the 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list released by global authority Clarivate. The list seeks to identify individual researchers in the sciences and social scientists who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their field or fields of research.
In a report published by Stanford University in 2023, five XJTLU staff members ranked in the top 2% of scientists in the world. They are Professor Johannes Knops, Professor Rui Wang, Professor Huiqing Wen, Professor Jasmine Kah Phooi Seng, and Dr Faez Khan.
This news was also reported by Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express, JSTV’s ourjiangsu.com, Suzhou Daily, City Business Daily and more.
Headline: XJTLU students focus on social integration of the visually impaired, with research achievements winning national championship
Published on: 8 December 2023
Summary: A student team from XJTLU conducted field investigations in Shaanxi Province focusing on the social integration of the visually impaired. Their research findings stood out among 148 teams from across the country, winning the championship in the South Reviews 2023 • Research in China.
This news was also reported by JSTV’s ourjiangsu.com and more.
6.External Exchanges
Headline: Hainan Free Trade Zone International Talent Development Alliance established
Published on: 10 December 2023
Summary: The Hainan Free Trade Zone International Talent Development Alliance was established on 9 December during the first China (Hainan) Talent Exchange Conference. XJTLU College of Industry-Entrepreneurs is one of the founding members of the Alliance.
Headline: Shanghai Management Science Forum 2023: Experts gather to discuss management transformation
Published on: 18 December 2023
Summary: The Shanghai Management Science Forum 2023 was held on 16 December. Professor Youmin Xi attended the event and joined the panel discussion.
This news was also reported by Cover News, The Paper and more.
Headline: Vocational education experts gather in Yongkang, Zhejiang province, providing suggestions for industry-education integration
Published on: 2 December 2023
Summary: Jian Chen, Head of New Professional Education Division at XJTLU’s Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development (ILEAD) spoke at the 2023 Vocational Education Expert Seminar.
Headline: What webs will AI spiders weave? XJTLU exhibition showcases in Shanghai
Published on: 6 December 2023
Summary: At the fourth Art & Design Education FutureLab exhibition held on 18-26 November in Shanghai, XJTLU showcased “AIRWEBS”, a project that blends elements of biology, ecology, design, and art and explores how an artificial intelligence spider weaves its webs on synthesised plants.
This news was also reported by jschina.com.cn, JSTV’s ourjiangsu.com, Suzhou Daily and more.
Headline: The 2023 Suzhou Artificial Intelligence Conference held
Published on: 8 December 2023
Summary: The 2023 Suzhou Artificial Intelligence Conference was held on 2 December. Professor Eng Gee Lim, Dean of XJTLU’s School of Advanced Technology, attended the conference and shared insights on the development of AI and its application in education.
7.Campus Life
Headline: Education development | Government and university jointly build a research and innovation ecosystem
Published on: 15 December 2023
Summary: XJTLU and the Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District Management Committee held the First Wisdom Lake Postgraduate Researcher Development Conference and XJTLU Postgraduate Research Symposium on 13–15 December.
This news was also reported by Yangtze Evening Post and more.
Headline: Education development | Empowering lifelong learning, XJTLU Learning Mall receives the UNESCO-ICHEI Higher Education Digitalisation Pioneer Case Award
Published on: 15 December 2023
Summary: Recently, the XJTLU Learning Mall received the Higher Education Digitalisation Pioneer Case Award for 2023 from the International Centre for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO (UNESCO-ICHEI).
8.XJTLU in Multilingual Media
Headline: Nurturing gender-balanced research environments
Published in: Issue 3, 2023
Summary: The Business Graduates Association reported on a roundtable at XJTLU where women researchers shared their perspectives on promoting women’s participation in the digital economy. The roundtable panel consisted of Professor Yu Song, Director of the XIPU Institution; Professor Li Yang, Associate Dean of Research & Impact at the School of Science; Yue Zhou, a PhD student at International Business School Suzhou; Dr Wen Liu and Dr Siyue Yu, both at the School of Advanced Technology; and Jinyan Wang, a PhD student at XJTLU-JITRI Academy.
Headline: Using simulation games to teach lean manufacturing
Published on: 16 November 2023
Summary: In his recent article, Dr Svetoslav Georgiev at the School of Intelligent Finance and Business at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) shared how simulation games can improve students’ understanding of lean manufacturing.
Headline: Studi: Mahasiswa dengan Kepercayaan Diri yang Tinggi Lebih Bahagia dan Sukses (Study: Students with strong self-belief are happier and more successful)
Published on: 20 November 2o23
Summary: According to a study conducted by researchers at XJTLU, enhancing students’ self-belief can positively impact their achievement and well-being. They found that students with high self-belief excelled in their final year project and reported greater satisfaction with their learning experience, regardless of their project or teacher allocation.
Headline: How university students can use AI in their studies
Published on: 24 November 2023
Summary: In a recent article, Top Universities introduced how XJTLU academics explore creative applications of AI for students, from providing inspiration to finding errors in coding logic.
Headline: Is pretty good, good enough? Social network analysis evaluates PGP data encryption
Published on: 29 November 2023
Summary: PGP (pretty good privacy) is a popular method for securing email communications. A recent study conducted by researchers at XJTLU, China; Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK; Quinnipiac University, US; and the University of Latvia analysed the social networks of individuals using PGP data encryption.
