1. 2024-2027,国家自然科学基金面上项目(52378365):增湿过程中膨胀土-可动挡墙的动态协调机制及侧向土压力计算方法研究 (主持,在研);
2. 2020-2023,国家重点研发计划(2019YFC1509800):膨胀土滑坡和工程边坡新型防治技术研究 (主持子课题,结题);
3. 2023-2025,湖北省重点研发计划(2023BCB112):环状管袋围坝蓄淤与电渗快速处置关键技术 (主持课题,在研);
4. 2024-2026,中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(236Z5409G):疏水材料抑制路基动力湿化病害机理及应用研究 (主持课题,在研);
5. 2020-2023,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51979206):膨胀土-EPS缓冲层-挡墙体系的工作性能及挡墙侧向膨胀力的分析计算方法 (研究骨干,结题);
6. 2019-2021,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51809199):非饱和路基冻土的土水特征及温湿动态响应 (主持,结题);
7. 2021-2023,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2021CFB389):长期环境荷载作用下路基土的动、静力学特性及劣化机理 (主持,结题);
8. 2021-2022,交通工程结构力学行为与系统安全国家重点实验室开放课题重点项目(KF2021-04):复杂环境下压实路基土的水力和力学特性及其劣化机理 (主持,结题);
9. 2019-2020,中央高校自主科研经费(2042019kf0026):长期环境荷载下水泥改性路基膨胀土动力特性的演化 (主持,结题);
10. 2017, National Research Council Canada (加拿大国家研究委员会NRC), Climate-Resilient Core Public Infrastructure: Roads Project: Influence of Climate Factors on the Long Term Performance of Pavements (主持,结题);
11. 2016-2018, Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (加拿大安大略省交通部), Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program Project: Simple approaches for predicting resilient modulus of Ontario pavement materials considering the influence of temperature and moisture changes (合作主持,结题);
12. 2014-2016, Ministry of Transportation of Ontario(加拿大安大略省交通部), Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program Project: Characterization of the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide input parameters for the resilient modulus of Ontario subgrade soils (合作主持,结题)。
英文期刊论文 (*通讯作者)
Zou, W.*, Li, Y., Han, Z.*, Xiang, Q., Wang, X. (2025) Stress-strain responses of EPS geofoam upon cyclic simple shearing: Experimental investigations and constitutive modeling. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 53: 350-364.
Zhang, P., Vanapalli, S.K.*, Han, Z. (2025) Modelling compression behaviors of freeze-thaw-impacted soils extending the disturbed state concept. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, (Accepted)
Han, Z., Zhang, P., Zou, W.*, Fan, K.*, Vanapalli, S. K., Wan, L. (2024) At-rest lateral earth pressure of compacted expansive soils: Experimental investigations and prediction approach. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 16(4): 1425-1435. [ESI高被引论文]
Zou, W.*, Xie, Y., Han, Z.*, Zhang, H.*, Bai, B., Lan, S. (2024) Hydromechanical behaviors of geogrids-reinforced expansive soil slopes: Case study and numerical simulation. Computers and Geotechnics, 174(July): 106626.
Pei, Q., Zou, W.*, Han, Z.*, Wang, X., Xia, X. (2024) Compression behaviors of a freeze-thaw impacted clay under saturated and unsaturated conditions. Acta Geotechnica, 19(7): 4485-4502. [ESI高被引论文]
Fan, K., Yang, G.*, Zou, W.*, Han, Z., Shen, Y. (2024) Lateral earth pressure of granular backfills on retaining walls with expanded polystyrene geofoam inclusions under limited surcharge loading. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 16(4): 1388-1397. [ESI高被引论文]
Zhou, Y, Xia, J.*, Deng S., Han, Z. (2024). Bank erosion under the impacts of hydraulic erosion, river stage change and revetment protection in the middle Yangtze river. Geomorphology, 448, 109043.
Zou, W., Pei, Q.*, Han, Z., Wang, X. (2024). Effects of freeze-thaw-drying-wetting cycles on undrained creep behavior of an expansive clay. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 28: 2661-2672.
Han, Z., Ding, L., Feng, H.*, Yang, G., Zou, W. (2023). Resilient modulus of a compacted clay with different moisture and temperature histories. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 24(1): 2177852.
Han, Z., Zou, W., Ying, Z., Feng, H.*, Yang, G.* (2023). A semi-empirical approach for estimating the lateral earth pressure on rigid retaining walls with EPS inclusions in cohesionless soils. Transportation Geotechnics, 39, 100937.
Pei, Q., Zou, W.*, Han, Z.*, Wang, X., Fan, K.* (2023). Undrained creep behavior of a compacted clay under low confining pressure. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. doi:10.1007/s11043-022-09582-9.
