11 Jul 2021
Recently, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University entered the Essential Science Indicators Top 1% (ESI Most Cited) list of institutions in the field of Computer Science for the first time. This means that from 2010-2020, the number of XJTLU's citations in the field of Computer Science, as ESI defines the field, is in the top 1 percent globally when compared to institutions also publishing in Computer Science in the last decade.
Only 552 institutions worldwide are in the ESI Top 1% list in the field of Computer Science.
“This significant achievement for XJTLU is a genuine reflection of the quality of our research,” said Professor Eng Gee Lim, Dean of the School of Advanced Technology.
“As a young university, we can take great pride in this milestone.”
Last year, XJTLU entered the ESI Top 1% list of institutions in the field of Engineering for the first time when the number of its citations in that field during the ten years prior surpassed ESI’s threshold.
XJTLU’s overall ranking for ESI All Fields (the 22 fields ESI considers) rose 251 places based on the documents ESI analysed published from 1 January, 2011 to 28 February, 2021, compared to the last dataset it considered (1 January 2010 to 31 December 2020).
ESI is an analytical tool for identifying top-performing research, built on the foundation of Clarivate Analytic’s Web of Science platform for academic citation data. ESI looks at more than 12,000 journals globally to consider academic data performance over 22 broad fields. ESI’s citation counts consider papers in journals indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) only.
By Huatian Jin
Edited by Tamara Kaup
11 Jul 2021