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- 博士生导师
- 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:Xihua Chu
- 教师拼音名称:Chu Xihua
- 出生日期:1977-12-22
- 入职时间:2006-12-05
- 所在单位:土木建筑工程学院
- 学历:研究生毕业
- 办公地点:Building of Lixue
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:chuxh@whu.edu.cn
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:Dalian University of Technology
- 所属院系:土木建筑工程学院
- 学科:
联系方式Contact information
- [1]. Zhuang Chen , Xihua Chu 和 Qinglin Duan. A micromorphic peridynamic model and the fracture simulations of quasi-brittle material. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 108631. 2022.
- [2]. Lian Wang , Xihua Chu 和 Chenxi Xiu. Hydrodynamics Study of the Flow Past a Cylinder with Fine Suspensions and Evaluation of Micropolar Parameters. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 145. 103832. 2021.
- [3]. Ji Wan , Deze Yang , Xihua Chu 和 Wenzhong Qu. A Micropolar Peridynamic Differential Operator and Simulation of Crack Propagation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 108532. 2022.
- [4]. X. U. 和 Yuanjie. The Effects of Intermediate Principal Stress on Properties of Yield for Mohr-coulomb Materials. Mechanics in Engineering. 31 (4). 76-77. 2009.
- [5]. C. H. U. 和 Xihua. Numerical Simulation for Effect of Crack on Mechanical Behavior of Cantilever Beam by Extended Finite Element Method. Engineering Journal of Wuhan University. Engineering Edition. 42 (2). 223-226,259. 2009.
- [6]. Chenxi 和 Xiu. A Micromechanics-based Gradient Model and the Effect of High-order Stress and Particle Rolling on Localizations for Granular Materials. Granular Matter. 19 (4). 2017.
- [7]. X. U. 和 Yuanjie. The Effects of Intermediate Principal Stress on Properties of Yield for Mohr-coulomb Materials. Mechanics in Engineering. 31 (4). 76-77. 2009.
- [8]. C. H. U. 和 Xihua. Numerical Simulation for Effect of Crack on Mechanical Behavior of Cantilever Beam by Extended Finite Element Method. Engineering Journal of Wuhan University. Engineering Edition. 42 (2). 223-226,259. 2009.
- [9]. Chenxi 和 Xiu. A Micromechanics-based Gradient Model and the Effect of High-order Stress and Particle Rolling on Localizations for Granular Materials. Granular Matter. 19 (4). 2017.
- [10]. The role of non-coaxiality in the simulation of strain localization based on classical and Cosserat continua. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2017,41:382-399..
- [11]. 非均质材料动力分析的广义多尺度有限元法. 力学学报,2016,48 (2): 378-386.
- [12]. 一个与弹性应变能相协调的脆性横观各向同性材料破坏准则. 岩土力学,2017,38(8):2221-2227.
- [13]. 基于微形态模型的颗粒材料中波的频散现象研究. 力学学报,2018,50(2):315-328..
- [14]. 近场动力学框架下的健基对应模型. 计算力学学报..
- [15]. A discrete particle model and numerical modelling of the failure modes of granular materials. Engineering Computations, 22(8): 894-920, 2005..
- [16]. A saturated discrete particle model and characteristic based SPH method in granular materials. Int. J. Numerical Methods in Eng, 72: 858-882, 2007.
- [17]. Finite element analysis of failure in transversely isotropic geomaterials.. International journal of geomechanics, 2015,15:04014096-1-14.
- [18]. A softening hyperelastic model and simulation of the failure of granular materials. Geomechanics and engineering, 2014, 7, 4:335-353..
- [19]. A new adaptive multiscale method based on the estimate of residual forces for static analysis of heterogeneous materials. finite elements in analysis and design,2015,101,34-45.
- [20]. Effects of stone-wales and vacancy defects in atomic-scale friction on defective graphite.. Appl. Phys. Lett, 2014, 104, 1839.
- [21]. A simulation based on the Cosserat continuum model of the vortex structure in granular materials. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2015,28:182-186.
- [22]. A hierarchical multilevel finite element method for mechanical analyses of periodical composite structures. Composite Structures 2015, 131:115-127..
- [23]. The Influence of Particle Rolling and Imperfections on the Formation of Shear Bands in Granular Materials,. granular matter, 2016, 18(1):1-12..
- [24]. Multiscale Computational Formulation for Gradient Elasticity Problems of Heterogeneous Structures. international journal of computational mechanics, 2016,13:05..
- [25]. Evolution of anisotropy in granular materials: effect of particle rolling and particle crushing. strength of materials, 2014, 46, 2: 214-220.