Wang, X., Yu, X., Li, Z.*, Han, Z.*, Zou, W. (2023). Dynamic responses of a waste sludge modified by magnesium-cement-based multiphase cementitious material under influences of temperature and moisture cycles. Construction and Building Materials. 402, 133054.
Pei, Q., Han, Z., Zou, W.*, Wang, X*. (2023). Stress relaxation behavior of an expansive clay under low confining pressure: experimental characterization and predictive modeling. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. doi: 10.1007/s11043-023-09635-7.
Han, Z., Zhao, G., Lin, J., Fan, K.*, Zou, W.* (2022). Influences of temperature and moisture histories on the hydrostructural characteristics of a clay during desiccation. Engineering Geology, 297, 106533.
Fan, K., Pei, Q., Liu, L., Han, Z.*, Zou, W. (2022). Strength and microstructure of a lignin fiber-reinforced expansive soil in cold regions. Geosynthetics International, 29(6): 622-629.
Fan, K., Yan, J., Zou, W.*, Han, Z.*, Lai, Z. (2022). Active earth pressure on non-yielding retaining walls with geofoam blocks and granular backfills. Transportation Geotechnics, 33, 100712.
Zou, W., Han, Z.*, Zhao, G.*, Fan, K., Vanapalli, S.K., Wang, X. (2022). Effects of cyclic freezing and thawing on the shear behaviors of an expansive soil under a wide range of stress levels. Environmental Earth Sciences, 81(3): 77.
Lin, J., Zou, W.*, Han, Z.*, Zhang, Z., Wang, X. (2022). Structural, volumetric and water retention behaviors of a compacted clay upon saline intrusion and freeze-thaw cycles. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 14(3): 953-966.
Liu, S., Gao, C., Fan, K.*, Zhang, C., Wang, Z., Shen, C., Han, Z. (2022). Repairing expansive soil channel slope with soilbags. Geosynthetics International, doi: 10.1680/jgein.22.00254.
Han, Z., Zou, W.*, Wang, X. (2021). Predicting water retention curve and resilient modulus of compacted natural and recycled pavement unbound granular materials. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 22(13): 1697-1710.
Zou, W., Han, Z.*, Ding, L.*, Wang, X. (2021). Predicting resilient modulus of compacted subgrade soils under influences of freeze-thaw cycles and moisture using gene expression programming and artificial neural network approaches. Transportation Geotechnics, 28, 100520.
Ding, L., Vanapalli, S.K., Zou, W.*, Han, Z.*, Wang, X. (2021). Freeze-thaw and wetting-drying effects on the hydromechanical behavior of a stabilized expansive soil. Construction and Building Materials, 275, 122162.
Zhao, G., Zou. W.*, Han, Z.*, Wang, D., Wang, X. (2021). Evolution of soil-water and shrinkage characteristics of an expansive clay during freeze-thaw and drying-wetting cycles. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 186, 103275.
Zhao, G., Zou. W.*, Han, Z., Wang, X. (2021). Evolution of mechanical behaviours of an expansive soil during drying-wetting, freeze-thaw, and drying-wetting-freeze-thaw cycles. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80(10): 8109-8121.
Zou, W., Ding, L., Han, Z.*, Wang, X. (2020). Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the moisture sensitivity of a compacted clay. Engineering Geology, 278, 105832.
Zou, W., Han, Z.*, Ye, J. (2020). Influence of external stress and initial density on the volumetric behavior of an expansive clay during wetting. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79(10): 211.
Ding, L., Han, Z.*, Zou, W.*, Wang, X. (2020). Characterizing hydro-mechanical behaviours of compacted subgrade soils considering effects of freeze-thaw cycles. Transportation Geotechnics, 24, 100392.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K., Zou, W.*, Wang, X., Zhang, J. (2019). Modelling virgin compression line of compacted unsaturated soils. Acta Geotechnica, 14(6): 1991-2006.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K., Zou, W.* (2019). Simple approaches for modeling hysteretic soil water retention behavior. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(10): 04019064.
Zou, W., Wan, L., Han, Z.*, Wang, X. (2019) Effect of stress history on the mechanical and rheological behavior of EPS geofoam. Construction and Building Materials. 228, 116592.
Ye, Y., Zou, W.*, Han, Z., Liu, X. (2019). Predicting the entire soil-water characteristic curve using limited measurements within low suction range. Journal of Mountain Science, 16(5): 1198-1214.
Ren, J., Vanapalli, S.K.*, Han, Z., Omenogor, K., Bai, Y. (2019) The resilient moduli of five Canadian soils under wetting and freeze-thaw conditions and their estimation by using an Artificial Neural Network model. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 168, 102894.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.*, Ren, J., Zou, W. (2018). Characterizing cyclic and static modulus and strength of compacted Canadian pavement subgrade soils considering post-compaction moisture variation. Soils and Foundations, 58(5): 1187-1199.
