
More than 120 papers by Professor Gong have been published, including 33 SCI papers with him being the first/ corresponding author, and more than 50 papers were searched by EI. He has been authorized 14 national patents, and co-published two books.

Recent SCI Publication

  1. Jinye Zhang, CY Huang, Wei Gong. An Algorithm for Retrieving the Atmospheric Aerosol Extinction Coefficient via Raman Lidar Data. LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 2014.
  2. Ge Han, Wei Gong, Hong Lin, Xin Ma, Chengzhi Xiang. On-line wavelength calibration of pulsed laser for CO2 DIAL sensing. Applied Physics B, 2014, doi:10.1007/s00340-014-5925-8.
  3. Miao Zhang, Yingying Ma, Wei Gong, Zhongmin Zhu. Aerosol Optical Properties of a Haze Episode in Wuhan Based on Ground-Based and Satellite Observations. Atmosphere, 2014,5(4), 699-719, doi:10.3390/atmos5040699.
  4. Zhengjia Liu, Lunche Wang , Wei Gong, Sisi Wang. Comparison of Different GPP Models in China Using MODIS Image and China FLUX Data. Remote Sensing, 2014.
  5. Lan Feng, Lunche Wang, Wei Gong, Aiwen Lin, Bo Hu. Estimation of hourly and daily ultraviolet solar irradiation under various sky conditions at Sanya, Southern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2014, doi: 10.1007/s00704-014-1239-3.
  6. Lunche Wang, Wei Gong*, Lan Feng,Bo Hu. Estimation of hourly and daily photosynthetically active radiation in Inner Mongolia, China from 1990 to 2012. International Journal of Climatology, 2014.
  7. Zhongmin Zhu, Lunche Wang, Wei Gong, Yu Xiong, Bo Hu. Observation and estimation of photosynthetic photon flux density in Southern China. Theroetical and Applied Climaology, 2014, doi: 10.1007/s00704-014-1204-1.
  8. Qilong Min, Wei Gong*. Understanding of Variance of Stratocumulus Liquid Water Path at Synoptic Scale in the Southeastern Pacific Atmospheric Research. Atmospheric Research, 2014.
  9. Lunche Wang,Wei Gong*, Bo Hu, Zhongmin Zhu. 2014.4, Analysis of photosynthetically active radiation in Northwest China from observation and estimation, International Journal of Biometeorology,doi: 10.1007/s00484-014-0835-3
  10. Lunche Wang, Wei Gong*, Lan Feng,Bo Hu, 2014.4, UV variability in an arid region of Northwest China from measurements and reconstructions. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 0.1002/joc.4589
  11. Wei Gong, Xin Ma, Yanni Dong, Hong Lin, Jun Li. 2014.3, The use of 1572nm Mie Lidar for observation of optical properties of aerosol over Wuhan, China. Optics &Laser Technology.56:52-57
  12. Wei Gong, Shanshan Zhang, Yingying Ma. 2014.01, Aerosol Optical Properties and Determination of Aerosol Size Distribution in Wuhan, China. Atmosphere. 5(1), 81-91, doi:10.3390/atmos5010081
  13. Ge Han, Wei Gong*, J. H. Quan, Jun Li and Miao Zhang.2014.01, Spatial and temporal distributions of contaminants emitted because of Chinese New Year's Eve celebrations in Wuhan, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts,doi:10.1039/C3EM00588G
  14. Wang Lunche, Gong Wei*, Lin Aiwen, Hu Bo. 2013.12, Analysis of photosynthetically active radiation under various sky conditions in Wuhan, Central China. International Journal of Biometeorology. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-013-0775-3
  15. Mao, Feiyue,Gong Wei*, Logan, Timothy. 2013/11, Linear segmentation algorithm for detecting layer boundary with lidar, Optics Express, 21(22), 26876-26887
  16. Wang Lunche, Gong Wei*, Li Chen, Lin Aiwen, Hu Bo, Ma Yingying. 2013.11, Measurement and estimation of photosynthetically active radiation from 1961 to 2011 in Central China. Applied Energy, 111, 1010-1017
