My current research interests include employee voice, goal setting, and goal pursuit in the career domain. I am open to collaborations on these topics.
Popelnukha, A., Weng Q., Ali, A., & Atamba, C. (2021). When do low-power customers complain? The joint effects of chronic sense of personal power and complaint success on complaining intentions. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(1), 101-118.
Popelnukha, A., Almeida, S., Obaid, A., Sarwar, N., Atamba, C., Tariq, H. and Weng Q. (2022). Keep your mouth shut until I feel good: testing the moderated mediation model of leader's threat to competence, self-defense tactics, and voice rejection. Personnel Review, 51(1), 394-431.
Kiani, A., Liu, J., Ghani, U., & Popelnukha, A. (2020). Impact of future time perspective on entrepreneurial career intention for individual sustainable career development: The roles of learning orientation and entrepreneurial passion. Sustainability, 12(9), 3864.
Atamba, C., Popelnukha, A., & Ibrahim, F. L. (2020). Awe guards my creativity: the interactive effect of perceived abusive supervisory behavior, dispositional awe, and creative self-efficacy on chinese employee creativity. Frontiers in Sociology, 5, 51.
Popelnukha, A., Weng Q., Sungu L.G. (2022). Leading Future Work Self to Progress: the Role of Proximal Goals and Self-reflection. Accepted for Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
Popelnukha, A., Sungu L.G. (2022). The Interaction Role of Self-reflection and Self-distancing in Predicting Career Planning. Accepted for Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings
Tayyab, H., Weng, Q., Popelnukha, A., Jisuvei Sungu, L., & Tetteh, A. N. (2023). Supervisor Perception of Psychological Contract Breach and Abusive Supervision. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 12161). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Gao, W., Weng, Q., & Popelnukha, A. (2023). Customer-to-Colleague Incivility, Observers’ Self-reflection, and Improved Service Performance. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 13765). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Ad hoc reviewer
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Personnel Review
Frontiers in Psychology
AOM conference