Zou, W., Han, Z.*, Vanapalli, S.K., Zhang, J., Zhao, G. (2018). Predicting volumetric behavior of compacted clays during compression. Applied Clay Science, 156C: 116-125.
Ye, J., Zou, W.*, Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K., Tu, H. (2018). Effect of montmorillonite content and sodium chloride solution on the residual swelling pressure of an expansive clay. Environmental Earth Science, 77, 677.
Wan, L., Zou, W.*, Wang, X., Han, Z. (2018). Comparison of three kinds of inclusions in reducing lateral swelling pressure. Geosynthetics International, 25(5): 481-493.
Ye, Y., Zou, W., Han, Z. (2018). An insight into the projection characteristics of the soil-water retention surface. Water, 10(12): 1717.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.*, Zou, W. (2017). Integrated approaches for predicting soil-water characteristic curve and resilient modulus of compacted subgrade soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(5): 646-663.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.* (2017). Normalizing variation of stiffness and shear strength of compacted fine-grained soils with moisture content. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(9): 04017058.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.* (2017). Closure to “State-of-the-Art: Prediction of resilient modulus of unsaturated subgrade soils”. International Journal of Geomechanics, 17(11): 07017013.
Ren, J., Vanapalli, S.K.*, Han, Z. (2017). Soil freezing process and different expressions for soil-freezing characteristic curve. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 9(3): 221-228.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.* (2016). Stiffness and shear strength of unsaturated soils in relation to soil-water characteristic curve. Géotechnique, 66(8): 627-647.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.* (2016). State-of-the-Art: Prediction of resilient modulus of unsaturated subgrade soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(4): 04015104.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.*, Kutlu, Z.N. (2016). Modelling the behavior of a friction pile in a compacted glacial till. International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(6): D04016009.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.* (2016). Relationship between resilient modulus and suction for compacted subgrade soils. Engineering Geology, 211, 85-97.
Vanapalli, S.K., Han, Z*. (2016). Modelling the mechanical properties of a compacted glacial till. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 46(3): 261-271.
Han, Z., Vanapalli, S.K.* (2015). Model for predicting the resilient modulus of unsaturated subgrade soil using the soil-water characteristic curve. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(10): 1605-1619.
中文期刊论文 (*通讯作者)
韩仲, 谢云涛, 邹维列*, 王协群, 肖杰, 张红日. (2025). 膨胀土路堑边坡格栅加筋层水力-力学响应的现场监测与数值模拟. 岩土工程学报, DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240306.
韩仲, 邹维列, 裴秋阳*, 王协群, 张红日. (2025). 湿度和冻融循环影响下膨胀土的压缩特性及孔隙结构特征. 岩土工程学报, DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230367.
韩仲, 张琳*, 丁鲁强, 邹维列, 冯怀平, 应镇谦. (2024). 不同温湿路径下压实黏土的土-水和动力响应特性. 岩土工程学报, DOI:10.11779/CJGE20230902.
张红日*, 杨济铭, 徐永福, 肖杰, 韩仲, 汪磊, 林宇亮. (2024). 基于数字图像相关技术的膨胀土三维裂隙扩展特性研究. 岩土力学, 45(S1): 309-323.
王协群, 于祥伟, 邹维列*, 韩仲. (2024). 干湿和冻融循环作用下固化淤泥的动特性及微观结构演化, 吉林大学学报(工学版), DOI:10.13229/j.cnki.jdxbgxb.20230788.
邹维列, 樊科伟*, 张攀, 韩仲. (2023). 土工泡沫减压膨胀土挡墙侧向压力及影响因素分析, 岩土力学, 44(9): 2537-2544.
王协群, 刘宁, 李智奇*, 韩仲, 邹维列. (2023). 干湿循环作用下氯氧镁水泥基多相胶凝材料改性固化淤泥的水力-力学特性, 岩土工程学报, 45(10): 2004-2013.
王协群, 张伊*, 彭琛, 李智奇, 韩仲, 邹维列. (2023). 废旧橡胶轮胎颗粒-水泥改性强膨胀土的长期路用性能研究, 公路, 2023(6): 362-370.
邹维列, 蔺建国, 韩仲*, 裴秋阳, 徐永福. (2022). 膨胀土边坡加固技术研究进展, 中南大学学报, 53(1): 126-139.
韩仲, 邹维列*, 应镇谦, 丁鲁强, 万梁龙. (2022). 侧限条件下压实膨胀土的侧向压力试验研究及简化预测方法, 中南大学学报, 53(1): 160-170.