  17. Wang Lunche, Gong Wei*, Lin Aiwen, Hu Bo.2013.12, Measurements and cloudiness influence on UV radiation in central China. International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5823
  18. Gong Wei, Han Ge, Ma Xin, Lin Hong. 2013.9, Multi-points scanning method for wavelength locking in CO2 differential absorption lidar. Optics Communications, 305,180-184
  19. Wang Lunche, Gong Wei*, Ma Yingying, Hu Bo, Wang Wenling, Zhang Miao. 2013.9, Analysis of ultraviolet radiation in Central China from observation and estimation. Energy, 59, 764-774
  20. Wang Lunche, Gong Wei*, Li Jun, Ma Yingying, Hu Bo. 2013.9, Empirical studies of cloud effects on ultraviolet radiation in Central China. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3832
  21. Mao Feiyue; Gong Wei*; Song Shalei; Zhu Zhongmin, 2013.7, Determination of the boundary layer top from lidar backscatter profiles using a Haar wavelet method over Wuhan, China, Optics & Laser Technology, 49, pp 343-349
  22. Wang Lunche, Gong Wei*, Ma Yingying, Hu Bo, Zhang Miao. 2013.6, Photosynthetically active radiation and its relationship with global solar radiation in Central China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 1-13, DOI 10.1007/s00484-013-0690-7.
  23. Wang Lunche, Gong Wei*, Ma Yingying, Zhang Miao. 2013.5, Modeling regional vegetation NPP variations and their relationships with climatic parameters in Wuhan, China, Earth Interactions, 17(4), 1-20
  24. Shaohua Gong, Guotao Yang, Jiyao Xu, Jihong Wang, Sai Guan ,Wei Gong, Jun Fu. 2013.5. Statistical characteristics of atmospheric gravity wave in the mesopause region observed with a sodium lidar at Beijing, China. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 97: 143-151
  25. Mao Feiyue; Gong Wei*; Li Chen, 2013.4, Anti-noise algorithm of lidar data retrieval by combining the ensemble Kalman filter and the Fernald method, Optics Express, 21(7), pp 8286-8297
  26. Ma Yingying; Gong Wei*, 2012.12, Evaluating the Performance of SVM in Dust Aerosol Discrimination and Testing its Ability in an Extended Area, Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(6), pp 1849-1858
  27. Zhang Liangpei; Shen Huanfeng; Gong Wei; Zhang Hongyan, 2012.12, Adjustable Model-Based Fusion Method for Multispectral and Panchromatic Images, Ieee Transactions ON Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics, 42(6), pp 1693-1704
  28. Shen Huanfeng; Du Lijun; Zhang Liangpei; Gong Wei, 2012.11, A Blind Restoration Method for Remote Sensing Images, Ieee Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 9(6), pp 1137-1141
  29. Gong Wei; Wang Lunche; Lin Aiwen; Zhang Miao, 2012.9, Evaluating the monthly and interannual variation of net primary production in response to climate in Wuhan during 2001 to 2010, Geosciences Journal, 16(3), pp 347-355
  30. Mao Feiyue; Gong Wei*; Li Jun, 2012.6,Geometrical form factor calculation using Monte Carlo integration for lidar, Optics and Laser Technology, 44(4), pp 907-912
  31. Gong Wei; Song Shalei; Zhu Bo; Shi Shuo; Li Faquan; Cheng Xuewu, 2012.04, Multi-wavelength canopy LiDAR for remote sensing of vegetation: Design and system performance, Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 69, pp 1-9
  32. Mao Feiyue; Gong Wei*; Ma Yingying, 2012.2.15, Retrieving the aerosol lidar ratio profile by combining ground- and space-based elastic lidars, Optics Letters, 37(4), pp 617-619
  33. Gong Wei; Ma Yingying, 2012, Retrieval and analysis of aerosol optical characteristics in Hubei Province, China, based on CALIPSO, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(10), pp 3252-3267
  34. Mao Feiyue; Gong Wei*; Zhu Zhongmin, 2011.12.20, Simple multiscale algorithm for layer detection with lidar, Applied Optics, 50(36), pp 6591-6598
