Xiaolong Guo. Storage Policies and Maintenance Support Strategies in Warehousing Systems. Springer, 2016. [pdf]
研究论文 (Selected Publications)
Xiaolong Guo, Yugang Yu*, Gad Allon, Meiyan Wang, Zhentai Zhang. (2021). RiRiShun Logistics: Home appliance delivery data for the 2021 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management data-driven research challenge. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming, doi: 10.1287/msom.2021.0994. [pdf]
Xiaolong Guo, Lihong Cheng, Yugang Yu*. (2022). Government subsidy policy for green and efficient raw materials considering farmer heterogeneity. Production and Operations Management, 31(11): 4095-4112. [pdf]
Xiaolong Guo, Shengming Zheng*, Yugang Yu, Fuqiang Zhang. (2021). Optimal bundling strategy for a retail platform under agency selling. Production and Operations Management, 30(7): 2273-2284. [pdf]
Yugang Yu, René de Koster, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2015). Class-based storage with a finite number of items: Using more classes is not always better. Production and Operations Management, 24(8): 1235-1247. [pdf]
Xin Zhang, Xiaolong Guo, Wei-Thoo Yue*, Yugang Yu. (2022). Servicizing for the environment? The impact of data-centric product-service models. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(4): 1146-1183. [pdf]
Xiaolong Guo, Qian Gao, Tao Li, Yugang Yu*. (2022). A cash-strapped creator's reward-based crowdfunding strategies with spot sales. Naval Research Logistics, 69(8): 1080-1095. [pdf]
Jingjing Yang, René de Koster, Xiaolong Guo, Yugang Yu*. (2023). Scheduling shuttles in deep-lane shuttle-based storage systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 308(2): 696-708. [pdf]
Moran Wang, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding), Shouyang Wang. (2022). Financial hedging in two-stage sustainable commodity supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 303(2): 803-818. [pdf]
Libo Sun, Xiaoting Jiao, Xiaolong Guo, Yugang Yu*. (2022). Pricing policies in dual distribution channels: The reference effect of official prices. European Journal of Operational Research, 296(1): 146-157. [pdf]
Yugang Yu, Yuxuan Dong, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2018). Pricing for sales and per-use rental services with vertical differentiation. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(2): 586-598. [pdf]
Xiaolong Guo, Ben Li, Yan Liu*, Liang Liang. (2017). Eliminating the inconvenience of carrying: Optimal pricing of delivery service for retailers. Service Science, 9(3): 181-191. [pdf]
Liuyi Ling, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding), Chenchen Yang. (2014). Opening the online marketplace: An examination of hotel pricing and travel agency on-line distribution of rooms. Tourism Management, 45: 234-243. [pdf]
Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding), Liuyi Ling, Yufeng Dong, Liang Liang. (2013). Cooperation contract in tourism supply chains: The optimal pricing strategy of hotels for cooperative third party strategic websites. Annals of Tourism Research, 41: 20-41. [pdf]
Liuyi Ling, Yufeng Dong*, Xiaolong Guo, Liang Liang. (2015). Availability management of hotel rooms under cooperation with online travel agencies. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 50: 145-152. [pdf]
Xiaolong Guo, Liuyi Ling, Chenchen Yang*, Zhaoqiong Li, Liang Liang. (2013). Optimal pricing strategy based on market segmentation for service products using online reservation systems: An application to hotel rooms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35: 274-281. [pdf]
Xiaolong Guo*, Xiaoxiao Li, Yugang Yu*. (2021). Publication delay adjusted impact factor: The effect of publication delay of articles on journal impact factor. Journal of Informetrics, 15(1): 101100 (1-14). [pdf]
Google Scholar Citation: http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=tAfhUV8AAAAJ
Working Papers and Works In Progress
Selling on loyalty-program-based platforms: E-tailers' pricing strategy and platform's incentive policy in point redemption. (with Jingmiao Song, Yong Tan, Yugang Yu)
Quantity discount in retailing: the value of consumer stockpiling behavior. (with Xiaoxiao Li, Yugang Yu)
E-tailer's promotion optimization subject to platform's product listing. (with Xiaoxiao Li, Yugang Yu)
EOQ replenishment policy with an endogenous holding cost. (with Jingjing Yang, Yugang Yu, Dongyuan Zhan)
Green credit financing compliant with carbon emission regulations. (with Moran Wang, Shouyang Wang, Yunjie Wei)
Pricing competition between two ridesharing service platforms with heterogeneous service capability. (with Bingbing Liu, Yugang Yu)
Reward-based crowdfunding to strategic consumers with creator's own assets and the spot sales. (with Qian Gao, Tao Li, Yugang Yu)
Smart contract in inventory financing for a capital-constrained retailer. (with Yu Chen, Lei Song)
Ticket pricing strategies for multi-attraction destinations: An industrial economy perspective. (with Jun Li, Zenghui Su, Jingjing Yang)
After-sales maintenance support considering opportunity loss in the market.
招生方向1. (数据驱动的)智慧供应链管理
i) 简介:研究问题来源于对企业相关数据的处理与分析(重点关注平台型企业所产生的数据),解决现实数据结果与经典理论结果之间的偏差或矛盾,发展新的理论与方法,丰富供应链管理理论。
ii) 招生要求:
a) 专业基础:运筹学、博弈论、计量、统计、机器学习
b) 计算机软件基础:熟练掌握R、C++、Python之一
招生方向2. 智慧物流管理
i) 简介:下一代仓储系统、紧致化仓储系统管理:仓储策略优化;系统设计
ii) 招生要求:
a) 专业基础:高等运筹学、物流管理、采购与供应链管理
b) 计算机软件基础:熟练掌握CPLEX、Anylogic、Flexsim、Python之一
招生方向3. 新技术驱动的运营管理
i) 简介:研究问题来源于新技术对传统运营管理带来的因素性变革,如共享经济、众筹等商业模式以及区块链等底层技术为传统供应链带来的影响,专注于平台供应链、双边市场、众筹供应链、供应链金融等问题。
ii) 招生要求:
a) 专业基础:运筹学、博弈论、物流与供应链管理
b) 计算机软件基础:熟练使用MATLAB、Mathematica、Python、Lingo之一