叶云雪, 韩仲, 邹维列*, 王东星, 吴珺华. (2022). 基于土水特征试验估算重塑黏性土的缩限. 岩石力学与工程学报, 41(S2): 3380-3389.
万梁龙*, 丁鲁强, 韩仲, 邹维列, 王协群. (2022). 干湿和冻融共同作用下压实黏性土回弹模量试验研究. 路基工程, 222: 46-51.
赵贵涛, 韩仲*, 邹维列, 王协群. (2021). 干湿、冻融循环对膨胀土土-水及收缩特征的影响. 岩土工程学报, 43(6): 1139-1146. [知网高被引论文]
丁鲁强, 韩仲*, 邹维列, 等. (2021). 膨胀土-EPS缓冲层-挡墙体系侧压力的模拟和计算. 岩土工程学报, 43(8): 1558-1564.
叶云雪, 邹维列, 韩仲*,谢鹏, 张俊峰, 徐永福. (2021). 考虑初始状态影响的膨胀土一维膨胀特性研究. 岩土工程学报, 43(8): 1518-1525.
王协群, 周琪, 韩仲*, 邹维列, 丁鲁强. (2021). 常温脱湿与冻融路径下压实土的土水特征. 中南大学学报(自然科学版). 52 (10), 3559-3570.
王协群, 匡文壮, 韩仲*, 邹维列. (2021). 膨胀土中EPS缓冲层-悬臂式挡墙支护结构的受力变形数值模拟研究. 长江科学院院报, 39(7): 78-86.
邹维列, 叶云雪, 韩仲*. (2020). 基于化学反应动力学方程的一维膨胀时程模型. 岩土工程学报, 42(4): 737-744.
叶云雪, 邹维列*, 韩仲, 刘小文 (2019). 非饱和土孔隙比与基质吸力关系的通用模型. 岩土工程学报,41(5):927-933.
郭院成, 魏艳卿*, 韩仲 (2015).高填方路基后处理复合地基初始固结度对其工作性能的影响分析. 公路. 60(1): 27-30.
郭院成, 魏艳卿*, 韩仲 (2013).高填方后处理复合路基荷载传递机理. 沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版), 29(5): 775-781.
1. 韩仲, 邹维列, 樊科伟, 应镇谦, 徐永福. 膨胀土中设置EPS缓冲层的刚性支挡结构上侧向土压力的计算方法. 发明专利,授权,专利号:ZL 202210021011.2
2. 邹维列, 韩仲, 张攀, 樊科伟, 徐永福. 一种膨胀土侧向土压力测试方法. 发明专利,授权,专利号:ZL 202210231328.9
3. 韩仲, 邹维列, 樊科伟, 应镇谦, 徐永福. 膨胀土中刚性挡墙上最大侧向压力计算方法. 发明专利,授权,专利号:ZL 202110960021.8
4. 樊科伟, 邹维列, 来志强, 江恩慧, 王仲梅, 韩仲, 王协群, 赵连军, 潘丽, 任棐, 崔颖. 一种沙土结构细观试验模型. 发明专利,授权,专利号:ZL 202110547758.7
5. 韩仲, 吴尔勋, 邹维列, 张红日, 张琳, 周祖康, 陈勇兴. 一种膨胀土侧向土压力与位移关系的预测方法及测定装置. 发明专利, 实审, 申请号:202311322713.5
6. 邹维列, 高皋, 韩仲, 王协群, 来志强. 一种环状土工管袋局部应力测量方法及承压能力计算方法. 发明专利, 实审, 申请号:202410835883.1
7. 庄艳峰, 蒲星宇, 邹维列, 韩仲, 王协群. 一种土工环袋围坝淤泥电渗脱水方法及脱水量计算方法. 发明专利, 实审, 申请号:202410986091.4
8. 邹维列, 叶加兵, 王协群, 王东星, 庄艳峰, 韩仲, 赵贵涛, 贺扬, 朱盛. 一种简便的膨胀力测量装置. 实用新型专利,授权,专利号:ZL 201720594035.1
9. 邹维列, 韩仲, 樊科伟, 高皋, 王协群. 一种用于大型吊带式土工袋装袋的辅助装置. 实用新型专利,实审,申请号:202420708175.7
1. 参编教材:《土工合成材料》,2022,机械工业出版社
2. 参编标准:《非饱和土试验方法标准》,T/CECS 1337-2023,2023,中国建筑工业出版社
3. 参编标准:《公路膨胀土边坡玻璃钢螺旋锚加固技术规程》,中国计划出版社
4. 参编标准:《公路路基膨胀土边坡土工编织袋防护技术标准》,中国计划出版社
5. 参编专著:《膨胀土边坡桩板式支挡结构设计指南》,2023,中国铁道出版社
6. 参编专著:《膨胀土边坡工程学》,2024,科学出版社