Professor Barry Godfrey joined XJTLU in August 2017 as vice president for academic affairs. He held a PhD in Social History from University of Leicester since 1997 and has over twenty years of experience in teaching and research. Professor Godfrey began his academic career at Keele University, joining in 1995 as a junior lecturer and leaving as professor of criminology and director of research in 2011. Since joining the University of Liverpool, he has continued his research in comparative criminology, particularly international crime history; desistence studies; and longitudinal studies of offending, and became faculty lead for research, later associate pro vice-chancellor (research and impact) for Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Liverpool. Professor Godfrey’s major theoretical contribution has been to apply biographical methods to historical data to answer modern criminological questions. The results of several externally-funded projects have been published by Oxford University Press, and he will publish his seventeenth book this year. Currently he is leading the Digital Panopticon, which is a major collaboration between the universities of Liverpool, Oxford, Sheffield, Sussex and Tasmania. Professor Godfrey has established research and teaching collaborations with leading international universities, and led the launch of a new thriving teaching venture in Singapore in collaboration with the Singapore Institute of Technology.