Academic Degrees
Ph.D. (Management Science and Engineering)
School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China.
Masters (Total Quality Management)
Institute of Quality and Technology Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
Masters (Computer Science)
Department of Computer Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
Professional Experience
Assistant Researcher 助理研究员
Tongji University School of Economics and Management, Shanghai, China.
October 15, 2018, to June 30, 2021.
Research Directions
Operations management; Service operations; Technology management; Total quality management; Healthcare service operations; Healthcare informatics
Published Case Studies
1. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Jingui Xie, Mabel C. Chou, Joe Sim, Sarah Safdar, and Zhiying Liu. 2018. “The National University Hospital: Overcrowding in the Emergency Department.” Ivey Publishing, Product No: 9B18D012.
2. Jingui Xie, Zhiying Liu, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, and Renzhi Yu. 2016. “iFLYTEK: Leading Chinese Speech Technology,” Ivey Publishing, Product No: 9B16M064.
3. Jingui Xie, Haji Suleman Ali, Feiyan Jia, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, and Bin Ding. 2019. “Chunyu: The First Mover in Chinese M-Health Industry.” Ivey Publishing, Product No: 9B19M044.
Research Papers
1. Huafei Wei, Jun Chen, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery*. "Examining Intermediate Mechanism of Customer Participatory Market Orientation on High-Tech Firms' Innovation Performance - Secondary Regulating Effect of Relationship Quality," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2024. Vol. 71, 2036-2048. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3172411.
2. Sarah Safdar, Minglun Ren*, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery. “Cloud Computing-based Virtual Learning Environments: Factors that Build Trust and Satisfaction Leading to Acceptance,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2024. Vol. 71, 4517-4529. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3218707.
3. Huafei Wei, Zhi Li, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery*, Jun Chen, Wenjie Fang. 2023. "How does consumers’ face consciousness influence green self-efficacy and consumption behavior, and how does electronic and social media persuasion moderate these relationships?" Computers in Human Behavior, 2024. Vol. 153. 108091. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2023.108091.
4. Muhammad Ali*, Susan Freeman, Lei Shen, Lin Xiong, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery. “High-Performance Work Systems in Public Service Units: Examining the Social Capital and Ambidexterity as Mediating Process.” Personnel Review. 2024. Vol. 53 (1). 56-75. DOI: 10.1108/PR-11-2021-0835.
5. Fenggang Li, Daniel Tolessa Negera, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Qian Zhao, Luan Gao*, “IoT and Motion Recognition-based Healthcare Rehabilitation Systems (IMRHRS): An Empirical Examination from Physicians’ Perspective Using Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory,” IEEE Access. 2024. Vol. 12, 142863–142882, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3464101.
1. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar*, Jiazhen Huo, Hakeem-Ur Rehman, Raza Rafique. “Proposing and Empirically Investigating a Mobile-Based Outpatient Healthcare Service Delivery Framework Using Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2023, Vol. 70 (8), 2668-2681. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3081571.
2. Muhammad Asim Rafique, Yumei Hou*, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Nida Gull, Syed Jameel Ahmed. “The Dimensional Linkage between Public Service Motivation and Innovative Behavior in Public Sector Institutions; The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment.” European Journal of Innovation Management. 2023, Vol. 26 (1), 207-229. DOI: 10.1108/EJIM-02-2021-0098.
3. Piao Wang, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Jilan Xu, Xin Zhao*, Chen Wang. 2023. “A two-stage interval-valued carbon price forecasting model based on bivariate empirical mode decomposition and error correction,” Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-27822-4. Forthcoming. (Published Online, Early Access).
4. Huafei Wei, Jun Chen, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery*, Wenjie Fang. 2023. "Empirically investigating the organizational identity mechanism of empowering leadership affecting the innovation performance of knowledge workers." Kybernetes. DOI: 10.1108/K-10-2022-1429. Forthcoming. (Published Online, Early Access).
5. Sumreen Zia*, Raza Rafique, Hakeem-Ur Rehman, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery. “A comparison between E-TailQ and ES-Qual for measuring e-service quality in the retail industry: An emerging economy case.” The TQM Journal. 2023. Vol. 35 (8). 2228-2254. DOI: 10.1108/TQM-02-2022-0052.
