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大数据问题中特征根与特征向量的理论及其应用 2021-2023 No. 12001518  青年科学基金项目 主持



[1] X. Han, G. Pan and B. Zhang. The Tracy-Widom law for the Largest Eigenvalue of
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[2] J. Gao, X. Han, G. Pan and Y. R. Yang. High Dimensional Correlation Matrices:
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[3] X. Han, G. Pan and Q. Yang. A Unified Matrix Model including Both CCA and F
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[4] X. Wang, X. Han and G. Pan. The Logarithmic Law of Sample Covariance Matrices
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[6] Q. Fan, X. Han, B. Jiang and G. Pan. Estimating a Large System of Seemingly
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[7] J. Fan, Y. Fan, X. Han, and J. Lv. Asymptotic theory of eigenvectors for random
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[9] X. Han, X. Tong, and Y. Fan. Eigen selection in spectral clustering: a theory guided
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[10] X. Han, Q. Yang, and Y. Fan. Universal Rank Inference via Residual Sampling with

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