
经协商,我校现启动2014年“中国科学技术大学- Stanford大学SOE UGVR本科生暑期研究项目”。现将有关事项通知如下,请各有关单位按照项目的实施安排认真做好组织推荐工作。


“中国科学技术大学- Stanford大学SOE UGVR本科生暑期研究项目”旨在为我校高素质学生提供在Stanford大学进行课题研究实习的机会,增进两校间在教育与科研方面的合作与交流。项目将从我校11级三年级本科生中择优选拔,于2014年暑期赴Stanford大学进行为期9周(2014年6月30日-8月31日)的课题研究。



1、Professor’s Name William C. Chueh


Materials Science and Engineering

UGVR Position Description (e.g. what is the type of project you have in mind for the student?)

The student will work on elucidating fundamental materials behavior in electrocatalysis for the conversion of sunlight, H2O and CO2 to chemical fuels, and from chemical fuels to electricity. In particular, the students will synthesize new compounds and utilize advanced electron and X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to uncover the never-before-seen dynamics of electrocatalysts.

Desired Skills & Background

The candidate should have a strong interest towards research in materials for energy conversion and storage, and demonstrate curiosity for fundamental problems in batteries, fuel cells, and photoelectrochemical cells. Candidate should have a proficient background in general materials chemistry and solid-state physics.

2、Professor’s Name Yi Cui


Materials Science and Engineering

UGVR Position Description (e.g. what is the type of project you have in mind for the student?)

Title: Nanostructure for Energy Conversion and Storage

Description: This project involves designing, synthesizing, characterizing inorganic nanostructured materials for next generation of energy conversion and storage devices.

Desired Skills & Background

Students with background in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or Electrical Engineering are considered. Students with research background in nanomaterials are preferred.

3、Professor’s Name Reinhold Dauskardt


Materials Science and Engineering

UGVR Position Description (e.g. what is the type of project you have in mind for the student?)

Nanomaterial Thin Films for Emerging Technologies - project will involve studies of the thermomechanical properties including adhesion and cohesive strength of new classes of hybrid organic-inorganic material films.

Desired Skills & Background

Materials, Physics or Chemistry background with experimental aptitude.

4、Professor’s Name Professor Shan X. Wang


Material Science and Engineering

UGVR Position Description (e.g. what is the type of project you have in mind for the student?)

RF Integrated Magnetic Inductors: Imaging and Modeling of Magnetic Behavior Under Transient Stressed Conditions
RF Inductors integrated with magnetics is emerging as an important building block for power management and mobile communication, but many technical hurdles remain.

Magnetic anisotropy is known to be susceptible to stress from surroundings. The magnetic behavior can, in general, be easily predicted for uniform stress conditions. However, difficulty arises in predicting the magnetic behavior at abrupt stress boundaries, where regions of the magnetic material may be heavily stressed, while others relaxed. Given that these stress discontinuities are increasingly likely in thin-film micro-fabricated magnetic cores, this project models and experimentally observes the magnetic anisotropy under such conditions to better predict the magnetic behavior.

Over the course of the summer, the student will construct a basic DC probing add-on to an existing Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) microscope. The student will then utilize both tools to impose transient stressed conditions to a magnetic/piezoelectric composite structure and observe the magnetic behavior using the microscope. The results will then be simulated in COMSOL and compared.

Desired Skills & Background

Skills and Tools: Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE) microscopy, COMSOL simulation, and DC probing

5、Professor’s Name Kerwyn Casey Huang



UGVR Position Description (e.g. what is the type of project you have in mind for the student?)

Our group is focused on mechanisms of cell shape detection, determination, and maintenance in bacteria. The student will develop a coarse-grained molecular dynamics model for cell mechanics that will be used to test models of cell growth. Goals are to understand how best to disrupt cell growth during bacterial infections. The student should be comfortable with basic microbiology and with computational modeling.

Desired Skills & Background

Programming in C, Perl, Matlab and familiarity with Linux

For the students: Please see publications on website for further information.

6、Professor’s Name Fan YANG


Bioengineering and Orthopaedic Surgery

UGVR Position Description (e.g. what is the type of project you have in mind for the student?)

The student will work directly with Prof. Yang and a senior member of the Yang lab (e.g. postdoctoral fellow) on developing novel biomaterials to regulate stem cell differentiation or tissue regeneration. We work at the interface of materials science, stem cell biology, engineering and medicine. We are interested in developing 3D cell-instructive materials to promote desirable cellular fate processes, or deliver therapeutics in a controlled manner to guide desired tissue regeneration.

Desired Skills & Background

Passionate, inquisitive and dedicated individual desirable. Good oral and written communication skills in English. Prior research experience in one or more of the following areas would be a plus: biomaterials, controlled drug delivery, stem cells, tissue engineering.




院系 研究方向1 研究方向2 研究方向3 研究方向4 研究方向5 研究方向6 小计
物理学院 3 2 3 8
化学院 2 1 2 3 4 4 16
信息学院 2 4 6
近代力学系 1 1
生命学院 1 2 1 4
少年班学院 1 1 1 1 1 5
小计 6 6 6 10 6/7 5/6 40




  1. 中国科学技术大学本科生参加暑期交流项目申请表(可填写2个研究意向),参加过大研项目或有科研经历的学生请提供相关材料说明和研究内容介绍;
  2. 中文成绩单(院系开具);
  3. Statement of purpose (in English);
  4. CV (in English)


  1. 2013年12月13日前学生将申请材料交至院系;12月16日中午11:30前请各学院将推荐学生报名表汇总后并给出学院推荐排序,与学生申请表格一并交至教务处杨阳老师;
  2. 2013年12月25日左右学校根据专家评审结果,决定推荐学生名单;
  3. 2014年 1月6日前获推荐学生将所有校外申请材料(另行通知)交至外办董阳老师;
  4. 2014年2月23日Stanford审核学生材料,决定录取名单;
  5. 2014年3月7日Stanford公布最终录取名单,并通知入围者提交申请表(校外)及护照扫描件等材料;
  6. 其它事宜将另行通知。





  1. 该项目竞争激烈,同时面向我校与清华与北大的学生,因此请有意申请该项目的同学认真充分准备书面材料及面试;
  2. Stanford特别强调,不要与他们的老师直接联系,请予以理解并配合。


教务处 杨阳  63601763 judyyang@ustc.edu.cn

外办  董阳  63603301 anndong@ustc.edu.cn


