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How does data analytics capabilities impact overall firm performance? An examination from the lenses of complementarity and operational ambidexterity 2024-06-23
How does data analytics capabilities impact overall firm performance? An examination from the lenses of complementarity and operational ambidexterity

【建设管理与房地产系讲座】 讲座主题: How does data analytics capabilities impact overall firm performance? An examination from the lenses of complementarity and operational ambidexterity (数据分析...

To Prevent or Promote? CEO Regulatory Focus and Corporate Information Security Awareness: The Moderating Role of Relative Performance 2024-06-20
To Prevent or Promote? CEO Regulatory Focus and Corporate Information Security Awareness: The Moderating Role of Relative Performance

SPEAKER:Daniel Qi Chen (Baylor University, Randall W. and Sandra Ferguson Endowed Professor) TIME/DATE:2024年6月24日 14:00 CLASSROOM:同济大厦A楼306教室 ABSTRACT A fundamental question in cyberse...

Explaining disparity in robot application between countries: A cross-level lens of cultural tightness-looseness 2024-06-20
Explaining disparity in robot application between countries: A cross-level lens of cultural tightness-looseness

SPEAKER:Prof. Xiaoping CHEN (University of Washington) TIME/DATE:2024年6月26日(周三) 10时 CLASSROOM:同济大厦A座401教室 ABSTRACT Robots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are revolutioniz...

Robust (Decentralized) Oracle Design 2024-06-17
Robust (Decentralized) Oracle Design

SPEAKER:张磊夫 助理教授 香港科技大学(广州) TIME/DATE:2024年6月18日(周二)12:00-13:00 CLASSROOM:同济大厦A楼505室 TENCENT:599834467 PW:249567 LINK:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/O8YJuUbIQLhD...

Birds versus Last-Minute Arrivals: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Analysis of Arrival Time Queueing Game 2024-06-12
Birds versus Last-Minute Arrivals: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Analysis of Arrival Time Queueing Game

SPEAKER:Yichuan Ding, McGill University TIME/DATE:2024年6月18日13:30–14:30 CLASSROOM:同济大厦A楼206室 ABSTRACT: In this study, we examine a scenario where each customer strategically sele...

Who Moved My Cheese? Algorithm Reactance in Online Investment Communities 2024-06-07
Who Moved My Cheese? Algorithm Reactance in Online Investment Communities

SPEAKER:  王伟泉 教授 ,香港中文大学 TIME/DATE:  2024年6月13日(周四)10:00 CLASSROOM:  同济大厦A座401教室 ABSTRACT:   Algorithms are being increasingly adopted in online investment communities (O...

Betting on Bond Ratings Disagreement 2024-05-27
Betting on Bond Ratings Disagreement

经济与金融系学术讨论会第217期 题目: Betting on Bond Ratings Disagreement 演讲人:杨楠(香港理工大学 副教授) 时间:2024年5月28日(周二)12:00-13:00 地点:同济大厦A楼505室 同步#腾讯会议:683850812 ...

Streamlining Assortment Optimization in General Regular Choice Models by Independent Demand Analysis 2024-05-20
Streamlining Assortment Optimization in General Regular Choice Models by Independent Demand Analysis

Speaker: 高品,香港中文大学(深圳)助理教授 Time/Date: 2024月5月22日 10:30 Classroom: 同济大厦A楼408教室 ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a novel regular choice model that merely imposes an upper b...

Unveiling the Power of Genetics: Early-Life Adversity Amplifies Genetic Predisposition for Self-employment? 2024-05-13
Unveiling the Power of Genetics: Early-Life Adversity Amplifies Genetic Predisposition for Self-employment?

SPEAKER: 童迪(上海外国语大学 助理教授) TIME/DATE: 2024年5月14日(周二)12:00-13:00 CLASSROOM: 同济大厦A楼505室 TENCENT: 511185089 PW: 448705 LINK: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/BbhQt7UlNhAe ABST...

A few thoughts on developing research ideas and navigating trade-offs 2024-05-08
A few thoughts on developing research ideas and navigating trade-offs

Speaker:王鹤丽 教授 (新加坡管理大学) Time/Date:2024年5月9日(周四) 10:00 Classroom:同济大厦A座401教室 LAN:中文报告(英文演示文稿) 课程描述 | DESCRIPTION During the seminar, I will share two p...

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