15 Jun 2021
School of Advanced Technology would like to welcome and introduce our new faculty member: Dr. Yue Li.
Dr Yue Li is a Lecturer at the Department of Computing and the Programme Director of MSc Social Computing.
She received her PhD degree from the University of Nottingham in 2020 with the Postgraduate Award. Before joining XJTLU as a Lecturer, she has worked at several companies and research labs, including NVIDIA, IBM, Virtual Engineering Centre at XJTLU, NVIDIA-Joint Lab on Mixed Reality at UNNC, and the Mixed Reality Lab at UoN, UK. She conducts interdisciplinary research in collaboration with academic, industrial and cultural partners.
Research Interests
Hybrid Virtual and Augmented Reality
My research interest is in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with particular emphasis on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. I have been actively involved in research related to the design, evaluation and application of VR and AR in the social context, particularly the technology-enhanced learning activities in cultural heritage and education.
Expectations for XJTLU and School of Advanced Technology
I appreciate the diverse, inclusive and international environment here at XJTLU. My previous experience working with students and academics with different backgrounds waspleasant, and it is the most important reason for me to pursue a career in academia. I expect to work closely with students in both teaching and research, and collaborate widely with colleagues to produce academic work with high impact.
I believe there is more to life than work. For me, it is sports and adventures. I do climbing (bouldering and outdoor), yoga, snowboarding and diving (AOW), and I am always happy to try and learn something new. I look forward to making
friends who share the same philosophy.
Current and Future Teaching Modules
CPT202 Software Engineering Group Project (AY2020/21 S2)
CPT411 Evaluation Methods and Statistics (AY2021/22 S1)
CPT208 Human-Centric Computing (AY2021/22 S2)
Asides from the modules, I am happy to supervise student dissertations and final year projects in SAT301, SAT405 and SAT406, as well as summer research for HCI/VR/AR related projects. For students who are interested in doing projects with me, please feel free to send me an email.
(By Huatian Jin, photo provided by Dr Yue Li)
15 Jun 2021