个人信息:Personal Information
教授 博士生导师
- [1]Sentiment Classification with Adversarial Learning and Attention Mechanism.Computational Intelligence.2020
- [2]A Healthcare-oriented Mobile Question-and-Answering System for Smart Cities.Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies.2020
- [3]Development and Practice of the Professional Training System for Software Engineering Talents Cultivation.SOFTWARE GUIDE.2020
- [4]PHYAlert: Identity Spoofing Attack Detection and Prevention for the Wi-Fi based Edge Network.Journal of Cloud Computing.2020
- [5]Device-free Indoor Multi-target Tracking in Mobile Environment.Mobile Networks and Applications.2020
- [6]Context-aware QoS Prediction with Neural Collaborative Filtering for Internet-of-Things Services.IEEE Internet of Things Journal.2020
- [7]Energy-aware RFID authentication in Edge Computing.IEEE Access.2019
- [8]An Intelligent Question and Answering system for Dental Healthcare.11th EAI International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems.2019
- [9]Indoor Positioning via 24GHz Radio Frequency.ACM International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks.2019
- [10]PicoScenes: Enabling UWB Sensing Array on COTS Wi-Fi Platform.ACM International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks.2019
- [11]Activity Recognition and Classification via Deep Neural Networks.14th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities.2019
- [12]An integrated and intelligent dental healthcare system with mobile services.EAI CollaborateCom.2019
- [13]VariSecure: Facial Appearance Variance based Secure Device Pairing.Mobile Networks and Applications.2019
- [14]i-VALS: Visual Attention Localization for Mobile Service Computing.IEEE Access.2019
- [15]Secure Device Pairing via Facial Image Similarity.International conference on cloud computing and security.2018
- [16]Assessing Data Anomaly Detection Algorithms in Power Internet of Things.14th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing.2018
- [17]Energy-efficient Algorithm to Construct the Information Potential Field in WSNs.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL.2017
- [18]Secure, efficient and revocable multi-authority access control system in cloud storage.Computers & Security.2016
- [19]Large Universe Decentralized Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption.Security and Communication Networks.2015
- [20]Provably Secure Unbounded Multi-Authority Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption.Security and Communication Networks.2015