1. Sarah Safdar, Minglun Ren*, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery*, Jiazhen Huo, Hakeem-ur Rehman, Raza Rafique. “Using Cloud-based Virtual Learning Environments to Mitigate Increasing Disparity in Urban-Rural Academic Competence.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2022, Vol. 176, 121468, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121468.
2. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar*, Hakeem-Ur Rehman, Raza Rafique, Muhammad Ali, Fenggang Li. 2022 “M-health Services Equipped with Public Sector Community Health Centers (MH-PS-CHCs), An Emerging Public-Private Joint Venture in China: Adoption from M-health Users' Perspective.” Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2022.2117598. Forthcoming. (Published Online, Early Access)
3. Muhammad Asim Rafique, Yumei Hou*, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Muhammad Waheed, Tayyaba Zia, Faiza Chan. “Investigating the impact of pandemic job stress and transformational leadership on innovative work behavior: The mediating and moderating role of knowledge sharing.” Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. 2022, Vol. 7 (3), 100214, DOI: 10.1016/j.jik.2022.100214.
1. Raza Rafique, Mohsin Jat, Hakeem-Ur Rehman, Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery. “Bioenergy Supply Chain Optimization for Addressing Energy Deficiency: A Dynamic Model for Large-scale Network Designs.” Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, Vol. 318, 128495. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128495.
Research Project
合肥工业大学智能制造技术研究院科技成果培育专项项目: 基于动作识别的智能康复平台系统, 2021. 07 - 2023. 06, 角色:参与(排序 3/ 10), 首席研究员: 李锋刚 (Special Project for Cultivating Scientific and Technological Achievements at the Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, Hefei University of Technology: Development of the Intelligent Rehabilitation System Based on Action Recognition, 2021. 07 - 2023. 06, Role: Participant (Rank 3/10), PI: Li Fenggang.)
International Conferences
Session Chair
1. WB82. Scheduling Problems in Health Operations. in: 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Presentations (Working Papers)
1. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar, Huafei Wei, “Chinese EV Manufacturers: Integrating Industry 4.0 Technologies with Lean and Smart Manufacturing Practices to Elevate Operational and Innovation Performance, leading to sustainable production.” in: 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington, USA.
2. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Eric Ofori, Sarah Safdar. (2024). Industry 4.0 in the Ghanaian Auto Manufacturing Industry: Empirically examining the acceptance and its impact on knowledgeable employees' work performance and sustainable production. in: 2024 POMS International Conference in China. Hefei, China.
3. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Simran Naagar, Sarah Safdar, Yong Hu. (2024). An Empirical Examination of Artificial Intelligence-based Medical Diagnostic Support Systems Using Technology Acceptance and IS Success Models. in: 2024 POMS International Conference in China. Hefei, China.
4. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar. (2023). “A Novel Mobile-Based Outpatient Healthcare Service Delivery Model: Investigating Acceptance and Its Impact on Physicians' Performance.” in: 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona, USA, P. 1177.
5. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar. (2023). “Mhealth Services Equipped with Public-Sector Primary Healthcare Centers, an Emerging Public-Private Joint Venture: Investigating Acceptance from Physicians' Perspective Using Extended UTAUT Theory.” in: 2023 POMS International Conference in China. Hangzhou, China.
6. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar, Jiazhen Huo. (2020) "A Mobile-based Outpatient Healthcare Service Delivery Framework: Proposing And Investigating Acceptance With Impact On Healthcare Delivery System." in: 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA.
7. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar, Jiazhen Huo, Hakeem-Ur Rehman, Raza Rafique. (2019) "Proposing A Mobile-based Outpatient Healthcare Service Delivery Framework And Investigating The Acceptance From Outpatients' Perspective." in: 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington, USA, P. 504.
8. Muhammad Adnan Zahid Chudhery, Sarah Safdar, Jiazhen Huo, Hakeem-Ur Rehman, Raza Rafique. (2019) "Framework to Reduce Outpatient's Flow from Tertiary-Tier Hospitals and to Amplify Community Health Center Resource Utilization: Proposing and Investigating the Acceptance from Outpatients' Perspective." in: 2019 POMS International Conference in China. Tianjin, China, P. 50.
Academic Services as Ad-hoc Reviewer
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Journal of Cleaner Production
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
Technology in Society
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Informatics for Health and Social Care
Membership of Academic and Professional Societies
INFORMS since 2019.