About | DAI Lab@BIO Department
Welcome to visit DAI Lab webpage! We mainly study liver cancer and cancer metabolism using both in vivo and in vitro models. We are a growing young family, and currently, we have 14 lab member. Our Lab is located in XJTLU SA254. The group leader is Dr. Weiwei Dai. Please contact with Dr. Dai Weiwei.Dai@xjtlu.edu.cn if you have any question.
- Official website address: /xjtlu/smu_scholar/en/persons/WeiweiDai
- Personal webpage: /xjtlu/smu_connect/user/weiwei-dai
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=x81fUFkAAAAJ
- Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Weiwei-Dai-5
- Suzhou Key Lab: /xjtlu/smu_connect/group/suzhou-key-lab-in-metabolic-di
DAI Lab available PhD positions/博士职位 with scholarship can be found below:
- XJTLU Website: /xjtlu/smu_www/en/admissions/doctoral/postgraduate-research-scholarships
- FindAPhD: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/?Keywords=weiwei+dai
DAI Lab available Post-doc position/博士后职位: one postdoc position is available. Please contact with Dr. Dai (Weiwei.Dai@xjtlu.edu.cn, or 18862120238 WeChat/Phone) for more details.
Lab interests
- Nitrogen metabolism in physiology and metabolic diseases including obesity and liver cancer
- Nutritional regulation of mTOR activation (mTORC1 and mTORC2)
- Cancer metabolism: Urea cycle dysregulation- and ammonia accumulation-induced effects on cancer cells and immune cells
- Dietary regulation and intervention on animal growth and tumor progression
- Epigenetic regulation of metabolic enzymes
DAI Lab family
Current lab members 当前实验室成员:
Weiwei Dai 代伟伟 (Principal Investigator)
Lab Technician: Shiyan Wang 王誓滟
Ph.D students (2): Chenxi Wang 王辰希;Jinghan Zhao 赵婧涵
Master (6): Jingqi Xu 徐镜淇; Umer Bin Sohail; Shuo Huang 黄硕; Chendi Yang杨陈迪;Chufeng Qian钱楚枫;Yixian Hou侯一娴
FYP students: Xinyu Yao (姚昕宇); Penwen Hao (郝沛文); Zhiyi Chen (陈芷仪);Yihanqi Zhang (张艺含琪);Zheng Tang (唐正)
Lab volunteers: Kexin Feng (冯可欣); Haixia Hu (胡海霞); Ruiqi Cao (曹瑞琪); Jingyi Cao (曹静宜); Jie Zhong (钟杰); Wantong Li (李婉潼); Junyue Ji (戢俊玥)
Former Lab members:
Jingru Ma马婧茹;Ziyu Yuan 袁梓玉/ Shibo Yang 杨世博/ Junyu Qi 齐俊宇/ Yimeng Zhang 张益铭/ Jingyi Ning 宁静怡/ Bowen Zheng 郑博文
We highly welcome self-motivated PhD candidates, master students, Y4 FYP students, and/or Y2&3 volunteers to join our Dai Lab family. If interested, please don't hesitate to visit Dr. Dai in SA242, or contact via emal (Weiwei.Dai@xjtlu.edu.cn) or WeChat (18862120238).