  35. Song Shalei; Gong Wei; Zhu Bo; Huang Xin, 2011.09, Wavelength selection and spectral discrimination for paddy rice, with laboratory measurements of hyperspectral leaf reflectance, Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(5), pp 672-682
  36. Lin Y.; Min Q.; Zhuang G.; Wang Z.; Gong W.; Li R., 2011.8, Spatial features of rain frequency change and pollution and associated aerosols, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(15), pp 7715-7726
  37. Zhong Yanfei; Zhang Liangpei; Gong Wei, 2011.8(online), Unsupervised remote sensing image classification using an artificial immune network, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(19), pp 5461-5483
  38. Gong Wei; Mao Feiyue; Li Jun, 2011.06.01, OFLID: Simple method of overlap factor calculation with laser intensity distribution for biaxial lidar, Optics Communications, 284(12), pp 2966-2971
  39. Gong Wei; Mao Feiyue; Song Shalei, 2011.06, Signal simplification and cloud detection with an improved Douglas-Peucker algorithm for single-channel lidar, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 113(1-2), pp 89-97
  40. Gong Wei; Li Jun; Mao Feiyue; Zhang Jinye, 2011.05.10, Comparison of simultaneous signals obtained from a dual-field-of-view lidar and its application to noise reduction based on empirical mode decomposition, Chinese Optics Letters, 9(5), pp 0131021-0131024
  41. Huang Xin; Zhang Liangpei; Gong Wei, 2011.2(online), Information fusion of aerial images and LIDAR data in urban areas: vector-stacking, re-classification and post-processing approaches, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(1), pp 69-84
  42. Ma Yingying; Gong Wei*; Wang Pucai; Hu Xiuqing, 2011.01, New dust aerosol identification method for spaceborne lidar measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112(2), pp 338-345
  43. Gong Wei; Zhang Jinye; Mao Feiyue; Li Jun, 2010/6/10, Measurements for profiles of aerosol extinction coefficient, backscatter coefficient, and lidar ratio over Wuhan in China with Raman/Mie lidar, Chinese Optics Letters, 8(6), pp 533-536
  44. Tian Liqiao; Chen Xiaoling; Zhang Tinglu; Gong Wei; Chen Liqiong; Lu Jianzhong; Zhao Xi; Zhang Wei; Yu Zhifeng, 2009/2, Atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery over turbid coastal waters using active and passive remote sensing, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27(1), pp 124-128
  45. Gong Wei; Chyba Thomas H.; Temple Doyle A., 2007/8, Eye-safe compact scanning LIDAR technology, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 45(8), pp 898-906
  46. Gong Wei; Richter Dale A.; Chyba Thomas H.; Temple Doyle A., 2007/7, Lidar dynamic range compression by using a membrane mirror light shutter, Optics and Laser Technology, 39(5), pp 909-912


  1. Portable plant leaf pigments detector
  2. FP etalon-based branch of the atom selected filter imager sun
  3. Dual-channel atomic optical imager sun all day
  4. Multi-wavelength scanning laser radar remote sensing device
  5. A plant normalized index sensing device
  6. A measuring device pigment content of plant leaves
  7. Multispectral laser radar systems for earth observation
  8. A muddy water atmospheric correction
  9. Water radiance inversion method from Kind Ⅱ water body
  10. A mean of laser radar signal dynamic range compression
  11. A mean of atmosphere and atmospheric detect tiny particles of laser radar
  12. Atmospheric lidar based on semiconductor laser
  13. Multifunction atmospheric lidar
  14. One kind of atmospheric CO2 differential absorption lidar atmospheric pressure broadening correction method