XJTLU and Vietnam National University Investigate Collaboration

26 Jun 2015

A delegation from Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, led by the President of VNU, Professor Phung Xun Nha, visited Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) on 23 June.

XJTLU Executive President Professor Youmin Xi received the delegation together with administrators from Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District (SEID).Professor Xi gave an overview presentation of XJTLU highlighting the mission of XJTLU to become a research-led international university in China and a Chinese university recognised internationally. He specifically introduced the international students on campus stating that XJTLU is attracting an increasing number of overseas students each year.

Professor Phung Xuan Nha showed great interest in cooperating with XJTLU in postgraduate programmes and local government.

Speaking about the cooperation between XJTLU and the local government, Professor Xi explained that the reason why Suzhou was chosen as the place for the XJTLU campus site was because of the support from local government, including infrastructure and construction and but also for how XJTLU can benefit the wider Suzhou community.

Professor Xi emphasised that with its strong background of science and technology, XJTLU can provide top elites to local corporation as well as many international joint ventures in Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP).

Other guests from VNU who attended the meeting were: Professor Nguyen Hoang Hai, Vice-President of VNU; Dr Nguyen Thi Anh Thu, Director of Cooperation and Development Department; Dr Nguyen Quang Huy, Director of Construction Department; Dr Tran Thanh Khiet, Director of Project Management Unit and Professor Le Trung Thanh, Dean of International School and Head of Project International Education Park.

Vietnam National University, Hanoi is the top higher education institution in Vietnam. It is governed directly by the Prime Minister of Vietnam. Currently there are over 40,000 students and 3,500 academic and administrative staff on campus.

26 Jun 2015