XJTLU signs agreement with Shanghai Jun Dao

26 Sep 2017

The Department of Civil Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have signed a memorandum of understanding with construction supplies company Shanghai Jun Dao.

The agreement states that the Department of Civil Engineering will work together with Shanghai Jun Dao on the development of exterior walls for steel structures, and to promote research in this area.

Zhengguang Xi, president of Shanghai Jun Dao (pictured below) introduced the company, noting that they place great emphasis on research and innovation.

“My colleagues and I are looking forward to fruitful collaborations with XJTLU,” he said.

Dr Konstantinos Papadikis (pictured below) from the Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU said, “We at the Department of Civil Engineering are committed to sustainable construction which is in-line with the University’s overall goals. I hope that this agreement will lead to research outputs for the benefit of our Department, Shanghai Jun Dao, and society in general.”

Shanghai Jun Dao Residential Industry Co., Ltd, is a supplier of green products for the prefabricated construction industry. It has participated in the creation of industry standards in China and cooperated with famous design and construction companies including Vanke and Jinmao Group.

reporter: Danny Abbasi, photos by Xiaoxi Zhao

26 Sep 2017


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