VIDEO: Graduation celebrations and reflections at XJTLU

01 Aug 2015

Students share their excitement about graduation, and parents reflect on their children’s development over the course of their studies at XJTLU.

01 Aug 2015


2015 Graduation Ceremony: Professor Youmin Xi's Speech

2015 Graduation Ceremony: Professor Youmin Xi's Speech

Saying no to “Shallowness” in an era of “Knowing All” Dear Students, Putting on a mortarboard means the successful culmination of your study, launchin...

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2015 Graduation Ceremony Speeches

2015 Graduation Ceremony Speeches

2015 Graduation Ceremony Speeches (In order of presentation) Professor Janet Beer’s Speech It is a tremendous honour and privilege to be here w...

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Graduating students soar into their futures

Graduating students soar into their futures

It’s been a week of celebration at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) as this year’s students – almost 2,000 in total - graduated. Subject-spec...

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2015 XJTLU Graduation Celebrations Begin

2015 XJTLU Graduation Celebrations Begin

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) today hosted the first session of its sixth graduation ceremony in the University’s multi-function hall. T...

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