The first EAP Journal Launch in HSS: we are the pioneer

28 Jan 2021

The first international academic journal, International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice (IJEAP), was launched in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), published by XJTLU Imprint and Liverpool University Press.

More practical aspects, more opportunities

“The aim of the journal is to publish on both practice and research in the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP).” Said Dr Bin Zou, the founding editor from Department of Applied Linguistics of School of HSS at XJTLU.

He pointed out the status quo of the continued growth in English-medium tertiary education and an ongoing need for EAP; however, provides very limited channels and platforms for tutors to either publish researches or share teaching practices.

The current existing journals in the world heavily focus on publishing theoretical issues with less attention has been paid to the teaching of EAP and theorization from teaching; whereas EAP tutors and practitioners prefer to read some practical experience and sharing in teaching EAP.

“This is a niche area that our new journal aims to occupy,

“The intention is to provide more publication as well as both intercultural and intracultural communication opportunities for EAP tutors around the world; especially for the front-line tutors.” Said Dr Zou.

Unlike extant linguistics journals produced largely by and for dedicated researchers, the new journal highlights publication of papers from both EAP teachers with an emphasis on pedagogy research, action research and EAP practitioners’ professional development.

Dr Zou suggested that the topics of the journal will cover a wide range of aspects in the EAP field to ensure a balanced representation of views and interests within the global community of EAP practitioners and heterogeneousness of teaching contexts.

“The topics of the journal including but not limited to EAP curriculum design, teaching pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, writing theory and practice, information technology, teacher development, literacy, and relevant book review.”

Asia contexts focus

Originally based on the magazine English Teaching in China (ETiC) and collaborated between the English Language Center (ELC) and China EAP Association, this new journal will continue providing a good number of articles featured on Asian contexts.

“The contradiction between continuous rapid growth of EAP in Asia and an under-representing of related articles also requires more Asia specific contents,

“Journals focusing on classroom practice and research is precisely the academic conversations in which EAP practitioners wish to engage; especially in Asia, where many non-native English-speaking practitioner interact daily with students in a non-native educational process.” Said Dr Bin Zou.

The majority of associate editor comes from Asia Pacific countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Malaysia to contribute more cultural specific contexts.

Global editorial board

Being the founding editor of the International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Teaching and Learning (IJCALLT), Dr Zou brought his wealth of experience into the new journal of establishing an excellent global editorial board team with outstanding members come from different Asia Pacific countries such as China, Japan, followed by Australia and New Zealand as well as Britain USA and Canada.

International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Teaching and Learning

“The articles for the first issue have been confirmed actually, the writers with multiple cultural academic background provide a variety of EAP teaching contexts, both theoretically and practically,

“And a joint conference between China EAP Association (CEAPA) and BALEAP will be held at XJTLU this year around May.” Said Dr Zou, “the journal will be firstly and largely promoted in Asian EAP society and British EAP society, then, more international top authors will participate in contributing their articles.”

Great expectations

Focusing on but not limited to Asia Pacific cultural context, the goal is to promote the journal to the international market and recruit contributors across the world.

In the future, apart from regular submissions, special issues on specific topics such as EAP in particular regions will be taken into consideration; meanwhile, as Dr Zou suggested, A special issue from either Asia Pacific EAP conference or other EAP conferences in other regions will be edited every year. Papers will come from not only Asia Pacific, but also regions such as UK, North America, and other European countries.

In addition, a detailed guidance for authors with regards to theoretical foundations, references numbers, and avoidance will also be provided to ensure the quality of submission and publication.

“The goal is to promote the journal to be indexed by ESCI and Scopus, to reach out more international peers” Said Dr Zou.

Publishing two issues per year, with XJTLU Imprint and Liverpool University Press (LUP), which is the UK’s third oldest university press, the journal is co-organized by Asia Pacific EAP Association, China EAP Association, British Association of Lectures in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP), and XJTLU.

The four main editors for the journal including Professor Jigang Cai, the Chair of China EAP/ESP Association from Fudan University, Dr Bin Zou, the Vice Chair of China EAP Association from XJTLU, Dr Sara Brewer, the Chair of BALEAP from Reading University, UK, and Dr Wen-Cheng Hsu from the School of Language at XJTLU. A group of EAP lecturers from the School of Languages, XJTLU also serve as associate editor, editorial review board members or copy-editors.

The first open access issue will be launched in March, 2021, click here for more detailed information.

By Ying Jiang

Edited by Dr Bin Zou

28 Jan 2021