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  • 毕功兵
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  • +86-551-63602343
  • bigb@ustc.edu.cn
  • 管理科学系
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[1] Fei Y, Bi G, Song W, et al. Measuring the Efficiency of Two-Stage Production Process in the Presence of Undesirable Outputs[J].   Computational Economics, 2016: 1-16.Accepted

[2] Bi GB, Chen P, Fei YL. Trade credit, Supplier Subsidies in a Capital-Constrained Supply Chain with Customer Returns[J]. Journal of Modelling in Management, 2017, Accepted.

[3] Bi GB, Zhang HY, Fei Y. Credit Proportional for Supply Chain Financing with a Guarantee[J]. Journal of University of Science & Technology of China, 2017, Accepted.

[4] He Y, Zhang J, Gou Q, Bi GB, et al. Supply chain decisions with reference quality effect under the O2O environment[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2017: 1-20. Accepted


[1] Bi GB, Shao Y, Song W, et al. A performance evaluation of China coal-fired power generation with pollutant mitigation options[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,171:867-876.


[1] Bi G, Jin M, Ling L, et al. Environmental subsidy and the choice of green technology in the presence of green consumers[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2017, 255(1-2): 547-568.

[2] Song W, Bi G, Wu J, et al. What are the effects of different tax policies on China's coal-fired power generation industry? An empirical research from a network slacks-based measure perspective[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 2816-2827.

[3] Zhang PH, Bi GB. Exploring Production Function and Cost Efficiency Decomposition with VRS Assumption in China's Iron and Steel Industry[J]. International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 2017, 8(3): 1-20.


[4] Jin M, Ang S, Yang F, Bi GB, et al. An improved cross-ranking method in data envelopment analysis[J]. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 2016, 54(1): 19-32.


[1] Gongbing Bi, Yan Luo, Jingjing Ding, Liang Liang. Environmental performance analysis of Chinese industry from a slacks-based perspective[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2015,228(1):65-80.

[2]Chenpeng FENG; Feng CHU; jingjing DING; gongbing BI*; Liang LIANG. Carbon emissions abatement (CEA) allocation and compensation mechanisms based on DEA.Omega.2015,53(6):78-89.

[3]Ding J,Feng C, Bi G, et al. Cone ratio models with shared resources and nontransparent allocation parameters in network DEA[J]. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2015, 44(2):137-155.

[4]Jingjing Ding, Wei Dong,Gongbing Bi, Liang Liang. A decision model for supplier selection in the presence of dual-role factors. Journal of the Operational Research Society 2015, 66:737-746.


[1]Gong-bing Bi, Wen Song, Peng Zhou, Liang Liang.Does environmental regulation affect energy efficiency in China’s thermal power generation? Empirical evidence from a slacks-based DEA model, Energy Policy,2014,66:537-546.

[2]Gongbing Bi, Chenpeng Feng, Jingjing Ding, Liang Liang & Feng Chu. The linear formulation of the ZSG-DEA models with different production technologies [J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society,2014, 65, 1202–1211.

[3]Gongbing Bi, Yan Luo, Shaofu Du. Environment performance evaluation under emission quota constraint[J]. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making,2014,13(4):779-794.

[4]Gongbing Bi, Wen Song, Jie Wu*. A clustering method for evaluating the  environmental performance based on SBM. Computers and Industrial Engineering,2014,72:169-177.

[5]Gongbing Bi, Tao Zhu, Yan Luo. Resource allocation approach based on different environmental data envelopment analysis(DEA) technologies[J]. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2014, 13(5):1229-1240.


[1]毕功兵,何仕华,罗艳,梁樑. 公平偏好下销售回扣契约供应链协调[J].系统工程理论与实践,2013,33(10):2505-2512.

[2]毕功兵,王怡璇,丁晶晶. 存在替代品情况下考虑消费者策略行为的动态定价[J]. 系统工程学报,2013,28(1):47-54.

[3]毕功兵,瞿安民,梁樑. 不公平厌恶下供应链的批发价格契约与协调[J].系统工程理论与实践,2013,33(1):134-140.


[1]Gongbing Bi, Chenpeng Feng, Jingjing Ding, Riaz Khan. Estimating relative efficiency of DMU: Pareto principle and Monte Carlo oriented approach[J]. INFOR, 2012,50(1):44-57.


[1]Gongbing Bi; Jingjing Ding; Yan Luo; Liang Liang. Resource allocation and target setting for parallel production system based on DEA[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling,2011,35(9):4270-4280.

[2]Gongbing Bi, Jingjing Ding, Yan Luo, Liang Liang. A new Malmquist productivity index based on semi-discretionary variables with an application to commercial banks of China[J]. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making,2011,10(4):713-730.

[3]毕功兵,冯晨鹏,丁晶晶. 考虑环境属性约束的平行结构DEA模型. 中国管理科学,2011,19(5):79-86.