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[Digest] What history's love letters reveal

发布时间: 2016年12月04日 编辑: 李秋雨


Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn, c.1528

Henry’s message (in French): “If you remember my love in your prayers as strongly as I adore you, I shall scarcely be forgotten, for I am yours. Henry Rex forever.”

Catherine Parr to Henry VIII, July 1544

“Whereas I know your Majesty’s absence is never without great respects of things most convenient and necessary, yet love and affection compelleth me to desire your presence...And thus love maketh me in all things to set apart mine own commodity and pleasure, and to embrace most joyfully his will and pleasure whom I love. God, the knower of secrets, can judge these words not to be only written with ink, but most truly impressed in the heart.”

Earl of Essex to Elizabeth I, 18 October 1591

“For the two windows of your privy chamber shall be the poles of my sphere where, as long as your Majesty will please to have me, I am fixed and unmovable. When you think that heaven too good for me, I will not fall like a star, but be consumed like a vapour by the same sun that drew me up to such a height. While your Majesty gives me leave to say I love you, my fortune is as my affection, unmatchable.”

Horatio Nelson’s last letter to Lady Emma Hamilton, 19 October 1805

“My Dearest beloved Emma the dear friend of my bosom, the signal has been made that the enemys combined fleet are coming out of port...May the God of Battles crown my endeavours with success, at all events I will take care that my name shall ever be most dear to you and Horatia, both of whom I love as much as my own life. And as my last writing before the battle will be to you, so I hope in God that I shall live to finish my letter after the Battle.”

Charles Dickens to Catherine Hogarth, May 1835

“My object in writing to you is this: If a hasty temper produces this strange behaviour, acknowledge it when I give you the opportunity – not once or twice, but again and again...If three weeks or three months of my society has wearied you, do not trifle with me, using me like any other toy as suits your humour for the moment.”

Charlotte Brontë to Professor Constantin Héger, 18 November 1844

“I wish I would write to you more cheerful letters...but forgive me my dear master – do not be irritated at my sadness – according to the words of the Bible: ‘Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaketh’ and truly I find it difficult to be cheerful so long as I think I shall never see you more.”

Rupert Brooke to Cathleen Nesbitt, 1913

“I wish to God you were coming in through the door now: and that I could hold your hands. There’s beauty when we’re together. I understand – in a way I understand you completely: because I love you so.

I’m madly eager to see you again. My heart goes knocking when I think of it. I don’t understand…

Little child, I will kiss you till I kill you. Be gentle with me. Goodnight.”



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