- [26]. Numerical investigations on breakage behaviour of granular materials. Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, 2016, 11(5):639-655.
- [27]. Heterogeneity of particle assemblies and discrete element simulation on its mechanical behaviors,. Powder technology, 2017,314:59-68.
- [28]. An efficient multiscale computational formulation for geometric nonlinear analysis of heterogeneous piezoelectric composite. composite structures, 2017, 167:191-206..
- [29]. Dependency of single-particle crushing patterns on discretization using peridynamics. Powder technology.
- [30]. Multiscale finite element method for a highly efficient coupling analysis of heterogeneous magneto-electro-elastic media. International Journal for multiscale computational engineering, 2018, 16(1):77-100.
- [31]. Compressive Wave Propagation in Highly Ordered Granular Media Based on DEM,. International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, DOI: 10.1515/ijnsns-2017-0213.
- [32]. Triaxial compression tests of QH-E lunar soil simulant under constant mean principal stress path using discrete element method simulations. Granular matter,2018:20,79.
- [33]. Discrete element simulation on mixing of granular materials in rotated container. Engineering analysis with boundary elements, 2019,106:20-26.
- [34]. Impact energy distribution and wavefront shape in granular material assemblies. Granular Matter (2019) 21: 23.
- [35]. Improved method for zero-energy mode suppression in peridynamic correspondence model. Acta Mech. Sin. 2019,35 1021-1032.
- [36]. Two Cosserat peridynamic models and numerical simulation of crack propagation. Engineering fracture mechanics, 2019, 211:341-361.
- [37]. Energy transfer and influence of excitation frequency in granular materials from the perspective of Fourier transform. Powder Technology,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2019.08.061.
- [38]. 楚锡华 基于教育目标分类学的工程力学课堂教学探讨. 力学与实践. (1000-0879). 2015.
- [39]. 楚锡华 裂纹对悬臂梁力学响应影响的扩展有限元模拟. 武汉大学学报. 工学版. 42 (1671-8844). 2009.
- [40]. 楚锡华 Two scale modeling of behaviors of granular structure: size effects and displacement fluctuations of discrete particle assembly. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS. 55 (2). 2015.
- [41]. 楚锡华 Discrete element simulation on vortex structure in granular materials subject to biaxial compression. MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS. 19. 2015.
- [42]. 楚锡华 A structural failure model for the rock mass with a discontinuous weak structural plane. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 204-208 (1660-9336). 2012.
- [43]. 楚锡华 脆性颗粒材料的超弹性软化模型及应变局部化模拟. 东北大学学报. 自然科学版. 37 (1005-3026). 2016.
- [44]. 楚锡华 基于2nd P-K应力率的颗粒材料亚塑性模型. 力学学报. 42 (0459-1879). 2010.
- [45]. Stress Wave in Monosized Bead String with Various Water Contents.. Advanced Powder technology.
- [46]. 楚锡华 M-C与D-P屈服准则计算参数的能量等效方法及误差分析. 岩石力学与工程学报. 28 (1000-6915). 2009.
- [47]. 楚锡华 基于连续介质模型的颗粒材料孔隙度及孔隙水压力计算公式. 岩土工程学报. 31 (1000-4548). 2009.
- [48]. 楚锡华 基于形状改变比能对M-C准则与D-P系列准则匹配关系的研究. 岩土力学. 30 (1000-7598). 2009.
- [49]. 楚锡华 颗粒材料的数值样本描述及生成方法评述. 武汉大学学报. 工学版. 47 (1671-8844). 2014.
- [50]. 楚锡华 筒仓泄料过程中阻塞现象的数值模拟. 计算力学学报. 26 (1007-4708). 2009.
- [51]. A micromechanics-based gradient model and the effect of high-order stress and particle rolling on localizations for granular materials. granular matter, 2017, 19:87..
- [52]. The Effects of Microstructure on Wave Velocity and Wavefront in Granular Assemblies with Binary-sized Particles,. International journal of Solids and Structures. 2019,159:156-162.
- [53]. 楚锡华 Anisotropy of Microstructure and Force Chains in Granular Materials. POWDERS AND GRAINS 2013. 1542 (0094-243X). 2013.
- [54]. 楚锡华 A structural failure model for the rock mass with a discontinuous weak structural plane. PROGRESS IN INDUSTRIAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING, PTS. 1-5. 204-208 (1660-9336). 2012.
- [55]. A micromorphic elastoplastic model and finite element simulation on failure behaviors of granular materials. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech.2020,44:484-515.
- [56]. 基于ABAQUS的颗粒材料亚塑性模型的数值实现及探讨. 岩土力学. (1000-7598). 2009.