Headline: Expert talks on the future of robotics and AI open to the public
Published on: 30 November 2023
Summary: The 11th International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA 2023) took place at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) on 6‒7 December. The event was co-organised by XJTLU, the University of Liverpool, and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
This news was also reported by FINANZEN.NET, Yahoo!Finance, Vulcan Post, DIGITIMES Asia, Australian Associated Press and more.
Headline: Interview: Digitalisation benefits construction industry, especially with digital twins
Published on: 3 December 2023
Summary: In a recent interview with Glodon Company Limited, Dr Fangyu Guo from XJTLU’s Design School said digital transformation, especially the adoption of digital twins, is necessary for the construction industry.
Headline: Studi: Ekskul Anak Prasekolah Tak Selalu Berdampak Positif kalau... (Study: Preschool children's excursions don't always have a positive impact if...)
Published on: 5 December 2023
Summary: Recently, a study published in the Journal of School Psychology found that extracurricular activities don’t always improve a child’s skills or behaviour. The study was led by Dr Lixin Ren at XJTLU’s Academy of Future Education.
This news was also reported by BeritaBaru and The Sector.
Headline: Chiusura Trionfale dell'8^ Edizione di Italian Design Icons: splendore del Design Sostenibile (Triumphant closure of the 8th Edition of Italian Design Icons: the splendour of sustainable design)
Published on: 6 December 2023
Summary: The 8th Edition of Italian Design Icons ended on 26 November in Shanghai. At the awards ceremony, three students from XJTLU received recognition.
This news was also reported by www.benoy.com.
Headline: New methods for improving water management to develop sustainable cities
Published on: 6 December 2023
Summary: In a recent paper published in the journal of Water Resources Management, researchers from XJTLU created a system to evaluate the water quality challenges in Suzhou and calculate an overall score of the city’s water environmental carrying capacity. The score measures the maximum capacity of an area to maintain water quality standards while undergoing sustainable social development.
This news was also reported by Phys.org, Water Online, Water Journal, Nation Online, Scienmag and more.=
Headline: Skippy: Το ρομπότ… νταντά! (Skippy: The robot... nanny!)
Published on: 14 December 2023
Summary: Student teams from XJTLU’s School of Advanced Technology designed a robotic companion for children and received first prize in China’s sixth National University Contest on Intelligent Robotic Innovations. The artificially intelligent device is called “Skippy”. It can also patrol a home to identify and sort toys and other objects.
Headline: Love bytes: How a new runaway hit game is wooing single Chinese men
Published on: 14 December 2023
Summary: In a recent article, Sixth Tone introduced a popular dating game called “Love Is All Around”. Dr Jing Sun of the School of Cultural Technology at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) said: “Men tend to appreciate content that is real, visually impactful, and sexy. On the other hand, women often seek more emotional and intellectual connections.”
Headline: Proefschrift met stripverhaal (Thesis with comic strip)
Published on: 15 December 2023
Summary: Science Link recently interviewed Jiaying Li who graduated from XJTLU’s Department of Chemistry. Li received a PhD in film formation from Universiteit Twente, Netherlands. She used comic drawings and illustrations to present her PhD dissertation.
Headline: Register now for the Citi Cup fintech competition
Published on: 18 December 2023
Summary: Citigroup Services and Technology (China) recently announced that the 19th Citi Financial Innovation Application Competition (also known as the Citi Cup) is open for online registration.
This year’s Citi Cup competition is hosted by XJTLU and it is the first time that an international joint venture university in China is hosting it.
This news was also reported by Line Today, Vulcan Post, China Briefing, ASEAN Briefing, Australian Associated Press and more.
Headline: Design for Entrepreneurship Webinar – A collaborative sharing session between XJTLU and UNITEN
Published on: 20 December 2023
Summary: Dr Sami Hajjaj of the School of Robotics at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) recently delivered a talk entitled “Design for Entrepreneurship” to a group of 50 students from The National Energy University, Malaysia.
Headline: N. Ταβερναράκης: “Το ΙΤΕ αναπτύσσει τεχνολογίες διατήρησης της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς” (N. Tavernarakis: “ITE develops technologies to preserve cultural heritage”)
Published on: 20 December 2023
Summary: In a recent interview, Professor Nektarios Tavernarakis, Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, mentioned a Memorandum of Cooperation with XJTLU. The joint strategic plan concerns the maintenance of excellence and further expansion into new fields of research.
This news was also reported by Ekriti, Cretapost, and Nea Tora.
Headline: XJTLU Siapkan Lulusan yang Kompeten dan Kompetitif di Pasar Kerja Global (XJTLU prepares graduates who are competent and competitive in the global job market)
Published on: 27 December 2023
Summary: In a recent article, Kompas.com featured two XJTLU Indonesian alumni have achieved career success after graduation. It also mentioned the first Indonesian alumni gathering in Jakarta on 15 December.
By Xinmin Han
Edited by Tamara Kaup
10 Jan 2024

XJTLU in the Media in October and November
During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, China Daily, CRI Onli...
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